The Hard Way With Joe De Sena

“The thing I think that's true, no matter where you live or who you are, most people in the fitness community are going to cheer for you and push you to be better because they're pushing themselves to be better,” says April Lauren, who is on a journey to lose 200 lbs, and to live each day a little brighter than the day before.

Today Yancy and Jarod talk with April Lauren about some advice she has for people to stay on your mission and how to help the people around you succeed in their goals. In this episode, you’ll learn:

The things you should and shouldn’t say to someone who is on the road to living their healthiest life
The excitement looking down the road and envisioning where she’ll be when she’s reached her goal of losing 200 pounds
Importance of having people in your life who encourage you, and being that same person to others around you
Being able to keep the right approach and mindset so that when you miss a day it’s not a setback

You can check out what April is up to at:

Instagram - @wakeupbright

YouTube -

Website -

And check out I-F.I.T Fayetteville on Instagram @ifitfayetteville


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID and ASHOC.


Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   

ASHOC Performance Energy, the official energy drink of Spartan Race. Formulated to help you go further, faster. You can save 20% on open heats at all 2021-22 U.S. Spartan OCR events at if you use the code ASHOC20



Apple Podcasts: 




Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: April_Lauren_Pt_2_DEKA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:32pm EST

Nutritional Psychiatry. Dr. Uma Naidoo, a Harvard-trained psychiatrist, Professional Chef, and trained Nutrition Specialist, offers simple tips to help you stay on track.  She's the Director of Nutritional and Lifestyle Psychiatry at Massachusetts General Hospital and wrote the best seller "This Is Your Brain on Food." She joins Joe De Sena, founder & CEO of Spartan, on today's episode of the Spartan Up podcast.


“This is Your Brain on Food”

Dr.Uma Naidoo


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID. Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   

Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”

The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 

Be ready for ANYTHING - download the free book


Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 401_Uma_Naidoo_Assembly_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:00pm EST

“The thing about negative thoughts, though, is that they can become barriers to us moving forward and achieving the things that we want, when we listen to them. Negative thoughts are a bit, a little bit like seeds, right? We plant them in our brain. But if we attend to them, right? And if we water them through that attention, they will grow and they will spread. So we actually want to work on some different skills, where we take the negative thoughts and we shift them, or transform them, or we move away from them altogether,” says Dr. Lara Pence, Spartan’s Chief Mind Doctor.

In this episode, we look back to some great episodes for help dealing with negative thoughts so we’re prepared going into the New Year. We look to Sal Di Stefano, Nate Carr, and Dr. Lara Pence to help us fight our demons. In this episode you’ll learn…

- Impact of training with a negative mindset of yourself instead of a negative one
- You don’t invite negative thoughts, they just come in. Prepare and train yourself for them
- NO means “Next opportunity”
- Counter-thinking negative thoughts, acknowledging they are only thoughts, and removing judgment about the thought

If you want to watch the full episodes,

Mind Pump’s Sal Di Stefano Will Change the Way You Think About Diet & Exercise -

Olympic Wrestler & Coach Nate Carr Explains How to Overcome “NO” ep.017 -

Letting Go of Negative Thoughts / SPARTAN MIND  045 -



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID and Athletic Brewing Company.


Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   

Athletic Brewing Company’s innovative process allows them to brew great-tasting craft beer without the alcohol. Place an order today at and get free shipping on two six packs or more. New customers can also get 10% off their entire order with code SPARTAN10. Limit one per customer.




Apple Podcasts:




Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter


Producer: Lake Watters

Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena

Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 6_Ways_to_Overcome_Negative_Thoughts_Classic.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“The trajectory of everything, everything that was going on in the world, my emotional state, that if I didn’t put my foot down, that I was going to be someone on TV…someone on TV where they’re so heavy that they’re completely immobile. And I did not want that,” says April Lauren, who is on a journey to lose 200 lbs, and to live each day a little brighter than the day before.

Today Yancy and Jarod talk with April Lauren about how she’s changing the picture for people who don’t know how or where to get started for a healthier lifestyle. In this episode, you’ll learn:

- Getting started on the weight loss journey and turning pain from everyday life into motivation to be healthier
- Progression is key. Do what you can when getting started and take as many breaks as your body needs
- Finding a point of measure


You can check out what April is up to at:

Instagram - @wakeupbright

YouTube -

Website -

And check out I-F.I.T Fayetteville on Instagram @ifitfayetteville


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID and Athletic Brewing Company.


Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   

Athletic Brewing Company’s innovative process allows them to brew great-tasting craft beer without the alcohol. Place an order today at and get free shipping on two six packs or more. New customers can also get 10% off their entire order with code SPARTAN10. Limit one per customer.



