Sat, 30 October 2021
“It’s a snowstorm and they had already run 10 miles in the morning, they had skied all day, black double diamonds. And they were going out, it was dark, freezing cold, and they were going out for another 10 mile run! And Prefontaine was like, ‘Ah, Frank, maybe we should just do 5,’ and Frank’s comment was, ‘No one in the world is training harder than us right now,’” says Mike Sandrock, author of Running Tough and Running With Legends.
This week’s classic episode dives into what creates the toughest people and the Spartan mindset. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes,
Steven Pressfield's Lessons from the Original Spartans -
Lessons from the Worlds Toughest Running Legends ep.014 -
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: How_To_Live_With_The_Mindset_of_a_Spartan_with_Steven_Pressfield_and_Mike_Sandrock__ENDURANCE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 28 October 2021
“That’s a culture that not everyone’s cut out for, and that’s okay, right? So that happens in organizations. Not everyone’s cut out to be, necessarily, in this particular culture. But let's talk about it honestly and you know just keep everyone's dignity intact along the way,” says Ralph Rajs, COO of Forma Gym, and long-time friend and business partner of JC. We’re back with part 2 of our interview with Ralph. Today he talks about the lessons he’s learned and the legacy he wants to leave. In this episode, you’ll learn:
If you’d like to reach out, you can find Ralph: Instagram - @RalphRajs On Twitter and LinkedIn - @ralphrajs And check out Forma Gym -
Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: -Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell -Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp -Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan |
Tue, 26 October 2021
Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families” The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them! © 2021 Spartan
-- posted at: 8:45pm EST
Sat, 23 October 2021
“How much can I experience and not just, you know, ‘I saw the hotel lobby. Cool.’ I want to be able to experience stuff. And being physically fit and capable allows me to expand that world so much more,” says Ralph Rajs, COO of Forma Gym, and long-time friend and business partner of JC. Ralph came on the podcast to drop some knowledge on how he lives his life and how he keeps it going, even in his 50s. He has no plans to stop being physically active anytime soon, so anyone using the excuse, “I’m getting too old,” needs to listen to this podcast! In this episode, you’ll learn:
If you’d like to reach out, you can find Ralph: On Twitter - @RalphRajs Instagram - @ralphrajs And check out Forma Gym -
Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: -Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell -Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp -Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan |
Thu, 21 October 2021
“We use a term all the time, ‘balance.’ I don’t like that term. Life isn’t about achieving balance, it’s about integration,” says now Major General and Chief of Chaplains of the United States Army, Chaplain Solhjem. This week, we have another classic episode with a couple of the highest respected people we’ve had on the podcast. General Stanley McChrystal and BG Chaplain Solhjem tell us how having high expectations for yourself and those around you leads to you being a better performer and all around better person. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes,
General Stanley McChrystal | Why Elite Special Forces Succeed - Tactics for resilience in combat & life from BG Chaplain Solhjem ep. 127 -
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Surround_Yourself_With_The_Right_Environment_-_Classics_McChrystal_and_Solhjem.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 2:00pm EST |
Tue, 19 October 2021
Today we take our quest for resilience to the next level with data-backed insights from George Bonnano, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University where he heads the Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab which has studied resilience in the face of extreme adversity for 25 years. He's the author of the new book "The End of Trauma: How the New Science of Resilience Is Changing How We Think About PTSD." In this episode Joe De Sena, founder and CEO of Spartan, asks Bonnano the ultimate questions about resilience - what’s it made up of and how can we get it? George A. Bonanno, Ph.D. is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University. His research has for over 25 years centered on defining and documenting resilience in the face of loss or potential traumatic events, including disaster, loss, terrorist attack, bio-epidemic, traumatic injury, life-threatening injuries medical events, and military deployment, and on investigating the role of flexible responding in predicting psychopathological and resilient outcomes. He was honored recently with the Cattell award from the Association for Psychological Science “for a lifetime of intellectual achievements in applied psychological research and their impact on a critical problem in society at large.”
George Bonnano’s Book “The End of Trauma: How the new science of resilience is changing how we think about PTSD”
Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab:
Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”
The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan
Sat, 16 October 2021
“I’m telling you, that’s one, the way we just did that-- if we could snap our fingers and get every single human walking the planet to listen to that one, the world would be a better place,’” says Yancy Culp, co-host of the DEKA Series Podcast, about the awesome podcast you’re about to dive into.
Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp talk about how you handle life’s obstacles and how the way you handle it affects your life. In this episode you’ll learn:
Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event:
-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell
-Yancys Social: @YancyCulp
-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
Apple Podcasts:
Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast
Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod
Producer: Lake Watters
Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp
Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Are_You_a_Flamethrower_or_a_Fire_Extinguisher__DEKA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 14 October 2021
“We’re gonna check in on my wife and see if she’s happy. Happy wife, happy life...hope she’s home! Or somewhere that I can reach her!... Uh oh… She’s happy, she’s just not available!” says Joe De Sena as he calls his wife, Courtney. She picks up the phone, “Hey there!” and Joe asks, “Hey, are you happy?” “Me?” “Yeah.” “I’m happy!” “Alright, I’ll see you later.” “Wait, where are you?” “I’m just sittin’ with a monk, we were checking. I’ll see you later, I love you.”
