Thu, 2 December 2021
Joe - "What if your neighbor's kid started to see what--" "Then so be it. Right? I was cool with it. I mean, again, I wasn't chasing dollars, I was not trying to become famous, I was not trying to take over the world. I really just wanted to make a great product and share it with the world. And again, if it was one bottle or one million bottles, to me there is no difference, it was just doing something great," says GT Dave.
In this episode we talk to Peter Jackson, CEO of Bluescape, and GT Dave, founder and CEO of GT's Kombucha, about lessons they've learned in life that have helped them with their business and personal success.
In this episode you'll learn: - Go for the long odds - Delayed gratification is normal - Pace your venture with your personal life - Happiness comes from helping others
If you want to watch the full episodes, Using Spartan timing tenacity and execution for business success (Peter Jackson) - 142: GT Dave | The Story Behind the Kombucha King -
SPONSORS This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Honey Stinger & CLMBR CLMBR provides a full body strength + cardio workout with zero impact. Get an efficient workout in only 30min with CLMBR, the most advanced vertical climber ever! Visit and use the code SPARTAN for $250 off a CLMBR. Honey Stinger's waffles, energy chews, gels and bars provide the fuel you need to push harder and go farther. For training and racing, you need convenient nutrition that tastes great and works. Use code HSSpartan2020 at for 30% off and Sweeten the burn.
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FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Guest Host: Mark Webb Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Business_Lessons_Classic_GT_Dave_and_Peter_Jackson_FINAL.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 9:55pm EST |