Apple Podcasts: 




Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: April_Lauren_Pt_1_DEKA.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 7:42pm EST

You can build your capacity for attention and focus, just like you build your muscles. Today's guest Dr. Amishi Jha is a professor of psychology at the University of Miami and is the Director of Contemplative Neuroscience for the Mindfulness Research and Practice Initiative, which she co-founded in 2010. Her work has been featured at NATO, the World Economic Forum, and The Pentagon. She joins Joe De Sena, founder & CEO of Spartan, to explain how you can use simple focus exercises, like push ups for the brain, to strengthen your attention, focus, and mental resilience.


Dr Amishi Jha’s Book “Peak Mind”

More about Amishi Jha and her work


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID. Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   


AND by Athletic Brewing Company. Athletic Brewing Company’s innovative process allows them to brew great-tasting craft beer without the alcohol. Place an order today at and get free shipping on two six packs or more. New customers can also get 10% off their entire order with code SPARTAN10. Limit one per customer.


Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”

The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 

Be ready for ANYTHING - download the free book


Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 400_Amishi_Jha_Assembly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“Start grading yourself Sunday night. But know, your grade’s going to be shxtty, a lot, if you set yourself up for failure,” says Yancy Culp, co-host of the DEKA Series.

Today Yancy and Jarod are going to tell you how to get back to your old regimen or begin completely fresh before the new year. In this episode, you’ll learn:

- How to overcome the slump you may already be in or that you may get into
- You can strive for perfection, but you have to stop to celebrate your progress
- Start small and just strive to be 1% better everyday
- Why you need to be intentional and set goals

Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID and Athletic Brewing Company.


Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   

Athletic Brewing Company’s innovative process allows them to brew great-tasting craft beer without the alcohol. Place an order today at and get free shipping on two six packs or more. New customers can also get 10% off their entire order with code SPARTAN10. Limit one per customer.



Apple Podcasts: 




Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_DEC_18_Get_Back_On_The_Horse_Revised.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

The Food Babe, Vani Hari, lived on soda, fast food, and processed food (the typical American diet.) It landed her in a hospital. That's when the research on food ingredients, additives, and chemicals that became "the Food Babe" began. Vani and Joe De Sena, founder and CEO of Spartan, share a passion for clean food, even when it has become socially difficult.   At the end of the interview, Vani shares a surprising tip for a better diet - turn of the TV!


More About Vani The Food Babe

Follow her on Instagram


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID. Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   


AND by Athletic Brewing Company. Athletic Brewing Company’s innovative process allows them to brew great-tasting craft beer without the alcohol. Place an order today at and get free shipping on two six packs or more. New customers can also get 10% off their entire order with code SPARTAN10. Limit one per customer.


Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”

The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 

Be ready for ANYTHING - download the free book


Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 399_vani_hari_foodbabe_ASSEMBLY_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Sleep is the platform that all good health sits upon, says Dr. Kirk Parsley. A Navy SEAL who became an MD "Doc Parsley" found that almost all the high-performing patients he worked with had sleep issues. The more he studied it, the more he found out about the importance of sleep for resilience and performance. Today he talks with Joe De Sena, Spartan founder, and CEO, who has always said "I'll sleep when I'm dead." Dr. Parsley lectures worldwide on sleep, wellness, and hormonal optimization and is currently completing a book on sleep and health optimization.


Doc Parsley on Instagram

More about Doc Parsley


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID. Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.   


Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”

The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 

Be ready for ANYTHING - download the free book


Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 398_Doc_Parsley_Assembly_LEV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“The nervous system in the body is very intelligent, and is based off of survival. Which means, it is going to find a way,” says Dr. Emily Splichal, Functional Podiatrist & Human Movement Specialist.

Spartan Up Endurance Series host, Johnny Waite, talks with Dr. Emily Splichal about how your feet can be the foundation of opportunity and how to keep them in top condition. In this episode you’ll learn about…

- How important your form is, and how to correct yourself before getting injured

- The relationship between your feet, endurance, and energy and how minimal footwear can help

- Building sensory and strength in your feet. We were designed to run long distances, treat your feet like it

- You need to learn to run properly, even with the best shoes for running


Where you can find Dr. Emily Splichal:

Instagram: @dremilydpm





This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID

Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.



Apple Podcasts:




Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter


Producer: Lake Watters

Hosts: Johnny Waite

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: ENDURANCE_Dr_Emily_Splichal.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“You don’t want it to just be challenging for the most capable person in your formation, because then you’re going to crush everybody below them and they’re gonna feel awful. And you don’t want to just make it challenging for the less capable folks in your formation, because then you’re not going to challenge the folks up high. You have to consistently work to identify how you can make the experience one that elevates everyone, hopefully simultaneously,” says Chandler Smith, former Army Captain, 4-Year West Point Wrestler, and 3x Crossfit Games athlete.


Today Yancy and Jarod talk with Chandler Smith about trying to find balance in life, finding the right environment, and elevating yourself and other people along the way. In this episode, you’ll learn:

- Just because you’re having a bad day doesn’t mean you should make it bad for someone else

- You’re open to more pain when dedicated to something

- There’s no losses in life if you believe in what you’re doing

- The power of remembering someone’s name


You can check out Chandler’s Instagram @blacksmifff



Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event:

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FITAID

Race dirty, recover clean with FITAID Sports Recovery Drink. Visit and enter code SPARTAN30 at checkout to get EXCLUSIVE early access to FITAID’s Black Friday 30% off sale.



Apple Podcasts:





Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams



© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Chandler_Smith_pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:40pm EST

“But then after these events that you see as only having negative outcomes occur, after they happen, you can, oftentimes, look back and be like, 'Alright well that actually ended up being something that forced me to think about things in a completely different way, that challenged me and made me a lot better.' And that's how I view that now. Like, without the finger thing happening, I definitely don't make the Crossfit Games in 2019 and probably don't end up figuring out the rest of my Army career, as far as how to relate it to fitness... So I'm really lucky, I think, that it happened,” says Chandler Smith, former Army Captain, 4-Year West Point Wrestler, and 3x Crossfit Games athlete.


Today Yancy and Jarod talk with Chandler Smith about how having pain exposed has helped him be a better athlete and a better human being. In this episode, you’ll learn:

- Learning to suffer on the path to success, and not expecting success to just happen out of nowhere

- You can find positives in everything, even after losing part of a finger

- You need to recognize your weaknesses and realize you will not always be the best at what you do

You can check out Chandler’s Instagram @blacksmifff


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event:

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Honey Stinger & CLMBR

CLMBR provides a full body strength + cardio workout with zero impact. Get an efficient workout in only 30min with CLMBR, the most advanced vertical climber ever! Visit and use the code SPARTAN for $250 off a CLMBR.

Honey Stinger’s waffles, energy chews, gels and bars provide the fuel you need to push harder and go farther. For training and racing, you need convenient nutrition that tastes great and works. Use code HSSpartan2020 at for 30% off and Sweeten the burn.



Apple Podcasts:





Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Chandler_Smith_pt_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Joe - "What if your neighbor's kid started to see what--"

"Then so be it. Right? I was cool with it. I mean, again, I wasn't chasing dollars, I was not trying to become famous, I was not trying to take over the world. I really just wanted to make a great product and share it with the world. And again, if it was one bottle or one million bottles, to me there is no difference, it was just doing something great," says GT Dave.


In this episode we talk to Peter Jackson, CEO of Bluescape, and GT Dave, founder and CEO of GT's Kombucha, about lessons they've learned in life that have helped them with their business and personal success.


In this episode you'll learn:

- Go for the long odds

- Delayed gratification is normal

- Pace your venture with your personal life

- Happiness comes from helping others


If you want to watch the full episodes,

Using Spartan timing tenacity and execution for business success (Peter Jackson) -

142: GT Dave | The Story Behind the Kombucha King -



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Honey Stinger & CLMBR

CLMBR provides a full body strength + cardio workout with zero impact. Get an efficient workout in only 30min with CLMBR, the most advanced vertical climber ever! Visit and use the code SPARTAN for $250 off a CLMBR.

Honey Stinger's waffles, energy chews, gels and bars provide the fuel you need to push harder and go farther. For training and racing, you need convenient nutrition that tastes great and works. Use code HSSpartan2020 at for 30% off and Sweeten the burn.



Apple Podcasts:





Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer: Lake Watters

Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena

Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye

Guest Host: Mark Webb

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: Business_Lessons_Classic_GT_Dave_and_Peter_Jackson_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm EST

Greek scientist Apostolos Atsalakis, founder of PNOE, and athlete Alex Wisch join Joe De Sena, founder of Spartan, to talk about metabolism, zone workouts, and VO2 max.

Apo is the co-founder of PNOĒ which adapts a breath analysis test that was known for over a century, to allow the mass adoption of metabolic analysis (RMR and VO2Max testing). He graduated from the University of Cambridge, joined Y Combinator with PNOĒ in 2019, and has joined the Fortune 40 under 40 Greek list. He loves windsurfing and strength training.

Alex Wisch is the founder of Wisch Fit. During the pandemic he teamed up with Spartan to raise awareness and money for veterans mental health by completing 1000 strict pull-ups, 2000 push-ups and 3000 squats with a 20 lbs vest in about 6 hrs.


Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”

The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 

More about Apo and PNOE

This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Honey Stinger & CLMBR


CLMBR provides a full body strength + cardio workout with zero impact. Get an efficient workout in only 30min with CLMBR, the most advanced vertical climber ever! Visit and use the code SPARTAN for $250 off a CLMBR. 


Honey Stinger’s waffles, energy chews, gels and bars provide the fuel you need to push harder and go farther. For training and racing, you need convenient nutrition that tastes great and works. Use code HSSpartan2020 at for 30% off and Sweeten the burn.


Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 397_pnoedit_assembly_exp.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:42pm EST