The Hard Way With Joe De Sena

Today we take our quest for resilience to the next level with data-backed insights from George Bonnano, Professor of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University where he heads the Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab which has studied resilience in the face of extreme adversity for 25 years. He's the author of the new book "The End of Trauma: How the New Science of Resilience Is Changing How We Think About PTSD."

In this episode Joe De Sena, founder and CEO of Spartan, asks Bonnano the ultimate questions about resilience - what’s it made up of and how can we get it?

George A. Bonanno, Ph.D. is a Professor of Clinical Psychology at Columbia University. His research has for over 25 years centered on defining and documenting resilience in the face of loss or potential traumatic events, including disaster, loss, terrorist attack, bio-epidemic, traumatic injury, life-threatening injuries medical events, and military deployment, and on investigating the role of flexible responding in predicting psychopathological and resilient outcomes. He was honored recently with the Cattell award from the Association for Psychological Science “for a lifetime of intellectual achievements in applied psychological research and their impact on a critical problem in society at large.” 


George Bonnano’s Book “The End of Trauma: How the new science of resilience is changing how we think about PTSD”


Loss, Trauma, and Emotion Lab:


Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”


The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at


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Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena

Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!

© 2021 Spartan

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