The Hard Way With Joe De Sena

“I don’t think it’s a real, like, settling thought to most people that, you know, you’re going to go to the hospital and leave with less than what you came with,” says John Kuchinski, an astounding blind athlete who has persevered through obstacles many people would consider unthinkable.


Spartan Up Combat Series host, Ryan Warner, speaks with John Kuchinski about how he has pushed through the situations that have redefined his life. In this episode you’ll learn about...

  • John waking up blind after surgery and having to adjust to everyday life to be independent


  • Starting wrestling in 8th grade after going blind and later getting into judo, where he trained under Jeff Friedlis Sensei at Michigan State University


  • How John lost his legs and still continued to go to the dojo. Training for something other than just getting healthy



This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at



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Direct download: Spartan_COMBAT_John_Kuchinski.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“See, dreams ignite inspiration in your heart. And inspiration is different than motivation. As most of us know, inspiration is inspired. In spirit, inspire means in spirit. So if you could ignite your spirit, and all of a sudden now, it's like you're ignited by a dream to feel a certain way, or get out of pain, physically or mental pain” says Todd Durkin, Motivational Speaker, Personal Trainer, Best Selling Author and Life Transformer.

Yancy is on the road, so Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series host Jarod Cogswell is joined by Todd Durkin to wrap up the final episode of the new 4 part mini-series, Winning the Mind Game.  During this mini-series, the guys will address overall well-being and how to unlock the doors holding us back in our minds. This episode is about how to get your mind right when you’re mentally stuck in a dark place. In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Mental and emotional conditioning


  • When life works best, what are you doing?


  • The Hall of Fame mindset of the athletes Todd has worked with


  • Developing discipline and getting energy to ignite your spirit


If you enjoyed our conversation, make sure to check out Todd’s book, Get Your Mind Right


Connect with Todd on social:

Instagram - @ToddDurkin

Facebook - @TodddurkinFQ10

Twitter - @ToddDurkin

Website -


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at


Apple Podcasts: 





Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Todd_Durkin_7-29_Release.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

When do you take risks, when do you play it safe?  It turns out it's not one or the other.  Sukhinder Singh Cassidy talks with Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena about the importance of risk-taking, and suggests using a series of choices and risks to create better outcomes.

One simple formula - if your FOMO is bigger than your fear of failure, you're going to take action.  If your fear of failure is greater than your FOMO you're not going to take action.  To overcome this, Sukhinder Singh Cassidy suggests steps to reduce the fear of failure.

Sukhinder Singh Cassidy is a leading technology executive and entrepreneur, board member, and investor with twenty-five years of experience founding and helping to scale companies, including Google and Amazon. Most recently, she served as president of StubHub and as a member of eBay’s executive leadership team. She is the founder and chairman of theBoardlist and author of Choose Possibility.


Take the RISK quiz at

Find out more about the book


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at



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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: Sukhinder_Singh_Cassidy_episode_LEV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:46am EST

“It's not wrestlers that have done well in MMA or are doing well in MMA. That is historically false. It is American wrestlers. Specifically because of the takedown. Knowing to hold a man down against his will, or vice versa, you get taken down, force it to get up and get free with a guy on top of you who's a trained killer who doesn't want you free. The standup and the ride is what separates. That's the toughness,” says Chael Sonnen, UFC Light Heavyweight and Middleweight championship contender and NCAA Division I All-American.


Spartan Up Combat Series host, Ryan Warner, talks with Chael Sonnen about reaching greatness and maximizing your career in combat sports. In this episode you’ll learn...

  • How Chael got into wrestling, and then pankration, the original MMA


  • The importance of having a great coach like Matt Lindland and ditching the stigma against Greco


  • If Chael thinks any rules should be changed in freestyle or folkstyle


  • How to market yourself as a wrestler

Connect with Chael on social…


-Twitter: @ChaelSonnen


-Instagram: @sonnench



This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by LorAnn Oils. Make your recovery essential. Take care of your mind and body with LorAnn’s affordable and natural essential oils. In your recovery or stretching routines, use our 100% pure botanical essential oils in diffusers, roller-balls, massage oils, and lotions to help soothe tired and sore muscles. All of LorAnn’s quality tested essential oils are obtained through cold-press or steam distillation and do not contain added solvents, extenders, alcohol, or other diluting agents. Visit TODAY and get 15% off site-wide when you use code SPARTAN15 at checkout.



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Direct download: Spartan_Combat_Chael.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“I really look at Leadville as being a reminder of how to live. Conserve, preserve, stay connected, stay happy. Don’t be worn down early on,” says Ted McDonald, aka Barefoot Ted, from “Born to Run” and founder of Luna Sandals.


