Wed, 3 April 2019
We may wish it weren’t true but it is: You can’t control how you feel at any given moment. You CAN however, control your response to how you feel. And you can absolutely learn to control your emotions. When we don’t control our emotions, we run the risk of letting them control us by impacting our choices, decisions, and next moves without our consent. Learning how to control your emotions is a key element of having a tough mind and shifting your mind into the position of driver rather than passenger. The STOPP method is an excellent place to start. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 2 April 2019
Joe DeSena interviews Charlie Rocket at the Fenway Park Spartan Race. “CEO Charlie” was successful in business, he managed the artist 2 Chainz to a Grammy! But he found himself overweight and seriously ill with a brain tumor, none of that so-called success mattered anymore. Charlie made a massive pivot from “CEO Charlie” to “Charlie Rocket!” In an honest, human and incredibly energetic and optimistic way Charlie Rocket is sharing his journey. Everyone told him it was impossible, but he’s now a Nike sponsored Athlete. Charlie Rocket is unstoppable, or as he says “I’m on a WINNING STREEAAAK!!” We recorded this interview in November, and Charlie’s been killing it since then! LESSONS This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Tiger Balm Active. Trust Tiger Balm Active for proven pain relief. Get new Tiger Balm Active in Gel, Rub and convenient Spray.
Direct download: 241_SUP_EDIT_Charlie_Rocket_FULL_LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Mon, 1 April 2019
If you say you are going to do something, then do it. Not a version of it. Not some approximation. Do exactly it. Not to is to set the new lowest standard or to invite confusion.
Look for those tiny simple things that you might do that create inconsistency with communication and action. It could be using the word ‘try’ or ‘maybe’ when establishing a performance metric. It could be punching the snooze button which suggests you either didn’t really mean what you said or that you can change your tune with your mood. No matter how simple is may seem they are sure foundations for some of the less obvious and more intrusive places you allow dissonance to reside.
When you find yourself confronted with someone that has trouble with saying and doing, get them to specify measurable factors of performance or action to eliminate confusion or opportunity for disappointment.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Tosh on Instagram
Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. Host: Brian “tosh” Chontosh Show notes: Brian “tosh” Chontosh
© 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 31 March 2019
Magnesium has some amazing properties for your brain and body. It also makes important contributions to many important processes in the human body. Two things that many of us have experienced are stress and muscle cramps. First, let’s look at magnesium and its impact on stress, especially in relation to cortisol. Second, magnesium has many therapeutic and restorative effects on the brain. For instance, it helps to keep the neurons in the brain healthy by reducing the stimulating effects of calcium and glutamate on neural receptors. A lack of magnesium in the area of cell receptors means that stimulus from calcium and glutamate can increase. This leads to cell damage and even cell death in the brain. Research has also suggested that this mineral can help protect people from falling into periods depression and anxiety after suffering brain trauma. Third, magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and it’s part of many important functions. Keeping magnesium at the right level can help you in so many ways. Since it plays a role in neuromuscular transmission and muscle contraction it is linked (along with some other minerals like potassium and calcium) to muscle cramping when levels are deficient. Things like nerve compression and poor blood supply can also cause cramping so if it’s something persistent and troublesome see your health care provider. Not many people know this but magnesium is part of every cell in your body. It’s what’s known as a “helper” molecule that is part of biochemical reactions that are happening all the time in human cells. Everything from the movement of muscles to the creation and repair of DNA and RNA involves magnesium. Although magnesium doesn’t often make the health headlines, it’s presence in all our cellular functions means that it’s a critical component of our overall well-being. How about some natural ways you can up your magnesium: it’s found in avocados, nuts, lentils, and bananas. Of course there are Mg supplements but I love food as medicine whenever possible. So keep calm and carry on … by keeping your magnesium at healthy levels.
Magnesium is ubiquitous in the body and plays a role in all of the processes of our cells. It also plays an important role in mental health by both reducing cell death in the brain and mitigating the levels of cortisol released by the brain during times of stress. Cortisol is the body’s principal stress hormone. The hippocampus “is a small, curved formation in the brain that plays an important role in the limbic system. The hippocampus is involved in the formation of new memories and is also associated with learning and emotions.”
Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin
Inna Slutsky et al., "Enhancement of learning and memory by elevating brain magnesium," Neuron 65.2 (2010): 165-177,, accessed January 2019. Emily Deans, Magnesium and the Brain: The Original Chill Pill,” Psychology Today, June 12, 2011, Kendra Cherry, “Hippocampus Role in the Limbic System, verwellmind,, accessed January 2019. “What is Cortisol?” Web MD,, accessed Lisa Fromm, et al., "Magnesium attenuates post-traumatic depression/anxiety following diffuse traumatic brain injury in rats," Journal of the American College of Nutrition 23.5 (2004): 529S-533S,
Fri, 29 March 2019
Kevin Gillotti talks with John Yatsko, an athlete not often seen on the OCR circuit but one who has the historical results & credentials to put worry into his competitors when he does show up. Kevin & John talk about staying elite level fit while living a nomadic lifestyle. LESSONS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G CREDITS:
Thu, 28 March 2019
The 4 AM club is something that Cory Gregory runs out of his gym in Ohio. You can create ANY type of “club” & it doesn’t have to be at 4 AM!
Building a club will build accountability for yourself and everyone else
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 27 March 2019
For better or worse, life is filled with struggle and challenge. We, as humans, were built with a wide emotional range and often experience a variety of feelings, both joyful and painful ones. Nevertheless, we are bombarded with the message that one’s life goals should be a constant state of happiness; that the pursuit of happiness should trump all. The problem with this goes back to that first sentence, life is filled with struggle and challenge. And it’s normal for us to experience hardship. Good for us in fact. But when we have the misbelief that life should always and only be happy we can end up comparing our current position to a false and manufactured ideal.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2019 Spartan
Tue, 26 March 2019
The Youngest GM in baseball history, Theo Epstein took the Red Sox to the World Championships after 86 years then did the same for the Chicago Cubs after a 108 years! What techniques did he use to change the culture of his organization? In this interview he explains how he chooses players (it has a lot to do with their mindset and resilience!), his theory on taking and giving credit, and the three things you should do if you want to improve your team culture.