This week, we’re continuing our Classics with some conversations that will make you think differently about what you're doing to live the life you want. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes,
Ep 75: Hindu Monk Dandapani - Ben Greenfield & Joe De Sena - Your Body is a Battery -
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Live_The_Life_You_Want_To_Live_ENDURANCE_CLASSICS_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 14 October 2021
“We’re gonna check in on my wife and see if she’s happy. Happy wife, happy life...hope she’s home! Or somewhere that I can reach her!... Uh oh… She’s happy, she’s just not available!” says Joe De Sena as he calls his wife, Courtney. She picks up the phone, “Hey there!” and Joe asks, “Hey, are you happy?” “Me?” “Yeah.” “I’m happy!” “Alright, I’ll see you later.” “Wait, where are you?” “I’m just sittin’ with a monk, we were checking. I’ll see you later, I love you.”
This week, we’re continuing our Classics with some conversations that will make you think differently about what you're doing to live the life you want. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes,
Ep 75: Hindu Monk Dandapani - Ben Greenfield & Joe De Sena - Your Body is a Battery -
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Live_The_Life_You_Want_To_Live_ENDURANCE_CLASSICS_Final.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Tue, 12 October 2021
You make decisions about your health every day - from nutrition to medication, to whether you should go out and race on an injured knee or ankle. Joe De Sena, founder and CEO of Spartan, interviews Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz, author of "Your Life Depends on It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices About Your Health." Dr. Miron-Shatz shares three simple essential questions you need to ask your doctor any time you're making a medical decision. AND Joe talks about a few big medical decisions he's had to make in his own life.
Find More About Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz: On Twitter Dr. Talya Miron-Shatz Website: Buy the book:Your Life Depends on It: What You Can Do to Make Better Choices About Your Health."
Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”
The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan |
Thu, 7 October 2021
“So for all you leaders out there, let this pull you to the edge of your seat. When you pull up to work, or when you get ready to hit ‘play’ on the Zoom, or go live on the Zoom or Google Hangout, you need to say, ‘Wait a second, am I ready to win the caring game, today, with the people that are helping make me and this organization look good?’ And if not, you better take thirty seconds and say, ‘I gotta get my s*** straight, because it’s not straight right now,’” says Yancy Culp, co-host of the DEKA Series Podcast.
Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp get passionate about what makes a good leader and how that impacts your team. In this episode you’ll learn:
Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event:
-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell
-Yancys Social: @YancyCulp
-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
Apple Podcasts:
Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast
Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod
Producer: Lake Watters
Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp
Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan |
Tue, 5 October 2021
Coach Frank McKinney, one of the first Black college rugby coaches in the US, says "I didn't get into coaching to win games. My thing is to make young men better." It turns out those are also the ingredients of a winning team.
Joe De Sena, founder and CEO of Spartan, interviews coach Frank McKinney and critically acclaimed filmmaker Thomas Morgan about the new film "Scrum" and the incredible story behind it.
Listen for the inspiring story, or for coach Frank's great coaching advice and insights. "I tell the players, the kind of dog I need is the dog that's in the junkyard, with the tire swing in the old Roy dog food. And he has a little bit of water. You don't want to put your hand through that fence. But the border collie you put your hand through the fence and pet. So I tell the kids no matter where they come from, I need junkyard dogs out there playing that's for us to be successful for us to win. You've got to be a junkyard dog on the field, in the classroom and in life."
He strives to bring diversity to a predominantly white Southern institution through recruiting athletes from marginalized communities. Coach McKinney is an advocate for diversity, equity, and inclusion within higher education and uses his position as a rugby coach to create opportunities, mentorship, and resources for at-risk youth to help them see themselves access and succeed in college and beyond.
Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”
The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan |
Sat, 2 October 2021
“‘Let's go for a walk, you know, let's go for a run.’ And whatever she could do, if she couldn’t run, she’d walk. If she couldn’t walk, she’d do something else. And she always put an adventure on her calendar so that when she was going through her chemo, she wasn’t just a cancer patient, she was a mountaineer in training, or she was, you know, training for her next adventure race or ultra run,” says Robyn Benincasa regarding her friend, Louise.
This week, we’re continuing our Classics with some conversations that help us understand how to live life in a way that makes us happier. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes, Cornell Happiness Expert asks if Money Can Buy Happiness Episode 032: How Adventure Transforms You - Robyn Benincasa Episode 02:
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Living_Through_Experiences_ENDURANCE_Classics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |