Tue, 30 April 2019
How do you create a corporate culture that allows people to live their best lives? Based off the principles that Lonnie observed in his father, the famous red shoe wearing wrestler Moondog Mayne - he created a philosophy that helps spread positivity in the workplace. Lonnie is an expert aggregator and motivator of brilliant minds, this week you will learn what it really means to walk a mile in someone else’s red shoes!
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DNAfit. Get personal with your race training and nutrition by unlocking the power of your genetics. Save 20% off your test at https://www.dnafit.com/spartan/ LESSON LINKS TIME STAMPS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Mon, 29 April 2019
Let’s be more cautious about always over-prioritizing Safety above everything else. Using the phrase “Safety First” as a default teases us to not engage in the critical conversations revolving around risk assessment, risk mitigation, and risk acceptance. It feeds risk aversion and zero defects mentality. It can create mindless procedural automation. And, it can also create the exact hesitation that leads to increased danger or threat. LESSONS:
LINKS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 28 April 2019
What Is Mental Flow: A State Of Self-Motivation WHAT WE TALK ABOUT Getting into “flow” (which is similar to what athletes call “the zone”) not only feels great, it has a great halo effect, too. One study shows that people who experience flow get positive after-effects – feeling more productive, creative and happy – for almost three days. So how do know you’re in the flow? And how can you increase your chances of getting into it? Here are some signs. The most common one is losing awareness of yourself and losing track of time. This is tightly connected with being completely focused on whatever task you’re doing and feeling completely in control over the requirements of that task as well as its outcome. But that feeling of control doesn’t mean that the task is easy. You have to “earn” that feeling of flow. If the task is too easy, then it doesn’t require concentration. In contrast, when the task is too hard, your focus can be disrupted because you don’t feel in control. It’s that sweet spot in between. But even then, you can break down a difficult task into smaller parts that are easier but still require focus to master (like when an art student might give up on doing a whole portrait quickly and just focus instead on getting the eyes of the subject just right.) So, it’s cool to be in flow, but how can you increase the chances of getting there? Whether it’s a mental or a physical task, you can do three things to improve the chances of getting into flow. 1) Get the clutter out of your brain. This means putting tasks in order and making sure your responsibilities are all under control for the moment. While for many people, experiencing “flow” may be a rare occurrence, you can (and should) practice achieving flow – in little ways as well as big. The more you practice, the more you’re likely to get there.
Flow is the “temporary psychological merger of the person with the activity” (Amabile). It is a product of (as well as a platform for) sustained focus to complete an activity. That activity involves some challenge that requires concentration, but it neither too easy nor too hard. There are ways to prepare yourself and your surroundings to increase the chances “getting in the zone.”
Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/nada-milo... Alayna Kennedy, “Flow State: What It Is and How to Achieve It,” Huffington Post, April 5, 2016, https://www.huffingtonpost.com/alayna-kennedy/flow-state-what-it-is-and_b_9607084.html, accessed January 2019. Teresa M. Amabile, et al., "Affect and creativity at work," Administrative science quarterly 50.3 (2005): 367-403, https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/37e6/1bf9382d80aa6640a1d6be8d12652319201d.pdf, accessed January 2019. Chistine L. Carter, “3 Steps to Finding Your Flow,” Psychology Today, September 9, 2015, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/raising-happiness/201509/3-steps-finding-your-flow, accessed January 2019. Melli O’Brien, “How to Enter the ‘Flow State’ Any Time: Four Simple Steps,” Melli O’Brien (blog), https://mrsmindfulness.com/how-you-can-enter-mindfulness-in-4-simple-steps/,
Fri, 26 April 2019
This week's Spartan Athlete host Matt B. Davis talks to Faye Morgan. She was a gymnast and spent time in the Marines. Now, she is a mom of 4 and a Spartan Pro. She talks about how she conquers obstacles and finds time to train, and how she thinks about an athletes unique strengths and weaknesses.