Spartan Up Endurance Series host, Johnny Waite, talks with Barefoot Ted about fueling our bodies with the right nutrition, tools, and mentality. In this episode you’ll learn about…


  • Experimenting with different foods and finding what works best with your body
  • Staying away from poisoned fuel
  • Strategies to work with your body to find a happy diet
  • Feeling better as you get older using efficiency in endurance, pushing your boundaries, and continuing to have fun!
  • Why Ted started LUNA and how their simplicity adds to the efficiency and experimentation in endurance


Ted McDonald is the founder of LUNA Sandals, a character from the book “Born to Run,” primal lifestyle coach, skateboard philosopher, and barefoot running guru.


You can follow him on Instagram: @BAREFOOT_TED

And check out his website: WWW.BAREFOOTTED.COM


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by LorAnn Oils. Make your recovery essential. Take care of your mind and body with LorAnn’s affordable and natural essential oils. In your recovery or stretching routines, use our 100% pure botanical essential oils in diffusers, roller-balls, massage oils, and lotions to help soothe tired and sore muscles. All of LorAnn’s quality tested essential oils are obtained through cold-press or steam distillation and do not contain added solvents, extenders, alcohol, or other diluting agents. Visit TODAY and get 15% off site-wide when you use code SPARTAN15 at checkout.



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Producer: Lake Watters

Hosts: Johnny Waite

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: ENDURANCE_Barefoot_Ted_Pt_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

Does fasting sound like another new and confusing health trend? According to Dr. Will Cole, author of “Intuitive Fasting,” and Joe De Sena, founder & CEO of Spartan, fasting was a part of regular life for our ancestors who did not always have a convenient meal at their fingertips.

They explain the metabolic benefits, some basic first steps, and some simpler ways to think about your eating.


This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by LorAnn Oils. Make your recovery essential. Take care of your mind and body with LorAnn’s affordable and natural essential oils. In your recovery or stretching routines, use our 100% pure botanical essential oils in diffusers, roller-balls, massage oils, and lotions to help soothe tired and sore muscles. All of LorAnn’s quality tested essential oils are obtained through cold-press or steam distillation and do not contain added solvents, extenders, alcohol, or other diluting agents. Visit TODAY and get 15% off site-wide when you use code SPARTAN15 at checkout.  



Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 376_Will_Cole_episode_lev_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“You know, the whole basis of this is like, Hey, I didn't make it as a professional athlete. Right? But when it came to my job and it came to my life, you know, including climbing, you know, climbing has been so important to me my entire life. It fills up my spirit and it helps me build resilience to all the things that challenge us in a daily life. But “Work Like an Athlete” is about viewing your job and your life as your sport,” says Jarod Cogswell, co-host of the DEKA Series Podcast.


Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp return with part 3 their new 4 part mini-series, Winning the Mind Game.  During this mini-series, the guys will address overall well-being and how to unlock the doors holding us back in our minds. In this episode you’ll learn:


  • How being a great leader can strengthen your own mindset
  • The importance of having a team of great people and staying away from negative, selfish people
  • Working with an athlete’s mindset, striving for perfection, having passion, purpose, and accountability 
  • Hitting the pause button and reminding yourself to beat the day
  • How a good leader can change their team’s mindset and keep the team happy and united

Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 


-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell


-Yancys Social: @YancyCulp


-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT




This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by LorAnn Oils. Make your recovery essential. Take care of your mind and body with LorAnn’s affordable and natural essential oils. In your recovery or stretching routines, use our 100% pure botanical essential oils in diffusers, roller-balls, massage oils, and lotions to help soothe tired and sore muscles. All of LorAnn’s quality tested essential oils are obtained through cold-press or steam distillation and do not contain added solvents, extenders, alcohol, or other diluting agents. Visit TODAY and get 15% off site-wide when you use code SPARTAN15 at checkout.




Apple Podcasts: 








Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast


Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters


Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp


Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_MTMG_pt_3_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

As a kid did you run around for the fun of it? You were probably stronger than you think. Can you get back in touch with that feeling? Who needs motivation when you are just having a great time? Barefoot Ted was one of the unintentional stars of Christopher Mcdougal's book "Born to Run," and the originator of Luna Sandals.

Spartan Up Endurance Series host, Johnny Waite, talks with Barefoot Ted about how we can get outside and be happy with whatever fitness you choose out there. In this episode you’ll learn about:

The adventure that showed Ted the kind of life he wanted to live
How to get back to the fundamental roots of exercise
Learn to take advantage of your natural tools
Why experimenting is the key to your fitness
Micro-Dosing exercise
The difference between practice & performance

“There's practice, which is much more about just this daily hygienic care of yourself. That should be relatively easy to stay in, because it's self-- it's self satisfying. Performance sometimes takes a kind of discipline, self-discipline, maybe scheduling, some much more analytical and somewhat rigid sort, if you want to get the results that performance will give you. Practice is ultimately leading, its only goal is wellbeing,” says Ted McDonald, aka Barefoot Ted, from “Born to Run” and founder of Luna Sandals.

Ted McDonald is the founder of LUNA Sandals, a character from the book “Born to Run,” primal lifestyle coach, skateboard philosopher, and barefoot running guru.

You can follow him on Instagram: @BAREFOOT_TED
And check out his website: WWW.BAREFOOTTED.COM

This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by LorAnn Oils. Make your recovery essential. Take care of your mind and body with LorAnn’s affordable and natural essential oils. In your recovery or stretching routines, use our 100% pure botanical essential oils in diffusers, roller-balls, massage oils, and lotions to help soothe tired and sore muscles. All of LorAnn’s quality tested essential oils are obtained through cold-press or steam distillation and do not contain added solvents, extenders, alcohol, or other diluting agents. Visit TODAY and get 15% off site-wide when you use code SPARTAN15 at checkout.

Apple Podcasts:

Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter

Producer: Lake Watters
Hosts: Johnny Waite
Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: ENDURANCE_Barefoot_Ted_Pt_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

In 2014 this conversation with Richard Branson was one of Joe De Sena's first Spartan Up interviews. Branson explained why he had the vision to travel to space.  At the time he expected to make the journey by the end of that year. We all know a few months later many expected Branson to give up on the dream.

This is an interview about character, resilience, grit, and fitness.  What is it about Richard Branson that allowed him to see this mission through?  They say success leaves clues, what clues can you find in this 2014 conversation?

This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by LorAnn Oils. Make your recovery essential. Take care of your mind and body with LorAnn’s affordable and natural essential oils. In your recovery or stretching routines, use our 100% pure botanical essential oils in diffusers, roller-balls, massage oils, and lotions to help soothe tired and sore muscles. All of LorAnn’s quality tested essential oils are obtained through cold-press or steam distillation and do not contain added solvents, extenders, alcohol, or other diluting agents. Visit TODAY and get 15% off site-wide when you use code SPARTAN15 at checkout.  



Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan


Direct download: 375_Branson1_EPISODE-LEV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“Stop worrying about what other people think about you. You know, those very first steps you take, as a runner, when you feel stupid, when you feel you have no right to be there, you’re maybe’re in kind of baggy running kit, and overweight, and don’t really know what you’re doing. And you’re so paranoid that people are going to see you. I know women that have gone running in the dark, to start with, because they didn’t want anyone else to see,” says Dr. Juliet McGrattan, award-winning author and Founder of 261FearlessClubUK.

Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts’ Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp take their next step with part 2 of their new 4 part mini-series, Winning the Mind Game.  During this mini-series, the guys will address overall well-being and how to unlock the doors holding us back in our minds. This episode is about being bold. In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Juliet’s journey: Leaving behind medicine and her career as a General Practitioner to focus on her passion of running, while still helping people live healthily


  • People’s transformations of confidence and fitness through the initiatives of 261 Fearless


  • Differences between men and women dissolving when it comes to endurance


  • Digging deep to find out why you want to run in the first place and staying consistent


  • Juliet’s top 3 lessons on creating your own legacy


Dr. Juliet McGrattan is an author, speaker, runner and former General Practitioner.

If you enjoyed our conversation, make sure to check out Juliet’s new book, Run Well, and her first book, Sorted: The Active Woman’s Guide to Health.

You can follow Juliet on:

Instagram - @DrJulietMcGrattan

Facebook - @DrJulietMcGrattan

Twitter: @DrJulietMcG

Website -


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Brightside. Get anxiety and depression treatment online from licensed psychiatric providers and therapists. Get a free mental health assessment and a $100 credit towards your first month of treatment at


Apple Podcasts: 





Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Dr._Juliet_McGrattan.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“Usually, everything that I’ve done, someone’s probably done before me, and I would like to be the person that sets the bar for the next one. I know, every time I put a weight on my back, that somebody has lifted that before. I’m not the first person. And I know that if I set the world record in it, someone’s going to break it. So I better set it high,” says Hunter McIntyre, the Bulk Pony, 6x OCR World Champion, 4x OCR National Champion, Tough Mudder X Undefeated Champion 2017-2018.


Spartan Up Endurance Series host, Johnny Waite, talks with Hunter about how we can do better to continuously push ourselves to the next level, even those who haven’t started yet. In this episode you’ll learn about…


  • Hunter’s toughest racing experience
  • Having the mentality to use the stairs instead of the escalator
  • How to keep your momentum once you get started
  • Always training with people better than yourself
  • Being prepared to get knocked down at any moment

Hunter McIntyre is a professional athlete and fitness trainer who has established himself as a dominant force in the world of obstacle course racing. He was named one of the top 50 fittest athletes by Sports Illustrated and is the undefeated champion of CMT's reality TV show, Broken Skull Ranch.  Hunter was a Defender on CBS's Million Dollar Mile produced by LeBron James and recently broke the Murph Challenge world record and raised over $20,000 for charity along the way.