LINKS Save $50 on the Misfit Vapor2 with the code SPARTAN50 at TIME STAMPS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Mon, 25 March 2019
Highly Competent: know your job, do your job, be quick to develop and eager to assume responsibility. Competence is acquired through training, practice, time under tension, experience - for sure. Let’s just not keep making the same mistakes over and over, being told to do things repeatedly, and be happy with minimum standards. Low Maintenance: don’t require a lot of special handling or attention. At times, things will come up that need to be handled or addressed in order to not distract us from performing. The key here is frequency. If it is a daily maintenance task to get someone to do their job, then I’m looking for someone with a weekly maintenance cycle. And then, I’m already looking for someone with a monthly cycle, and then a quarterly… No Drama: we already have enough as it is to get along, understand and appreciate differences, and try to figure out how to lead dozens of different personality/talent patterns. If you like to gossip, invent truth, pass judgment, make gros assumptions too quickly, be over sensitive or take things always personal etc, I’m not convinced you are a good fit to be a part of a great team. Whatever you expect from others, demand of yourself. LESSONS:
SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 24 March 2019
Today, we’re going to clear up a misconception about muscle and metabolism. It’s become common knowledge that muscle burns so many more calories than fat. If you put on more muscle, the story goes, more calories just burn along with it. So increase your muscle mass! Right? In this episode of Spartan Health we’re gonna’ look into that… WHAT WE TALK ABOUT While it’s true that muscle does burn more calories than fat, the importance of this difference may be quite exaggerated. As it turns out, resistance training (which is often the preferred way to build muscle) is important in keeping many of our body’s functions healthy and vibrant … but it’s not best way to lose weight. Not convinced? Here are some things to think about-- Many studies that demonstrate how muscle mass increases your calorie consumption measure your body’s total metabolic rate as a way to determine how new muscle mass burns calories. But that metabolic rate is a measure of all of a person’s daily activities, not just that of muscle mass. It turns out that on a daily basis, at the same time your muscles are working, so are other parts of your body – and they’re burning calories, too. Your organs are doing this all day long. Even “fat” is burning calories indirectly by secreting proteins. Almost everything your body is doing outside of exercising is known as your “basal” or “resting” metabolism. You might be surprised to learn that the basal metabolism takes up 60-80% of your body’s total consumption of energy. So, what are you going to do if you can’t lift yourself towards losing huge amounts of calories through growing muscle? In a word, it’s balance. 1) Watch your calorie intake but don’t binge diet. In general, it’s a simple equation. If you burn more calories than you consume, you’ll probably lose weight. (But there is a catch – binge dieting may result in a permanent shift downwards in your metabolism, so a gradual approach is usually better….) 2) Drink lots of water. Drinking water can suppress your appetite. Drinking water also burns calories, especially cold water (because the body has to heat it up). And water is necessary to burn fat. 3) Have a varied exercise routine. Guess what? That’s exactly what any Spartan Race will do. Weight training is good in this domain, but it’s not the only thing. Daily aerobic exercise is a very efficient kind of movement for burning calories. But make sure to add little things to your daily routine – take the stairs instead of an elevator or walk to the local convenience store instead of using a car. Even “low intensity” activities like working in your backyard can add up on your daily calorie output. So, in short, how do I weigh in on only weight training to burn calories? It’s not enough. Activities that vary your routine not only prep you for your next race but keeps your metabolism in good form.
Building muscle mass is a good way to increase your body’s consumption of calories, but it’s by no means the only way. In fact, if you depend too much on growing muscle as a means to control your weight, you’ll be wasting a lot of effort. Reducing calorie intake in a sensible way while finding various ways to increase your aerobic and daily physical activities will offer the best path forward to losing weight. Basal metabolism: the energy consumed by the body when at rest. Metabolic rate: the amount of energy used by the body over a specific period of time.
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Dr. Nada on:
Christan Finn, “The Truth about Muscle and Metabolism,” Muscle Evo,, accessed January 2019. Jennifer Huizen, “Can water help you lose weight?” Medical News Today, June 28, 2018,, accessed January 2019. Alexandra McPherron, et al., "Increasing muscle mass to improve metabolism," Adipocyte 2.2 (2013): 92-98,, accessed January 2019. Ludo Van Etten et al., "Effect of an 18-wk weight-training program on energy expenditure and physical activity," Journal of Applied Physiology 82.1 (1997): 298-304, accessed January 2019,
Fri, 22 March 2019
Kevin Gillotti talks with Kirk Dewindt, a personal trainer (PT), a collegiate All-American in track, a handsomely popular “The Bachelorette” contestant, and a strong & respected member of the Spartan Pro Team about common injuries amongst endurance athletes.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 21 March 2019
We all go through times in our life where we second guess ourselves. The way to get out of that phase is to do the work. The work will remind you what you’re capable of. The mere fact that you’re doing the work will help you put “points on the board” and build confidence again. LESSONS: Get out of your normal environment and demonstrate your expertise.
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 20 March 2019
Feelings can be powerful and even more so when they create discomfort. Anxiety, worry, and concern are three feeling states that can initiate a way of thinking that can very quickly create a barrier to you moving forward with whatever task is at hand. How you feel today is not necessarily a marker of how you will feel in the future but we can sometimes fall into the mind trap of believing this to be true. Think about it, if signing up for a Spartan race induced a tremendous amount of anxiety you may have the tendency to feel into the future and believe that your nerves on race day will be twice as bad. It’s important to remain in the present as much as possible and not make assumptions that how you feel now will be your emotional state moving forward. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 19 March 2019
Angel Sanz is humble, hilarious and always smiling mastermind and Country Manager of Spartan Spain whose up each day by 3:30 am. Sport has always been an integral part of his life, from playing basketball at University of Houston to teaching physicality and obstacle racing as a perfect analogy for entrepreneurship. Sport is what drives his pedagogy in education, with how he interacts with his family, how he gets better at business, how he to made his new business and now how he makes people better by ripping them off the couch. He may or may not be wearing a dark mask in a dark van and show up at your door in the middle of the night. Lessons LINKS TIME STAMPS SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Mon, 18 March 2019
The complex, flashy, super sexy solution rarely survives substantial contact with any situation less than the ideal it was created for. It’s safe to say that ‘The Basics’ are just that, basic. The reasonable extension of this conversation then suggests also timeless. Let’s look at the lever, wedge, wheel… half of humankind’s inventions wouldn’t work without these simple machines. There’s a saying that goes somewhat like: “Why use an expensive whatnot when a hammer will suffice?” When faced with problems I like to reduce them to their simplest terms. Complex problems require complex solutions and complex things get increasing hard to pull off when we are tired, afraid, cold, wet, it’s dark… And even then, complex things are typically built on the foundation of the basics. So it stands to reason we should be absolutely brilliant at the basics to even set conditions for the fancy to manifest. At a minimum, the basics can serve as a last resort. If it’s a last resort you should have the greatest of confidence it will work! I’m assuming of course you are interested in results and not just the appearance of cool. LESSONS:
SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 17 March 2019
When things run well, we often assume, they run regularly. From the pistons in a car to the daily changes in the tide, we often expect that processes run optimally when they progress or move forward in the same or a uniform way. Or if they change, the change is gradual and moves slowly from phase to phase – like the seasons or the way the sun rises and sets. One important body function is an exception! WHAT WE TALK ABOUT: Heart rate variability (HRV) is a strong indicator of health – of good mental and physical health as well as the potential or resiliency of the body to survive problems, stressors, and illness. It’s a big topic but today I want to introduce the concept and make you aware of what it is and how it can help you both short and long-term. Your heartbeat is controlled by your body’s autonomic nervous system (ANS). This system runs and regulates parts of your system that are always “on.” Things like your breathing, digestion, blood pressure and heart rate. The autonomic nervous system itself is divided into two main aspects: the fight or flight response or the relaxation response. When the autonomic system is relaxed, the heartbeat becomes more variable, demonstrating resilience and flexibility. In contrast, the “fight-or-flight” version of the autonomic system is triggered by stress (caused by an unhealthy emotional or physical conditions). If this stress response of the autonomic system is maintained, heart beat variability decreases as it moves to a more consistent high pitch. This racing heart beat is a symptom of high stress and is also an indicator that the body is being pushed towards an unhealthy and brittle state. It makes sense, then, that healthy heart rate variability would be an indicator of a person’s ability to bounce back from severe illness – and indicator of that person’s resilience. And, indeed, it is. One recent study showed that subjects suffering from cancer who had decreased heart rate variability were strongly associated with shorter survival time. This great indicator of overall health is surprisingly easy to access and read by being in tune with your body. It’s essentially your pulse. As you’re feeling your pulse, you’ll notice that time between heartbeats increases when you exhale and decreases when you inhale. If there are some good differences between the two, congratulations: you may have healthy heart rate variability!
A large range of heart rate variability is a sign of health and resilience. The resilience pertains to both mental health and physical health, especially the potential to survive bouts of severe illness. Heart rate variability: the variation in the time interval between heartbeats. Autonomic nervous system: This system runs and regulates functions in your body that are always “on” and work without conscious control. This includes your breathing, digestion, blood pressure and heart rate Sympathetic nervous system: part of the autonomic nervous system that activates the “fight or flight” response. Parasympathetic nervous system: part of the autonomic nervous system that helps to slow heart rate, relax the sphincter muscles and increase intestinal and glandular activity.
Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin
Angela J. Grippo, "Opinion:“Heart Rate Variability, Health and Well-Being: A Systems Perspective” Research Topic," Frontiers in public health 5 (2017): 246,, accessed January 2019. Oura Crew, “What Is Heart Rate Variability and What You Can Learn from It,” Oura, September 14, 2019,, accessed January 2019. Marcelo Campos, “Heat rate variability: A new way to track well-being,” Harvard Medical School Publishing, November 22, 2017,, accessed January 2019.
Fri, 15 March 2019
This week Kevin talks with 2015 Spartan Race World Champion, and all around prolific badass multisports racer Robert Killian, about what it takes to be and stay on top of such a demanding sport like OCR. LESSONS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G CREDITS:
© 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 14 March 2019
Inspired by former Navy SEAL & 1 of the world’s best CrossFit competitors, Josh Bridges. Josh constantly talks about #PayTheMan - meaning, you gotta earn it! If you want something, you gotta EARN it. You don’t deserve anything. You get what you Earn!
Most successful people will tell you that the majority of their victories and success stories are on the other side of hard work, aka Paying the Man.
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 13 March 2019
The future can be scary for some of us. It’s normal to be uncomfortable with the unknown and uncertain. But future tripping, the act of making your way into the future and tripping over what exists, is not an effective way of handling your worries. This kind of thinking can easily create more worry and concern for what lays ahead. Though it may be hard, working to stay in the present and remain focused on the task right in front of you is a better way of handling what you may be anxious about.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 12 March 2019
A former Celtics NBA player, Chris Herren speaks honestly and openly about his addictions and his path to recovery. Whether dealing with addiction, or the day to day problems of life, Herren advocates doing things the hard way. He believes kids need to learn to deal head-on with the real and difficult emotions life can bring, this will reduce the temptation to mask and avoid them with drugs and alcohol. Just like physical and mental resilience - emotional resilience is a key building block for success. Overcoming addiction has been his greatest obstacle. His sobriety, his greatest accomplishment. His dedication to helping others led him to found the Herren Project: to Support. Recover. Overcome. Sometimes the hard thing is asking for help. This episode reminds us to reach out for help when we need it, because extraordinary resources are available. LINKS This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by Powerful Foods. Fuel your active lifestyle with high-protein, no sugar added products, made with natural ingredients. Visit for a 10% OFF any Powerful product, with code SPARTANPOWER. TIME STAMPS
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra © 2019 Spartan
Direct download: 238_SUP_EDIT_Christopher_Herren_FULL_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Mon, 11 March 2019
I often find myself giving other’s opinions, especially a stranger’s, more value over what I find valuable or purposeful. In this episode I introduce and toss around a few thought processes that help me defeat falling into that trap.
Who has authority over how we feel? Who lends the ultimate approval on what it is that fills us with purpose or value? Is it your ‘why’ or is it someone else’s ‘why’ that gives us energy and direction? If it isn’t each of us ourself, then why are we always looking for the thumbs up from other’s to be our authentic selves and hesitate to be when we receive a frown; especially from a stranger?
Being conscious and aware when someone else is making you feel guilty for doing right, being good, or enjoying what moves you will empower you to refuse being a victim or held captive by a weaker person.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Tosh on Instagram
Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. Host: Brian “tosh” Chontosh Show notes: Brian “tosh” Chontosh
© 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 10 March 2019
The link between intermittent fasting and good health has been noticed for a while. Intermittent fasting means going about 8 to 12 hours without food but in some cases a bit longer. And recent studies have begun to make clear the connection between fasting and longevity, a finding that is creating a lot of buzz. What we talk about: There are some obvious reasons that connect fasting to good health. The most obvious is weight loss. But there are many others: Increasing your metabolism. While it’s true that long-term fasting can decrease your metabolism, short-term fasting has the opposite effect – perhaps up to 14 percent.
Recent academic studies have people buzzing about the health benefits of occasional fasting. Mitochondria (which are powerhouse structures in your cells involved in releasing energy) help to break down fatty acids and carbohydrates. They work in networks that remain fused in a healthy state (in contrast to an unhealthy, “fragmented” state). This fused state of mitochondria networks are in a “youthful” state, which maximizes their efficiency. What can help to keep these networks running well? You guessed it. Fasting! The good news is that effective fasting doesn’t involve long periods of difficulty and self-denial. It might cause a little discomfort as you’re adjusting to a new schedule of eating, but as we know, changes in habits often require some adjustments. And this isn’t an every-day regimen. And anything worth striving for requires a little struggle and a little effort. The only things this kind of fasting requires is to not eat for a little while (and to resist your cravings while you do this). The benefits of this effort will surprise you.
Intermittent fasting leading to increasing metabolic rates as well as improving metabolic processes that can mitigate the normal effects of aging. Intermittent fasting means going 8 to 12 hours without food. Mitochondria are the “parts of cells that turn sugars, fats and proteins that we eat, into forms of chemical energy that the body can use to carry on living.”
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin Christian Zauner et al., "Resting energy expenditure in short-term starvation is increased as a result of an increase in serum norepinephrine," The American journal of clinical nutrition 71.6 (2000): 1511-1515. Henriette Van Praag, et al., "Exercise, energy intake, glucose homeostasis, and the brain," Journal of Neuroscience 34.46 (2014): 15139-15149. Karen Feldscher, “In pursuit if healthy aging” Harvard Gazette, November 3, 2017,, “What are Mitochondria,” Medical Research Council,, accessed January 2019.
Fri, 8 March 2019
Kevin Gillotti talks with 40+ masters athlete, SGX coach, commentator & hella legit OCR racer Kevin Donahue about staying injury free over a long & demanding Spartan Race season and career.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 7 March 2019
Zach Even-Esh, Joe DeSena and Brian Chontosh talk about building teams. The best teams, companies & work environments come from a place where the leaders invest in their team. Taking great care of your team inspires them to want to be a bigger & better part of the team!
LESSONS: Don’t hold others back on your team. Help them win. When your team wins, you win, even if they leave for another team!
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 6 March 2019
Sometimes when we encounter struggle or a challenge we transform what might be best identified as a small problem into a catastrophe. You know the phrase, “turning a molehill into a mountain.” So that’s an actual psychological phenomenon called, Catastrophizing. This way of thinking can get you into trouble, however, because not all problems are catastrophes. In order to remain balanced and grounded human beings it’s important that are responses to problems are congruent with the degree of challenge in front of us. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 5 March 2019
Rebekah and her son were spectating at the finish line of the Boston in Marathon in 2013 when those two fateful bombs exploded. She may have lost part of her leg- but 68 operations later, she has gained a whole new insight on “counting her blessings, not her problems.” Instead of being defined by this one event she has used it as a catalyst to make PTSD training available for children all over the country through her foundation Rebekah’s Angels. She says very few have to deal with a bomb exploding near them, but many people deal with things in their life blowing up everyday- her resilience is marked by her joyful determination to inspire others and help them get the treatments they need. LESSONS LINKS
TIME STAMPS FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra © 2019 Spartan |
Mon, 4 March 2019
This week we welcome Brian "Tosh" Chontosh to the Spartan Up family! He'll be here every Monday with Spartan Stand. What are you capable of right here, right now; not a question, a statement. What you could have done if, what you might be able to do if, if you had time to prepare, or under whatever cute circumstance you require to succeed is of zero interest.
A readiness mindset consists of two parts. 1) anticipating reasonable and likely events or circumstance in order to prepare. This is the ground floor of professionalism. It is a branch conversation of Ownership. 2) building up capacity to simply respond given a task, event, or emergency. It is letting performance have the ultimate voice for competence.
Would you face a known enemy or threat with a “wait a minute, let me heal my mojo for a few weeks and then we can fight?” or would you want to advertise to your opponent all the many ways you are strategizing to challenge him as you attempt to win?
Common sense would suggest then that we develop a mindset to not habituate these patterns in our lives.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND Tosh: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Tosh on Instagram
Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion,llc. Host: Brian “tosh” Chontosh Show notes: Brian “tosh” Chontosh
© 2018 Spartan
Sun, 3 March 2019
We all know that it’s important to pay attention to our daily food intake. But many people don’t know this important fact: the number of calories your body retains is not only affected by how much you eat but also by when you eat.
In this podcast, we’re going to look at the impact of the body’s daily cycles – it’s circadian rhythms (or “CR”) – on supporting the maintenance of healthier food intake and more efficient weight control. The process by which the body breaks down food and turns it into energy is known as our metabolism. The metabolism isn’t just what happens in your stomach; it refers also to a wide range of biochemical processes within an organism. So, something that impacts your metabolism has a huge influence on your overall health and well-being. And an important driver of metabolism is the hormone cortisol. CR’s connection to metabolism is that it helps trigger a cortisol rise in the morning. Cortisol is your “get up and go” hormone; it drives your metabolism, supports thyroid function, and contributes to the energy you can access to complete your daily activities. Because your metabolic processes are receiving a bit of a jump start from cortisol, the food you consume when cortisol is released has a greater likelihood to be burned and turned into fuel rather than stored as fat. Your CR supports a diurnal (or daily) release of cortisol. This means that two times per day your cortisol level peaks: once in the early morning and another time in the late morning. If you guessed that the opposite is true for the evening hours, you would be right. As the sun goes down and night approaches, your body is winding down all its processes for a good night’s sleep. Part of that winding down is lower cortisol levels. If you consume food during late hours, that food has a greater likelihood that it will not be turned to energy to accomplish a goal or task; instead, it’s likely to be stored as fat. Using your body’s own natural cycle to shape your eating habits can enhance weight loss efforts. Consuming food between approximately 7a.m. and 7 p.m. is the optimal time for your body’s needs. Knowing this, you should leave your midnight snacks behind and ride the CR wave and cortisol peaks to maintain good eating habits that align with your body’s natural inner clock.
Circadian rhythm’s connection to the release of the hormone cortisol in the human body effects how the metabolism processes food intake. Eating according to those rhythms can maintain a healthy and efficient intake of food; this also helps with maintaining weight. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. Cortisol is a hormone that drives your metabolism, supports thyroid function and contributes to the energy you can access to complete your daily activities. Metabolism refers also to a wide range of biochemical processes within an organism (in addition to digestion).
Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin
Society for Endocrinology, “Cortisol,” January 2017,, accessed January 2019. The Mayo Clinic Diet, “What exactly is metabolism,” January 2019,, accessed January 2019.
Fri, 1 March 2019
This week I talk with the tiny, but fiercely mighty, Faye Stenning about staying fit & race prepping in a dense city habitat like the overwhelming & chaotic life of a NYC city dweller. TAKE AWAY POINTS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G CREDITS:
© 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 28 February 2019
Zach brings on special guest & fellow Spartan Podcaster, Tosh, to discuss why you should NOT feel bad while standing up for Excellence! Sometimes we start to feel bad when our friends and family tell us, Hey, you’ve changed! That’s right, you are changing for the better and there is Nothing wrong with that!
LESSONS: • Do not conform to the norms of “good enough”, even when people close to you try to tell you that you’re trying too hard.
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 27 February 2019
Emotional reasoning is a negative thinking pattern that can best be described as the process of turning feeling into fact. We cannot control how we feel but we can control what we do with these feelings and when we turn our feelings into fact we can find ourselves in a made up reality. Being aware of when you engage in emotional reasoning can help you shift out of this way of thinking and bring you back into a position of knowing that a feeling is sometimes just a feeling. LESSONS: Emotional Reasoning: When we turn our feelings into fact. Try to catch yourself when “I feel XXX”, becomes “I am XXX” : such as, “I feel incompetent” becomes “I am incompetent.” Remember to tell yourself that a feeling is just a feeling, or use the phrase, “I’m having the feeling that I am incompetent” so that you get separation from the emotion.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence © 2019 Spartan |
Tue, 26 February 2019
In that moment when you think your life will end, will you have regrets? During his second Afghanistan deployment Green beret Kevin Flike was shot in the abdomen, what did he think in those touch and go moments? Kevin says “an experience is worth nothing unless you share it,” now he shares the story of his own recovery and his experiences going from highly competent soldier to a man who needed help putting on his socks. He talks about fear, courage (which he defines as “going forward when the outcome is uncertain,”) and the power of setting exceptional goals. With his wife’s encouragement, he got off pain medication, got himself into both MIT and Harvard, and started the Green Beret Foundation. He’s created a documentary to raise awareness and funds for the Green Beret Foundation called “Wounded by War.”
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 24 February 2019
There are a million ways you can be tempted to squeeze a few more minutes or hours out of your day, but if you want to stay healthy, you should remember one thing: you can’t cheat sleep. If you do, you may throw off what’s called - your circadian rhythm. Circadian Rhythm is also called your sleep/wake cycle and it’s the physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a 24- hour or daily cycle in your body. One of the chemical or hormone mechanisms that is central to your circadian rhythm (aka, sleep-wake cycle) is melatonin, which is a hormone that induces sleep. When the optic nerves (in the eye) receive less light, that triggers a signal to the brain to make more melatonin. That happens, for example, when the lights go out and you go to bed. That natural hormone release can be affected which, in turn, can negatively affect your circadian rhythm. Circadian rhythms or sleep-wake cycles influence hormone release, eating habits and even body temperature to name a few. Having an irregular rhythm has been linked to some chronic health conditions like sleep disorders, obesity, diabetes, depression, and something called seasonal affective disorder. Those irregular rhythms will also affect your physical performance, endurance, and cognitive health. How much sleep do we need? We talked about this in another episode, and if you remember, it can vary a bit by age, according to the National Sleep Foundation you need an average of 7-9 hours of sleep each night. To maintain healthy sleep patterns, one thing you should do is keep consistent bedtime habits as much as possible. Try to go to sleep at roughly the same time each night. Another way, putting away your phone at night, and not looking at computer screens in the hours before you sleep because it can disrupt that sleep/wake cycle. Since this question has come up with some of our listeners I want to go back to something we talked about a moment ago. Some people call it the “winter blues” or feeling a bit therapy used for “seasonal affective disorder” (or “SAD”), a condition that makes some people feel down or depressed with reduced exposure to sunlight during the winter. One effective natural treatment is using “light therapy,” in which you use a bright lamp with a strength of 10,000 lux (strength of light emitted) for about 20-30 minutes every morning during the fall and winter. This can decrease the amount of melatonin that is secreted in the brain during the daytime and can help reset your circadian rhythm. Our busy schedules can often distract us from good daily routines and habits and disrupt our circadian rhythm. Being conscious about keeping a regular bedtime and some easy steps and natural treatments can help you maintain healthy sleep/wake cycle throughout the year. Maintaining and supporting your CR means you’ll be much more alert, better prepared for your next race, and more effective at whatever challenge comes next. KEY TERMS AND IDEAS: Circadian rhythms (aka, Sleep/Wake Cycles) have a major impact on health because they help to regulate multiple systems within the body. Maintaining regular sleep patterns is the key to maintaining natural circadian rhythms. For some people who have problems with their circadian rhythms, there are gentle means to compensate and get back on track. 1. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. 2. Melatonin is a hormone that induce sleep and plays a role in maintaining a healthy circadian rhythm. 3. Seasonal affective disorder (or “SAD”) is a condition that makes some people feel down or depressed with reduced exposure to sunlight during the winter. A natural way to help improve this is light therapy (10,000 lux strength) for 20-30 minutes each morning.
Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin National Institute of General Medical Sciences, “Circadian Rhythms,” National Sleep Foundation, “Excessive Sleepiness,” Alfred J. Lewy, et al. "Winter depression: integrating mood, circadian rhythms, and the sleep/wake and light/dark cycles into a bio-psycho-social-environmental model." Sleep medicine clinics 4.2 (2009): 285-299. SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2019 Spartan |
Fri, 22 February 2019
This week I talk strategies for overcoming pre-race jitters and nervousness with Kenneth Yee. When you travel all of the way from Malaysia for a first time visit to a country, a lot is at stake because a lot has been expended. So the last thing you need is to be dealing with energy robbing nervousness on top of all of the other moving pieces associated with racing.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 21 February 2019
People LOVE being around passionate people. It makes them feel good And inspires them to get better at Life!
• If you’re struggling to get better in a certain area of your life,
Seek out passionate coaches / environments to become part of.
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2018 Spartan
Wed, 20 February 2019
Great competitors believe that they have the capacity to win and compete in the way that moves them closer to their goals. They build themselves up with confidence and visualize accomplishments instead of defeats. Believing in yourself is a key part of pumping positive medicine into your brain and your body, as the power of positive thinking has been demonstrated across disciplines.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 19 February 2019
Picture this, you’ve just reached the Summit of Everest- a pinnacle achievement when you’re literally on top of the World… and all of sudden everything goes white... your completely blind. Join us this week as Brian walks us down his “Blind Descent,” and tells us what skills learned from his time as a former US Navy Air Rescue Swimmer / Combat Search and Rescue and perhaps a little luck, got him home safe.
TIME STAMPS: 0:00 Dr. L, Col Nye and Johnny Waite introduce Brian 1:20 Interview begins- “always climbing” 2:50 Joe on Aconcagua 4:00 Mental toughness of downtime 5:00 Growing up on a mountain 7:00 Climbing Everest solo with sherpa support 8:45 Acclimatization 10:00 Hiking in the “death zone” 11:15 Completely soloing 13:00 Time standing still on the Summitt 14:30 Descending snow blind 19:05 31 Habits: #8 Intermittent Fasting 21:20 Interview continues: 24 hrs locked in a shipping container at Tahoe 25:00 Navy Training 28:28 Dr.L, Col Nye & Johnny Waite discuss Brian’s experience and what we can learn from his Blind Descent
LINKS: More about Brian
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Johnny Waite,Colonel Nye & guest host Dr. L (Joe De Sena was running around Fenway & Sefra Alexandra was on expedition in the South Pacific)
Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 17 February 2019
Our bodies need energy and we get that from the food we eat. No surprise, right? But, what is the gatekeeper between food consumption and the energy needed for athletic performance? It’s your gut – especially the gut flora.
There are millions and millions of bacteria in your gut – in fact, there are ten times more bacteria than cells in your gut. Ten times! What are these flora doing in addition to processing food? They can identify pathogens (dangerous compounds) Bolster and improve the health of the intestines Promote the growth of new cells What happens to athletes when the gut isn’t working well? It gets in the way of performance, recovery and long-term health and sustainability of athletic performance at a high level like competition. To be more specific, there’s a cascading effect that starts very small but ends up degrading your abilities to do what you want to do in the gym, at a race or in any competitive setting. It starts with: Too few interferons in your gut. Interferons (a type on immune cell in your body) are they’re released from cells in your gut and are important in helping to fight viruses. A healthy gut microbiome supports interferons. An unhealthy gut means fewer interferons and that can hurt your immune system. With that, the possibility of catching cold and suffering from other viruses increases. If your immune system is stressed, your body’s ability to repair the kind of inflammation that often comes with strenuous exercise is impaired. This can lead to an increased possibility of increasing the injuries sustained during training. Your digestion is also compromised, thus reducing the efficiency of processing nutrients for energy. If this continues, you’ll probably not be able to improve and sustain the kind of athletic performance we Spartans are aiming for. Luckily, it’s relatively easy to keep your gut healthy. First, eat healthy. We all know this, but don’t cut corners if you’re exercising at a high level. The difference between good performance and great performance can sometimes be very small – so you need to be disciplined if you’ve set ambitious goals for yourself.
As we’re exercising, our gut normally performs silently and behind the scenes. That’s how you want to keep it because it usually draws our attention after something has gone wrong. Support you gut with good eating habits and you’ll keep your performance at a high level.
Gut health is key to thwarting viruses, processing food for energy and repairing the damage of inflammation. Keeping the gut healthy is relatively simple. It’s worth it because the gut and especially gut flora provide a necessary foundation for your health. Gut flora. “Bacteria and other organisms that live inside the intestines. They help digest food. Vitamins such as biotin and vitamin K are made by gut flora. Also called gut microflora, intestinal flora, intestinal microflora, and microflora.” (National Cancer Institute) Probiotics. “Probiotics are living microorganisms that, when ingested, provide numerous health benefits.” (Healthline)
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin
“Probiotics 101: A Simple Beginner’s Guide,” Healthline,, accessed January 2019. Morgan Bickenbach-Davies, “Here’s How Your Gut Plays a Major Role in Your Athletic Performance,” Braveheart Coaching, February 22, 2017,, accessed January 2019.
© 2019 Spartan |
Fri, 15 February 2019
On this episode, I talk with Colleen about adjusting & adapting (time changes, food, sleep, training, weather) to the local race destination and preparing for a race after the rigors of long-distance international travel. Colleen should know, she traveled 28 hours from Malaysia to race in the USA. TAKE AWAY POINTS: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G CREDITS:
© 2019 Spartan |
Thu, 14 February 2019
Rest & recovery are NOT a negative thing for Spartans. In fact, when you work hard, the rest and recovery gives you the much need mental & physical break allowing you to come back stronger, more energized and more inspired.
Rest & recovery are good for the mind AND body.
Apple Podcasts:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach: Spartan Up on Instagram
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |
Wed, 13 February 2019
Great competitors believe that they have control over the things that happen in their lives and they take ownership of those choices. They do not offload poor performance to circumstances outside of them. They take ownership for the choices - both those that make them stronger (both mentally and physically) and those that put them in circumstances of struggle. Ownership is about believing that you have a strong internal locus of control - that you can control the direction of your life.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 12 February 2019
What does it take to solve complicated and seemingly insurmountable challenges? Dr. Jeff Karp, Principal Investigator of Karp Lab & Harvard Medical School professor, believes the answer is a multidisciplinary approach. Surround yourself with experts who have expertise you don’t with a variety of skills and backgrounds. Karp explains to Joe De Sena how his team applied their problem-solving system to a specific challenge around brain cancer. It’s a system and process that can be applied to any puzzle. He is committed to developing the “next generation bioengineers at the forefront of regenerative medicine.” When you face Spartan challenges and obstacles as look for creative solutions. Collaborate and find new approaches to conquer our goals. LESSONS LINKS This episode of Spartan Up is sponsored by Elevate Hemp. Elevate Hemp Extract Cream in both Heat and Cool Therapy options deliver muscle pain and relief as it targets your body's muscle and cannabinoid receptors. Elevate your Life! Get 15% off your purchase at checkout when you use code SPARTAN15 at
SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra © 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 10 February 2019
Maintaining good health usually means doing many things and not just one. For instance, if you want to lose weight, gaining muscle can help, but focusing on that alone is not the best or most efficient way to make your weight goals. Today, we’re focusing on immunity and how to naturally raise the bar and stay healthy. A multi-faceted approach is even more important in boosting the strength of your immune system. The right foods and herbs combined with the right daily habits can support your immunity to pathogens (a bug, a virus)… Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol as much as you can (of course). Getting enough sleep. Sleep performs many regulatory functions for the immune system. One that is especially important is helping to create a “memory” within the immune system so antibodies can “remember” unwelcome organisms that have previously invaded the body. Also, something all Spartans do is to follow a moderate and regular exercise regimen that boosts immunity. One caveat: athletes performing at peak levels have reported some increased susceptibility to respiratory illness, so if you’re going to push yourself to high competitive levels of performance, your preparing for a big race take some extra precautions. And I’ll mention those now... The immune system – like any system in the body – needs a variety of nutrients to keep it running well. A lot of those nutrients (like vitamins and minerals) are often best supplied by fruits and vegetables … and some spices and herbs as well. Citrus fruits: These are easy to access and rich in vitamin C, which is thought to increase the body’s production of white blood cells. (Papaya, kiwis and spinach also have a lot of Vitamin C.) Turmeric: It’s part of many spicy curry recipes, but it can also have a restorative effect on the body by reducing inflammation and repairing muscle damage that come with exercise. Oregano: this popular herb is full of antioxidants. Research has also shown that essential oils from oregano can combat bacteria, as well. Cayenne pepper packs multiple punches. In addition to vitamin C, it has beta carotene and antioxidants which help to maintain mucus membrane tissue that fends off bacteria and viruses. The right food intake combined with the good daily habits can support your immunity to pathogens. This multi-faceted approach just takes a little bit of planning and is easy to do and really effective! KEY TERMS AND IDEAS
Pathogens. A microorganism (like a virus or bacteria) that can cause disease. White blood cells. “A type of blood cell that is made in the bone marrow and found in the blood and lymph tissue. White blood cells are part of the body’s immune system. They help the body fight infection and other diseases.” (NCI Dictionary). LINKS & RESOURCES: David C. Nieman, et al. "Upper respiratory tract infection is reduced in physically fit and active adults." British Journal of Sports Medicine 45.12 (2011): 987-992,, “How to boost your immune system,” Harvard Health Publishing, July 16, 2018,, accessed January 2019. “Immune System,” Kidshealth,, accessed January 2019. Luciana Besedovksy, Tanja Lange, and Jan Born, "Sleep and immune function," European Journal of Physiology 463.1 (2012): 121-137,, accessed January 2019. “Protect Your Health with Immune-Boosting Nutrition,” NCI Dictionary, “White blood cells",, accessed January 2019.
Fri, 8 February 2019
On this episode, Cole and I chat about tapering for a Spartan Race using methods such as the current week’s workload and perceived effort as a determination for how much of an effort level and workload to put out in a race taper depending on race distance (Sprint, Super, Beast).
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan
Thu, 7 February 2019
I first heard this Sun Tzu quote from my friend and NFL Veteran,
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan
Wed, 6 February 2019
Great competitors stay committed. There will always be excuses, always a reason to quit, move on to something else, or put it on the shelf for later. Great competitors commit. They move away from language like, “I’ll try”, that immediately gives them a way out, and they use more declarative statements like, “I will.” Having the mindset of completion allows them to move forward with stronger intention and will.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 5 February 2019
What patterns did you learn as a child? How are they showing up in your adult life? Bizzie Gold unveils the mystery behind the obstacles and triggers in your mind that hold you back from realizing our full potential. The founder of the massive phenomenon Buti Yoga, Bizzie Gold was not satisfied with breakthroughs in physical health. This week she and Joe discuss how Sustainable Self-Mastery can be conquered through her paradigm shifting BREAK Method. LESSONS
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FitAid. Race dirty, recover clean with FitAid. Visit and sign up to win an amazing Grand Prize package from FitAid and Spartan, monthly Spartan prize packs, and more! FITAID – Recovery for YOUR active lifestyle.
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Johnny, the Colonel & Dr. L introduce Bizzie’s episode 2:25 Interview with Joe De Sena & Bizzie Gold at Spartan World Championships begins 4:15 Directed storytelling 5:00 Overcoming childhood adversity 6:30 Not embracing the victim mentality 7:30 “You’re a Liar” 9:45 31 Habits Relearning About Fats 11:11 FORTHEFITAID.COM break 12:30 The interview continues & Joe’s completely “fixed” :) 13:15 Obstacle course vs online course 14:00 Buti Yoga- the cure to something that is hidden 16:25 Core beliefs about yourself 17:45 “Go Into the Chaos” 20:00 Dr. Johnny, Colonel Nye & Dr. L discuss how to integrate Bizzie’s method into your daily routine 24:50 FORTHEFITAID.COM close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena, Johnny Waite,Colonel Nye & guest host Dr. L (Sefra Alexandra was on expedition in the South Pacific)
Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2019 Spartan |
Sun, 3 February 2019
We’ve talked about a class of herb called adaptogens in an earlier episode of Spartan Health. Rhodiola is an adaptogen that can provide many health benefits and provide energy, endurance, and recovery support during your next Spartan Race. Rhodiola is a well-researched herb used for centuries in Asia, Russia and arctic regions of Europe. WHAT WE COVER a. First if all, what is it? In a nutshell, it’s a wonderful herb that can help your body recover from stress and fight fatigue. Further, it can support the body as you condition to different environmental stressors like high altitude. KEY TERMS & IDEAS: LINKS & RESOURCES: “Adaptogens exert a stress-protective effect by modulation of expression of molecular chaperones” Phytomedicine. 2009 Jun;16(6-7):617-22.
Fri, 1 February 2019
On this episode, Kristen talks to me about how to stay race fit & race ready when you are juggling a life & interests outside of racing, but yet are a highly competitive athlete with aspirations.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan
Thu, 31 January 2019
If you’re wondering how to inspire, educate and influence your kids into |
Wed, 30 January 2019
Great competitors see the challenges they face and the hardships they endure as opportunities. We all experience difficult things but great competitors see those experiences as vehicles of wisdom, growth, and an opportunity to build obstacle immunity. They do not cower in the face of that which is difficult but rather rise because they know that in the end it will make them stronger and improve their performance.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan |
Tue, 29 January 2019
What’s Wellness? How can you integrate these principles to dominate the obstacles ahead? How do you live your life well? This episode is all about discovering the forces of wellness. Josh Trent addresses the physical, the mental/emotional and the spiritual. He walks us through his tips, tricks and routines - as he says, “if I can breathe I can choose.” Let’s all breathe goodness into our lives. LESSONS
LINKS Josh's M21 morning program
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FitAid. Race dirty, recover clean with FitAid. Visit and sign up to win an amazing Grand Prize package from FitAid and Spartan, monthly Spartan prize packs, and more! FITAID – Recovery for YOUR active lifestyle.
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Our hosts Sefra Alexandra (The Seed Huntress,) Johnny Waite and guest panelists Matt B Davis (Obstacle Racing Media,) and Charlie Brenneman (The Spaniard) introduce Sefra’s interview with Josh Trent 1:25 FORTHEFITAID.COM 1:45 Interview begins with a deep belly breath 4:00 The choice of fear or trust 7:30 How do I be healthy? 8:25 31 Habits- Always Taking Advice & Never Stop Learning 9:40 FORTHEFITAID.COM break 10:55 Interview continues 12:30 The M21- 21 warrior breaths 16:00 Reverse Engineering 18:30 Womb Squats 20:00 Conduct and emotional inventory- look at your enjoyment curve 22:55 Sefra Alexandra (The Seed Huntress,) Johnny Waite and guest panelists Matt B Davis (Obstacle Racing Media,) and Charlie Brenneman (The Spaniard) discuss how to integrate the goodness of wellness into your daily routine 31:00 FORTHEFITAID.COM close - sign up for monthly grand prize SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra & guest hosts Matt B Davis & Charlie Brenneman
Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan |
Sun, 27 January 2019
We’re all pressed for time and need efficient, quick tools to increase energy and help us optimize our busy days. Here are two simple techniques that can provide rapid but effective ways of giving you a “wake up call.” One will give your brain a boost and the other will support your core for stability and injury prevention. Let’s engage your mind and energize your body whether it be for your next Spartan Sprint or Super!