Wed, 24 April 2019
Experiencing painful emotions is a part of life that we cannot avoid. But we try to through various types of numbing mechanisms. This could be anything from alcohol to drugs to food to over-exercise to gambling to social media. We are pretty proficient as a society in wiggling our way around uncomfortable feelings and moving towards either a numbing position or something more comfortable. But if you are looking to toughen up your mind and improve your performance in life, learning how to manage painful emotions is going to get you much further than numbing. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 23 April 2019
World famous for his physique and his “Insanity” workouts, Shaun T has graduated from teaching healthy body to teaching healthy MENTALITY. His superpower is getting uncomfortable - the more uncomfortable he is, the more he is learning and growing. Shaun T tells Spartan founder Joe De Sena how he has spent his life confronting issues and resolving them with “truth, trust and transparency” and moving forward with “passion, power & persistence.” True strength is in vulnerability, honesty and letting your emotions come forth. LESSONS: This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Tiger Balm Active. Trust Tiger Balm Active for proven pain relief. Get new Tiger Balm Active in Gel, Rub and convenient Spray. https://tigerbalm.us/ LINKS TIME STAMPS
Mon, 22 April 2019
When I find myself getting frustrated, struggling with events or life, being disappointed by others or my expectations it’s usually because I’m investing too much emotional energy in the area of interest. Or, not enough energy in the area of control. When we find ourselves going down the emotional or irrational mind path we need to create a trigger to get us back into rational and process oriented mode. This is where the area of control can come into play. Control what you can control and identify what it is you might be overlooking that is in your control. Once you’ve gotten practiced at that, start looking at this area of influence where you can really get ahead of the curve on control and interest.
LINKS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 21 April 2019
Ginseng has recently gained popularity for those looking to get an extra edge on the job, or to improve daily focus. It also has rejuvenating qualities that can support an increase in energy. There are two main varieties of ginseng, American and Asian (Korean) that have slightly different benefits, so talk to you doctor to make sure you’re taking the appropriate one for your needs. In addition to its well-known energy-boosting potential, here are three other reasons to use ginseng: 1: Stress Relief 2: Immune Health 3: Weight Regulation One important thing to remember, ginseng can thin your blood. If you take any kind of blood-thinning medication please check with your health provider before adding this herb to your diet. Ginseng’s herbal properties and nutrient-rich composition can make it a great addition to your health routine. It can be taken as a supplement or capsule, but an easier approach is enjoying it as an herbal tea or adding ginseng root or powder to drinks on a daily basis. American Ginseng: “The aromatic root of the perennial herb Panax quinquefolius, native to eastern North America. American ginseng, used in Chinese traditional medicine and available as a nutritional supplement, is classified as an adaptogenic herb with multiple effects, many of which are regulatory in nature.” See National Cancer Institute, “Ginseng,” NCI Drug Dictionary, Asian (Korean) Ginseng:
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/nada-milo... Robert Sanders, “Researchers find out why some stress is good for you,” Berkeley News, April 16, 2013, Seungyeop Lee and Dong-Kwon Rhee, "Effects of ginseng on stress-related depression, anxiety, and the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis," Journal of ginseng research 41.4 (2017): 589-594. F. Scaglione, et al., "Efficacy and safety of the standardised Ginseng extract G115 for potentiating vaccination against the influenza syndrome and protection against the common cold [corrected]." Drugs under experimental and clinical research 22.2 (1996): 65-72. Sun Young Kim et al., "Effects of red ginseng supplementation on menopausal symptoms and cardiovascular risk factors in postmenopausal women: a double-blind randomized controlled trial," Menopause 19.4 (2012): 461-466. Hyeong-Geug Kim et al., "Antifatigue effects of Panax ginseng CA Meyer: a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial," PloS one 8.4 (2013): e61271. Andrew Scholey et al., "Effects of American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) on neurocognitive function: an acute, randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, crossover study," Psychopharmacology 212.3 (2010): 345-356. J. T. Xie et al., "Ginseng berry reduces blood glucose and body weight in db/db mice," Phytomedicine 9.3 (2002): 254-258. SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Fri, 19 April 2019
Kevin Gillotti talks with Ashley Heller, Kaci Monroe, Emilee Smith about what it takes to race together as a team & the nuances and considerations before a race, and out on the race course, and building a team & working with others to get the job done. TAKE AWAY POINTS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G CREDITS:
© 2019 Spartan
Direct download: Ashley_Heller_Kaci_Monroe_Emilee_Smith.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 18 April 2019
Sometimes, as Spartans, we get so caught up in doing more, that we actually work ourselves into the ground. That maximal work pushes you into the red zone. Here’s how to work smarter, not just harder!