You can follow him on Instagram:

And the rest of his links, including HAOS:


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Brightside. Get anxiety and depression treatment online from licensed psychiatric providers and therapists. Get a free mental health assessment and a $100 credit towards your first month of treatment at 



Apple Podcasts:





Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer: Lake Watters

Hosts: Johnny Waite

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: Endurance_Hunter_McIntyre_Part_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

He played in the NFL as an offensive lineman for 6 years, but transition came hard for Marques Ogden. But through the lows and highs, he learned how to make it work.  Today he shares accountability and constant motion. Still-  through the lows and highs, he learned how to make it work.  Today he shares what he learned with Spartan founder & CEO Joe De Sena.  Accountability and constant motion.

Born and Raised in Washington DC by a single father. Attended Howard University and drafted into the NFL. From NFL to successful Business owner. Losing all his money in less than 90days to being a nightshift janitor and making a comeback as a International Keynote Speaker, business coach, and consultant.

This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Brightside. Join thousands of Brightside members taking back their lives. Take your free mental health assessment and get up to ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS credit on your first month of treatment at



Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: 375_Marques_interview_EPISODE_LEVEL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST

“When things wrap around in our head all the time, and it’s not something we write down, it can play mind games with us. I mean, talk about bumping up your mental game, right? It’s why journaling can be so useful. Because when you take what’s in your head and you put it in your hand, you can really begin to evaluate, like, ‘Oh, is what I'm thinking in my head reasonable? Oh my gosh, this is the most unreasonable thing on the planet,’'' says Dr. Lara Pence, clinical psychologist, and chief mind doctor at Spartan.

Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts’ Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp begin their next journey with their new 4 part mini-series, Winning the Head Game.  During this mini-series, the guys will address overall well-being and how to unlock the doors holding us back in our minds. In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Having discipline and aligning it with your values


  • Finding your motivational, discipline, and resilience data points


  • Finding your purpose and making the first step NOW, not later


  • Accountability being your own best friend


  • We also talk about Dr. L’s favorite movie that inspires motivation and discipline, you might know it if you love sports films from the 80s

Dr. Lara Pence is a licensed clinical psychologist, has an MBA, with a special skillset in building a private practice. She is the owner and founder of lighfbox. She is a certified eating disorder specialist. She consults for Joe de Sena and Spartan Race as their chief mind doc. She supports the Unbeatable Mind coaching program as a coach, contributes to Morgan's Hallway as their resident psychologist, and supervises other therapists looking to elevate their own skills. And she’s a mother of two boys and a wife of one.

If you enjoyed our conversation, make sure to check out Dr. L’s podcast, “Curious Minds with Dr. L” which is on all platforms you normally listen to podcasts

You can also follow Lara on:

Instagram - 

Facebook -

Website/Podcast -


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancys Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT


This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by Gone Rogue high protein chips. Visit GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 to get 25% off


Apple Podcasts: 





Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Dr._L_WTHG_Pt_1_Revised.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:36am EST

“...You’re just getting super super good at one capacity, and if you’re lucky, and you ride the razor of cutting your diet down and doing your training right, you will be the champion of that. But, as soon as you take off your bike helmet, and get off the bike, you might as well be like a-- you’re like a toddler. You’re weak, you’re imbalanced,” says Hunter McIntyre, the Bulk Pony, 6x OCR World Champion, 4x OCR National Champion, Tough Mudder X Undefeated Champion 2017-2018.


Spartan Up Endurance Series host, Johnny Waite, talks with Hunter about how to be successful as a bigger person in the endurance world. In this episode you’ll learn about…


  • Embracing the powerhouse that is your body and testing how far you can go
  • Setting goals based on your size and abilities
  • Building endurance without giving up your size and build
  • Not having balance in your fitness when getting sport specific
  • Keeping off the path of chasing only one thing and setting milestones

Hunter McIntyre is a professional athlete and fitness trainer who has established himself as a dominant force in the world of obstacle course racing. He was named one of the top 50 fittest athletes by Sports Illustrated and is the undefeated champion of CMT's reality TV show, Broken Skull Ranch.  Hunter was a Defender on CBS's Million Dollar Mile produced by LeBron James and recently broke the Murph Challenge world record and raised over $20,000 for charity along the way.

You can follow him on Instagram:

And the rest of his links, including HAOS:


This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by Gone Rogue high protein chips. Visit GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 to get 25% off 



Apple Podcasts:





Spartan Up on Instagram

Spartan Up on Twitter



Producer: Lake Watters

Hosts: Johnny Waite

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: Endurance_Hunter_McIntyre_Part_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST