The Hard Way With Joe De Sena

Did you listen to the "Spartan Up!" interview with Ivor Cummins? Joe Desena interviewed the biochemical engineer and complex problem-solving specialist about what popular messaging got wrong about COVID-19 and the lockdowns. We asked you for your feedback, and Spartan racer Kyle Enfield MD reached out to us.

Kyle runs the Covid ICU at UVA, has a master's in epidemiology, and was willing to come on the show and give us the latest updates, background, and detail about Covid. This is a no politics no B.S. "Spartan Up!" episode where we tell you exactly what you need to know about COVID-19 right now. And stay until the end to hear about some of the heroes in the ICU and the techniques they use to handle the challenges they face.


FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them! © 2020 Spartan

Direct download: 341_KYLE_ENFIELD_MD_EPISODE.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Private Equity is about building great teams to evaluate talent and in turn risk.  Mike McMullan is a private equity investor, and formerly was a 4x All American for wrestling at Northwestern and a college wrestling coach for the University of Pennsylvania.  Spartan Up Combat series host Ryan Warner talks to Mike about the key ingredients for building a successful team.  


In this episode you’ll learn

-The parallels between building great teams as a college coaching and private equity investor

-The role of risk taking in evaluating talent

-How to sell people on your idea or business


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Inside Tracker. Go to InsideTracker.Com and save 33% off with the code “SpartanUp.”  


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

Fitness is the fountain of youth! Joe Decker - former Guinness World’s Fittest Man and Death Race legend - talks with Spartan Up Endurance series host Johnny Waite about how to accomplish your fitness goals when you're 50 or older.

In this episode you’ll learn:


  1. How to approach training when you’re out of your prime
  2. How to pivot your training. If you are beat-up from a life of running, try paddling or climbing.  
  3. Don’t be afraid to be a beginner again. Pivoting to a new form of training takes humility and a beginner’s mindset.  Don’t let fear of trying something new derail your fitness goals. 
  4. Do the work. Nothing changes here. 
  5. The roles of rest, stretching and mobility in injury prevention for the 50+ endurance athlete 


Background on Joe Decker: Joe Decker is recognized as “The Worlds Fittest Man,” an ultra-endurance power athlete, renowned fitness trainer, and syndicated columnist who has helped thousands of women, men, kids and seniors get into shape and lose weight.


This outdoor workout format that Joe created is the same that he used to break the Guinness World Records® 24-Hour Physical Fitness Challenge in 2000. It works like no other program out there, getting people into the best shape of their lives.

Joe believes in leading by example and is a personal testament to overcoming addictions and obstacles. Once overweight and out of shape, Joe transformed his body and his life through an amazing journey from fat to fittest.


Joe has appeared on The Today Show, Discovery Health, The Early Show, The O’Reilly Factor, and Fox News and has been featured in The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Baltimore Sun, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Health, and GQ. To his surprise, People Magazine named him one of America’s 50 Most Eligible Bachelors in 2001.


Learn more about Joe: 

-Website: GutCheckFitness.Com

-Instagram: @gutcheckfitness


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Inside Tracker. Go to InsideTracker.Com and save 33% off with the code “SpartanUp.”  



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Producer: Ryan Warner

Hosts: Johnny Waite

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: EnduranceDeckerEp2Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

What works to optimize your biology? Alisa Vitti, hormone expert, has made it her life's work to find out. In her conversation with Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena, she explains how and why women need to plan differently for intermittent fasting and hit workouts, how men can maximize testosterone and performance using their circadian rhythms, and hormonal power women can unlock by understanding infradian rhythms. New studies are revealing more about our endocrine systems and the unique differences between men's and women's.

Alisa's journey began when her doctor acknowledged the diagnosis she had discovered pouring over medical books in the library, but then told her there was nothing she could do to overcome it. Her studies in functional nutrition and hormones helped her discover a treatment protocol that changed her life. That research was the basis for her first book " WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex."

Her new book "In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life," came out in January.

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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: 340_Alisa_VITTI_episode_1_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

What does a 4x La Ruta endurance mountain bike race champion eat during a race? Louise "La Ruta Lou" Kobin shares tips on diet for performance with our Spartan Up La Ruta series host Roy Wallack.


In this episode you’ll learn: 

-What Louise eats and drinks during a race

-How often she’s consuming calories while on the bike

-What to eat and drink during that all important 30-minute window after a race

-Louise’s go-to meal during a multi-day race


For those of you who missed the first episode, Louise is a physical therapist, personal trainer, and former pro mountain bike racer.  In addition to practicing Physical Therapy for 25 years, she’s trained and coached clients in their homes for almost 20 years.  Today, Louise lives near Los Gatos and uses her background as a physical therapist to design safe and challenging exercise programs for a wide variety of clients and have discovered many creative ways to design home or gym based exercise programs-with or without elaborate equipment. 


Learn more about Louise here: LouKobin.Com



This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.



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Producer: Ryan Warner

Host: Roy Wallack

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: Ep_2_Louise__Audio_Only.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

If your life was a movie, would you change the channel? That’s the question Hunter McIntyre wants you to ask yourself every day.

Hunter McIntyre is a professional athlete and fitness trainer who has established himself as a dominant force in the world of obstacle course racing. He was named one of the top 50 fittest athletes by Sports Illustrated and is the undefeated champion of CMT's reality TV show, Broken Skull Ranch.  Hunter was a Defender on CBS's Million Dollar Mile produced by LeBron James and recently broke the Murph Challenge world record and raised over $20,000 for charity along the way.

Hunter talks with DEKA hosts Jarog Cogswell and Yancy Culp on how to live your life like a titan.  Top takeaways are: 

-Just work: it all comes down to the work you put forth every day

-Hit the reset button each day: screw-ups are not important, but what is important is not taking chances because of past screw-ups. You must take chances and push the boundaries each day

-Take advantage of other people’s laziness. Most of society is lazy. By outworking everyone, you are automatically in the top 10% of your field. 

Connect with Hunter

-Twitter @huntthesheriff

-Instagram: @huntthesheriff




This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.



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Producer: Ryan Warner

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: Deka-Hunter-Ep1v2-AudioOnly.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

Dr. Gil Blander, the founder of InsideTracker, has created a system to unlock the information hidden in your blood. Today on Spartan Up Podcast he tells Joe De Sena about his process and the surprising patterns he's discovered.  For example, many health-conscious people are overdoing it with supplements.

For his studies, Blander considers blood "validated calibrated liquid gold."


Ultimate Spartan x InsideTracker giveaway - prize package of racing and testing valued at over $1300


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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena 

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: 339_SUP_BLANDER_episode_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“The moment I had the courage to be completely honest with myself”….that’s when things started to change for Sarah Hildebrandt, our guest today on Spartan Combat.  Sarah is a 3x member of Team USA and currently the #1 ranked wrestler in the country in her weight class. 


Host Ryan Warner and Sarah talk about the all important moment of turning PRO. You don’t have to be a professional athlete to be a PRO. Turning PRO is about the decisions you make, consistently, in all facets of your life, day in and day out.  Sarah talks about...


-How an elbow injury forced her to be honest with herself, and face the reality that she was not living a life congruent with her goals.  

-Making the decisions to change weight classes, her diet, and the people she surrounds herself with

-Sarah’s daily life pre and post the life-changing elbow injury


To learn more about Sarah, please visit the links below: 

Sarah HIldebrandt Twitter: @sarhilde 

Sarah HIldebrandt Instagram @sarhilde 



This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue.  Use the promo code Spartan 25 to get 25% off. 


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

At age 27, Joe Decker was out of shape and out of hope.  He was an alcoholic and drug addict who had just hit rock bottom. Three years later, Joe broke the Guinness Record for World’s Fittest Man. He got there - from out of hope to Fittest Man - by mastering the goal setting process, and that’s the focus for today’s conversation. Host Johnny Waite talks to Joe about: 


-Joe’s starting point. As we said, he was at rock bottom and could barely run a mile. He decided to fill the void with fitness. 

-Using baby steps as you climb to reach your goal.  As Joe says, “you have to be able to run a 5k to run 150 miles.”

-Balancing patience with optimism. What we mean here is, often times the optimism when first setting a goal makes you overwork yourself and potentially burnout.  Joe is all about patience and setting manageable goals. 

-Executing: After you’ve set a goal, prepared and are at the event, it’s time to get robotic. Get out of your head and focus on the next task. 


Background on Joe Decker: Joe Decker is recognized as “The Worlds Fittest Man,” an ultra-endurance power athlete, renowned fitness trainer, and syndicated columnist who has helped thousands of women, men, kids and seniors get into shape and lose weight.


This outdoor workout format that Joe created is the same that he used to break the Guinness World Records® 24-Hour Physical Fitness Challenge in 2000. It works like no other program out there, getting people into the best shape of their lives.

Joe believes in leading by example and is a personal testament to overcoming addictions and obstacles. Once overweight and out of shape, Joe transformed his body and his life through an amazing journey from fat to fittest.


Joe has appeared on The Today Show, Discovery Health, The Early Show, The O’Reilly Factor, and Fox News and has been featured in The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Baltimore Sun, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Health, and GQ. To his surprise, People Magazine named him one of America’s 50 Most Eligible Bachelors in 2001.


Learn more about Joe: 

-Website: GutCheckFitness.Com

-Instagram: @gutcheckfitness


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue.  Use the promo code Spartan 25 to get 25% off. 



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Producer: Ryan Warner

Hosts: Johnny Waite

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2020 Spartan

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

Fit Men Cook founder Kevin Curry joins Joe De Sena (Spartan Race founder & CEO) to talk about how Kevin changed his relationship with food.


This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount 



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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena 

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: 338_Kevin_Curry_episode_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

If you want to make a change, start with a single person. In an age of more is better - more likes, downloads or views - Todd Durkin talks with hosts Jarog Cogswell and Yancy Culp on how to ‘light up the planet’ by starting with a single person.  

In case you missed the first episode, Todd Durkin (@ToddDurkin) is an internationally recognized strength, speed, and conditioning coach, as well as an author, and a motivational speaker. He is the founder of Fitness Quest 10, an award-winning health and human performance facility in San Diego, where he works with a high-profile clientele of elite professional athletes. Throughout his career, Durkin has worked with NFL MVPs, Super Bowl champions, Heisman Trophy winners, Olympic and X Games gold medalists, and World Series champions.  


Takeaways from today’s episode: 

-Get out of your bubble.  To make an impact, you have to get out of your gym and talk with people.  Have real conversations with people you don’t know. 

-It’s not about the size of your audience, it’s about the mission. 

-But never forget, it starts with you. Todd is big on this. Identify your purpose, and then pursue it like crazy.  


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.


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Producer: Ryan Warner

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: Deka__Light_Up_Planet__Audio.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

Runners, when you hit the wall, Meghan Hicks suggests these two tips to push through.
She would know, she’s run over 60 trail races and ultras, won and won the Marathon des Sables. She's is the managing editor for She’s also the author of Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running. Today she tells Spartan Trail host Mauri Pagliacci about her experience at Nolan’s 14 where she's set multiple records. Back in the 2000’s, Meghan quit her first 100-mile race. It’s hard to believe – even Mauri Pagliacci was shocked to hear the news. Meghan explains why she quit and how to push-through those all too common rough patches. In this episode we cover:

#1 - When Meghan hit the wall at hour 13 of a 50-hour race, and how a few slices of pizza got her over the hump.
#2 - The two things that will get you through the ‘wall’. One is obvious, the other is not.
#3 - Why Meghan quit her first 100-mile race and how to avoid bowing out of races.

If you want to learn more about Meghan, check out her work at IRunFar.Com, as well as her social accounts:
· Instagram: @meghanmhicks
· Twitter: @@MeghanHicks

Subscribe so you don't miss part two of our conversation with Meghan. Please enjoy!


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code “Spartan 25” to get 25% off.

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Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST

Hooked on Sugar? How about "diet" sodas? Kara Goldin, founder of hint water and author of the new book Undaunted, fell for the advertising. For years she believed that something called "diet" must be good for you. One day she stopped and read the ingredients label and her journey to better health for herself and others began. Kara set the diet sodas aside and drank only water.  The benefits to her health were immediate, but she found the taste boring and she invented "hint."


Starting and growing the business was not easy, she chronicles the story, and some of the other challenges life has put in her path, in her new book "Undaunted." 


Today she and Spartan Race founder and CEO Joe De Sena talk about the food business and her journey.


This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount 



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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena 

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: 337_KARA_Goldin_fin.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:30am EST

Biochemical Engineer and Complex Problem Solving Specialist Ivor Cummins talks about the conclusions he's come to based on Covid data. At Spartan, we do the hard things. Today that means tackling a difficult conversation. Joe De Sena invited Ivor to share his information with you. Please, listen all the way through, give it some thought, and then let us know what he got right, and what he got wrong. Two things we can ALL agree on - we need to have open discussion and review of the data, and we should all be getting exercise, eating healthy, and getting outside.



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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena 

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2020 Spartan


Direct download: 336_SUP_IVOR_CUMMINS_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:00am EST