Identify what you are taking too far (fitness, work, nutrition, etc) to the point that things are actually working against you.
Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spartanuppodcast/
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 17 April 2019
Insecurities can pop up at any time. We all have them and some of us use certain strategies to keep them at bay. One insecurity that can rear its ugly head, especially when we are in a group setting, is that around contribution. Sometimes we may hear our inner critic exclaim, “you’ve got nothing to contribute. Be quiet.” Typically, this is stemming from a fear of rejection or judgment. Working to fight off this insecurity can be hard but it’s essential to do so because we ALL have something to contribute. No, not in all situations or in all arenas. But we were all made to contribute to this world and it’s important to operate from this position so that your mind and self-esteem remain as healthy as possible. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 16 April 2019
He was a sick young kid who went from doctor to doctor looking for a diagnosis, finally realizing to truly find a solution he would have to become a Doctor himself. Hear his take on fasting, saunas, cold showers and the best food to start the day. His holistic solutions are a hybrid of Functional medicine, Ayurvedic medicine & genetics that uses state of the art lab testing to guide holistic and traditional treatments. Listen to your gut Spartans! LESSONS This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Tiger Balm Active. Trust Tiger Balm Active for proven pain relief. Get new Tiger Balm Active in Gel, Rub and convenient Spray. https://tigerbalm.us/ LINKS TIME STAMPS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Mon, 15 April 2019
Our attitudes on how we approach or what we define winning as sets the stage for success across all endeavors. Winning is putting points on the board until the very last second. Being so driven that you constantly seek ways to do better, push harder, find more, etc… This is my attitude towards winning, it does not ever change per scenario or circumstance. Sportsmanship, Tolerance, Balance come into place on the situational level. But never be confused about the mindset that values WIN vs win.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 14 April 2019
Just when you thought you knew all the reasons why exercise is good for you, a new scientific discovery gives us yet another one. Today on Spartan Health we’re going to talk about something called “brown fat” or “good fat.”
Recent research has found some possible explanations for why a substance called “brown fat” can actually increase your metabolism. Its beneficial qualities have motivated some people to call it “good fat.” But before we get too deep in the scientific weeds, let’s make a distinction between brown fat and it’s far better-known cousin, white fat. White fat is the fat most people think of when they’re focused on losing weight and is used mainly for energy storage in the body. It’s also an efficient insulator and helps to prevent the body from losing heat. Now to “Brown fat.” Its color is different from white fat because it contains a large number of mitochondria (energy structures in your cells that have high iron levels). This type of fat can actually produce heat on its own by a process called “non-shivering thermogenesis.” Not surprisingly, it’s particularly prevalent in human babies and hibernating animals – which both need to produce heat without exercise. Until recently, it was thought that brown fat was pretty much a non-factor in adult human health; however, the latest research has shown a more important role of brown fat than was previously understood (because it does make up a small amount of all adult fat stores). So what’s the magic of brown fat during exercise? Contrary to what people might think, exercise does not activate brown fat to somehow burn calories or to take up energy that comes from fat or carbohydrates. Instead of burning up calories itself, brown fat increases metabolism by becoming a signaling device to the muscles; it actually triggers a muscle to take up more fatty acids to use as fuel. Brown fat is part of an array or group of metabolic tissues that communicate with one another and enable muscles to perform their functions during exercise. This signaling from brown fat is also what happens during cold exposure where it can help produce heat. But now, we know that brown fat is also useful in its role in raising the body’s metabolism. So we know that exercise may burn your white fat, but, at the same time, it helps brown fat regulate the functioning of your muscles during exercise – especially how to use (and burn up) energy. Pretty cool stuff. KEY TERMS & IDEAS Brown fat’s importance in the consumption of calories in adults has only recently been recognized. Its main importance lies in its function as a conduit of communication with a network of cells that “tell” muscles to take up fatty acids as fuel. White fat. Unlike brown fat, white fat have far fewer mitochondria and blood vessels than brown fat and is made up of just one substance (a lipid droplet) that is clearer than brown fat – thus having a “white” appearance. It’s involved in storing energy for the body as well as insulation. Brown fat: A fat that gets its coloration from many iron-rich mitochondria in it. It’s involved in helping to create heat without movement in the body, which is needed for hibernating animals and human babies.
Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/nada-milo... Misti Crane, “Study links ‘good’ brown fat and exercise,” Medical Press, May 1, 2018, https://medicalxpress.com/news/2018-05-links-good-brown-fat.html, accessed January 2019. Patrick Seale and Mitchell A. Lazar, "Brown fat in humans: turning up the heat on obesity," Diabetes 58.7 (2009): 1482-1484, http://diabetes.diabetesjournals.org/content/diabetes/58/7/1482.full.pdf.
Fri, 12 April 2019
After a solid 2018, Timmie Brann is on the Spartan Pro Team for the first time in 2019. She talks about opening a gym that allows her to help people of all levels. Her gym gives people the opportunity to try a lot of different things. She also discusses why she is an OCR nerd, and keeping her race day look on point. LESSONS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW US: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 11 April 2019
Bringing you some fire from a Teddy Roosevelt book in today’s episode! This book is a reminder that our work is a gift. It is something we GET to do, not something we HAVE to do.
Reconnect with WHY you started working the job you currently have.
Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spartanuppodcast/
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 10 April 2019
Imposter syndrome is something we all struggle with from time to time. It occurs when you doubt your own contribution and experience yourself as fraudulent in any given situation. No matter how common this way of thinking is, however, it’s not healthy and if you don’t build resilience around it, your self-esteem can suffer. It’s important to catch yourself when you engage in such thinking and work to challenge the inner critic that is looking to capitalize on your self-doubt. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 9 April 2019
Pete Tanzilli, a police officer shot in left hip in the line of duty, faced chronic physical issues from the incident, he speaks with us just before taking on his first Spartan Race with the Task Force Sentinel / OEW team. Chris Thorp has served in many uniforms, from EMT to Police Officer. As a public servant he’s had to deal with many tragic and difficult situations. In a small gesture of gratitude he created a patch to say thank you, that small gesture lead the way to Task Force Sentinel - the law enforcement branch of Operation Enduring Warrior. Learn to take on an attitude of gratitude and always help to inspire others - no matter your situation. LESSONS LINKS TIME STAMPS SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra © 2019 Spartan
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Mon, 8 April 2019
Perfection is a wonderful ideal. But when we take it out of balance it can stagnate efforts and become an impediment to the essential action of ‘start’. If we keep in mind that the ideation and planning phases that are only equal parts to the phases of rehearsal, execution, follow up, assessment, redesign & reiteration we might allow ourselves to just build momentum by getting started. You will spend more time stuck in trying to design perfect than you will by executing and staying invested in learning and redesigning on your path to achievement. How many times have we started something only to realize that all the anxiety in preparation over trying to get it just right was wasted because through action we’ve found a better appreciation of a standard we thought we originally had? What we aren’t saying is to be reckless, that planning isn’t purposeful, or we should leap twice then think once.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 7 April 2019
One in three adults in the U.S. don’t get a good night’s sleep. Some reasons might be physical problems (like apnea) or mental distress. But for many, it’s simply bad habits. Here are five easy ways to improve your chances for restful sleep. WHAT WE TALK ABOUT Number 1: You’re Using Electronics Right Before You Fall Asleep Number 2: You’re Drinking Caffeine Within 3 Hours of Sleeping Number 3: You’re Eating Right Before You Go To Bed Number 4: Your Bedtime Is All Over The Place Number 5: Your Bedroom Is Too Warm In short, pick a time to go to sleep, wind down before that time, and don’t let distractions like eating or talking on the phone get in the way of winding down. You’ll likely wake up rested, recharged and ready for the day ahead!
KEY TERMS & IDEAS One in three adults in the U.S. don’t get a good night’s sleep. Some reasons might be physical problems (like apnea) or mental distress. But for many, it’s simply bad habits. These habits are easy to change. In this podcast, we look at six bad habits that many people fall into. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. Deep sleep is a time of nearly complete disengagement from the environment (Psychology Today).
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin https://www.linkedin.com/in/nada-milo...
“Is Your Smartphone Ruining Your Sleep,” Sleep.org, https://www.sleep.org/articles/is-your-smartphone-ruining-your-sleep/, accessed January 2019. Harvard Medical School, “8 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep,” http://www.health.harvard.edu/sleep/8-secrets-to-a-good-nights-sleep, accessed January 2019. Amanda MacMillan, “20 Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Bed,” health.com, https://www.health.com/mind-body/20-things-you-shouldn-t-do-before-bed, accessed January 2019. John Cline, “The Mysterious Benefits of Deep Sleep,” October 11, 2010, psychologytoday.com, https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/sleepless-in-america/201010/the-mysterious-benefits-deep-sleep, accessed January 2019.
© 2019 Spartan |
Fri, 5 April 2019
We learn a little about Spartan Pro Team racer Ryan Kent. He talks about his running background, how he trains during the offseason, and finding a balance between strength and speed. He also has some tips for larger runners. LESSONS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW US: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 4 April 2019
A long time ago a friend of mine and mentor told me that he kept specific books on his work desk, just so he could see the title. He told me how the title of the book alone would fire him up to do work, to set bigger goals and to get after it. I remember a book that did it for me was Jump In!: Even If You Don't Know How to Swim by Mark Burnett Here and there I would flip open the book to a random page and read a page or two. The stories inspired me to think bigger and go bigger. THESE are the types of books you need on your desk! LESSONS: Leverage your time. Sometimes just seeing the Title of a powerful book will spur you into action!
Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spartanuppodcast/
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 3 April 2019
We may wish it weren’t true but it is: You can’t control how you feel at any given moment. You CAN however, control your response to how you feel. And you can absolutely learn to control your emotions. When we don’t control our emotions, we run the risk of letting them control us by impacting our choices, decisions, and next moves without our consent. Learning how to control your emotions is a key element of having a tough mind and shifting your mind into the position of driver rather than passenger. The STOPP method is an excellent place to start. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 2 April 2019
Joe DeSena interviews Charlie Rocket at the Fenway Park Spartan Race. “CEO Charlie” was successful in business, he managed the artist 2 Chainz to a Grammy! But he found himself overweight and seriously ill with a brain tumor, none of that so-called success mattered anymore. Charlie made a massive pivot from “CEO Charlie” to “Charlie Rocket!” In an honest, human and incredibly energetic and optimistic way Charlie Rocket is sharing his journey. Everyone told him it was impossible, but he’s now a Nike sponsored Athlete. Charlie Rocket is unstoppable, or as he says “I’m on a WINNING STREEAAAK!!” We recorded this interview in November, and Charlie’s been killing it since then! LESSONS This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Tiger Balm Active. Trust Tiger Balm Active for proven pain relief. Get new Tiger Balm Active in Gel, Rub and convenient Spray. https://tigerbalm.us/
LINKS Charlie Rocket https://www.charliejabaley.com/ TIME STAMPS
Direct download: 241_SUP_EDIT_Charlie_Rocket_FULL_LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Mon, 1 April 2019
If you say you are going to do something, then do it. Not a version of it. Not some approximation. Do exactly it. Not to is to set the new lowest standard or to invite confusion.
Look for those tiny simple things that you might do that create inconsistency with communication and action. It could be using the word ‘try’ or ‘maybe’ when establishing a performance metric. It could be punching the snooze button which suggests you either didn’t really mean what you said or that you can change your tune with your mood. No matter how simple is may seem they are sure foundations for some of the less obvious and more intrusive places you allow dissonance to reside.
When you find yourself confronted with someone that has trouble with saying and doing, get them to specify measurable factors of performance or action to eliminate confusion or opportunity for disappointment.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpShow YouTube: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpYT Google Play: http://bit.ly/SpartanUpPlay
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: Spartan Up on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/spartanuppodcast/ Spartan Up on Twitter https://twitter.com/SpartanUpPod Tosh on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/tosh.crookedbutterfly/
Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. Host: Brian “tosh” Chontosh Show notes: Brian “tosh” Chontosh
© 2019 Spartan |