Tue, 28 November 2017
To climb Everest wasn’t quite enough for climber and documentarian Jimmy Chin. He had to ski it. Even the sherpas urged him not to do it. Despite the appearance of being a free spirit who may have lost control, this is far from who Chin really is. By his own description, he is someone who grew up being very disciplined. His life is about managing risk. What was his biggest risk? It was not encountered on Everest or El Capitan, or any other iconic mountain. In this episode he’ll describe it, and what it takes to reach our passions. Lessons: 1. If you instill a model of excellence early on in your children, they may not do the thing you had hoped, but they will likely be successful at whatever they do. 2. It’s a gift if you find something you love, because many people never do. 3. The ones who are really good are able to calculate risk at a very high level: able to take things to the edge without going over. Links: Meru Film http://www.merufilm.com/ Facebook https://www.facebook.com/jimmychinphotography Instagram https://www.instagram.com/jimmy_chin/ SUBSCRIBE: iTunes: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow YouTube: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpYT Google Play: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpPlay
CREDITS Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, & Dr. Delle Synopsis – Matt Baatz © 2017 Spartan |
Tue, 21 November 2017
https://www.spartan.com/170 The story begins at age 5, he remembers the garbage man got to the best toy in the dumpster before he could get to it. He didn't understand until he was an adult how that moment formed him. Today Chris practices what he calls "venture philanthropy." He's left the world of finance and embraced his mission in life, his true "why." Stay tuned to the end to hear the take aways and lessons gleaned by our Spartan Up hosts Joe DeSena, "Doctor" Johnny, Sefra the Seedhuntress, and Col. Nye. Lessons: 1. “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” —Mark Twain. 2. The three pillars of motivation: 1. Autonomy. 2.Search for competency. 3. Community. Link: Chris Cavallerano http://www.inspirethefire.com/ Chris on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/chris.cavallerano Chris on Twitter https://twitter.com/chris_cav Chris on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/chriscavallerano/ SUBSCRIBE: iTunes: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow YouTube: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpYT Google Play: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpPlay
CREDITS Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, & Dr. Delle Synopsis – Matt Baatz © 2017 Spartan
Direct download: 170_SUP_edit_Chris_Cavallerano_LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Tue, 14 November 2017
If Jack Lalanne is the godfather of modern fitness, Elaine “Lala” Lalanne is the Queen! Jack Lalanne revolutionized the way we work out and inspired a generation to embrace fitness and good diet. At 90 his widow, Lala, is still at it - riding skateboards and earning her breakfast with a daily workout. She’s living proof that their lifelong passion for a fit lifestyle pays off! Lala shares time-honored wisdom on how to live a healthy and successful life and continues the mission to help people help themselves. If Jack Lalanne is the godfather of modern fitness, Elaine “Lala” Lalanne is the Queen! Jack Lalanne revolutionized the way we work out and inspired a generation to embrace fitness and good diet. At 90 his widow, Lala, is still at it - riding skateboards and earning her breakfast with a daily workout. She’s living proof that their lifelong passion for a fit lifestyle pays off! Lala shares time-honored wisdom on how to live a healthy and successful life and continues the mission to help people help themselves.
Read more about Lala https://life.spartan.com/post/spartan-interview-elaine-lalanne
iTunes: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow YouTube: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpYT Google Play: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpPlay
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, & Dr. Delle Synopsis – Matt Baatz © 2017 Spartan |
Tue, 7 November 2017
Successful but searching, entrepreneur Phil Randazzo renewed his purpose by helping veterans transition into successful civilian careers through a foundation that eventually became American Dream U. It fulfills two sets of needs: veterans need assistance transitioning into civilian life and the work world needs the unique skill set and drive that these veterans possess. Randazzo and Joe discuss what in their upbringing instilled their drive, and how to pass it on to their kids. Find out how to follow a similar path of success in this episode. Successful but searching, entrepreneur Phil Randazzo renewed his purpose by helping veterans transition into successful civilian careers through a foundation that eventually became American Dream U. It fulfills two sets of needs: veterans need assistance transitioning into civilian life and the work world needs the unique skill set and drive that these veterans possess. Randazzo and Joe discuss what in their upbringing instilled their drive, and how to pass it on to their kids. Find out how to follow a similar path of success in this episode.
Links: American Dream U - Helping You Transition out of the Military http://americandreamu.org/American Dream U on Facebook www.Facebook.com/AmericanDreamUAmerican Dream U on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/americandreamu/ SUBSCRIBE:iTunes: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShowYouTube: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpYTGoogle Play: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpPlay CREDITSProducer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, & Dr. DelleSynopsis – Matt Baatz© 2017 Spartan |