a. Today’s world is more and more demanding. Some of us have two jobs, or maybe you’re taking night classes after work, starting families and raising children the list goes on and on… b. In this podcast I’m going to talk about what can aid in increasing our energy and helping us fight fatigue. I’ll discuss two different sensory stimuli: one olfactory (your sense of smell) and the other is a stretch which is physical but also engages your sense of sight. - First, your sense of smell: it’s a fruit, an essential oil, herbal tea: That is Grapefruit: c. Second quick energy boost: Stretch Your Hip Flexors - This often forgot about muscle group will not only energize the body but it’s one of the most important muscle groups to help prevent falls and injury and improve balance. Helps ensure stability of the lower body, allows you to bend at the waist and bring your knee toward your chest
Follow Nada on LInkedin “Actions of essential oils on the central nervous system: an updated review” Dobetsberger, C. and Buchbauer, G. Flavour and Fragrance Journal, Feb 18, 2011.
Fri, 25 January 2019
On this episode, I talk with Mark & Natalie about what it takes to balance family life with kids while still having racing & training goals to meet. They reveal that they have to make the most of the free time they get, even when it's unexpected.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan
Thu, 24 January 2019
Successful people have a clear vision for their perfect day. They write it down which inspires them to take action to achieve that perfect day. The key to making it happen is by reverse engineering your perfect day.
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 23 January 2019
Great competitors understand the importance of the mind-body connection. Our physical body can only be as strong as the mind that controls it and a healthy mind is impossible without a healthy body. Great competitors know that they can not focus on just one element, that both are critical for performance in and out of the competition.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 22 January 2019
What is focus endurance? Louisa, a professional triathlete, was in a car accident and told she would never walk or run again. As a trained mathematician, she delved deep into the field of neurofeedback and flow state. Her understanding of the algorithms behind human performance allowed her to make a full recovery. She utilizes these tactics in her athlete mental performance agency: Neuro Athletics. Time to get those neurons fit Spartans! Lessons: This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FitAid. Race dirty, recover clean with FitAid. Visit and sign up to win an amazing Grand Prize package from FitAid and Spartan, monthly Spartan prize packs, and more! FITAID – Recovery for YOUR active lifestyle. Time Stamps: SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS:
Sun, 20 January 2019
However you choose to move your body -, whether it’s a daily run, yoga, team competition or a Spartan Ultra - once you’re done, it’s time to recover. What does the body need to heal and regenerate? We’ll review some key nutrients and foods that can restore and replenish so you’re ready for whatever comes next.
What we’re going to talk about for the next few minutes is how to correct that and optimize the healing process.
-First up, Antioxidants – one you can use Quercetin - found in apples, blueberries, and buckwheat herbal tea -Next, an Anti-inflammatant - Bromelain it’s an enzyme derived from pineapple you can get it either by drinking the juice or eating the fruit. It’s more concentrated at the core of the pineapple. So, if you’re slicing it up to eat….don’t toss the core! - How about Minerals…there’s a mineral that aids muscle recovery and it also calms the brain. It’s Magnesium - available as a supplement, but naturally found in nuts (especially almonds and brazil nuts), seeds (such as pumpkin or flax), and legumes (those include beans, chickpeas and lentils). - Another important factor for rapid recovery is healthy Blood Glucose Homeostasis or balance there’s a natural spice that can help and it’s is Cinnamon. Based on recent studies it’s thought help with blood sugar control by increasing insulin sensitivity. This can allow the body to better perform tissue repair. Anywhere from about 1-6 grams of cinnamon has been used in clinical studies. How much does that equate to? Well 1 gram of ground cinnamon is about ½ a teaspoon. So, it doesn’t take much to reap the healthy benefits. - Last up, number 5: Rehydrate! – with what else…H2O - your body is roughly 55% water for women and 60% for men and you decrease your water stores through perspiration, cellular activity and metabolism during intense workouts. So drink up!
These easy steps will help you recover optimally post workout or race!
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram
“The lactate shuttle during exercise and recovery.” Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise Jun 1, 1986,18(3):360-368 “Contextualising Maximal Fat Oxidation During Exercise: Determinants and Normative Values” Front Physiol. 2018;9:599 “Properties and therapeutic application of bromelain: a review” Biotechnol Res Int. 2012; 2012: 976203. “The potential of cinnamon to reduce blood glucose levels in patients with type 2 diabetes and insulin resistance” Diabetes Obes Metab. 2009 Dec;11(12):1100-13.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Nutrients for Rapid Recovery // SPARTAN HEALTH ep 010 FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan
Fri, 18 January 2019
On this premiere episode of the Friday Spartan Up series "Spartan ATHLETE," Kevin Gillotti talks with Heather Gollnick, a prolific multisports athlete in her 40s, about staying fit & healthy as a high-level athlete as we age. They talk insight, strategies & methods from her own experiences.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND KEVIN G Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Kevin Gillotti on Instagram Kevin Gillotti on The Web
CREDITS: Host: Kevin Gillotti Show Notes & Artwork: Kevin Gillotti Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Videography: Madison McGahan, Mike Isabell, Alberto Campos Editing: Heather Knox
© 2019 Spartan
Thu, 17 January 2019
Zach says: I wish we could all be motivated 24/7/365 but the truth is, sometimes we’re not. Sometimes our self-motivation just isn’t there. That being said, here’s what Spartans and Powerlifters do to get motivated!
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan
Wed, 16 January 2019
Disqualifying the positives occurs when you discount positive experiences and accomplishments but invite in the negative. It can occur anywhere and becomes problematic when you struggle to acknowledge achievement. We need to own and be proud of the things that we do well in order to build self-confidence and a sense of pride. When we disqualify the positives we are not feeding our brains with the positive medicine that they deserve. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2018 Spartan |
Tue, 15 January 2019
Raised in uncertainty Udo Erasmus has spent the last 69 years studying how to be more in control of his own fitness and fulfillment - the key? Healthy oils and awareness of the magnificence that surrounds him! Food oils derived from seeds, says Udo, are some of the healthiest things you can add to your diet. Journey with us as we learn that the road to health may be paved with fresh oils, plants and taking time to be present in the moment. “Be inspired to look after yourself and get in touch with the magnificence of your existence!”
Links: Udo Erasmus
This episode is brought to you by AfterShokz. Be open and hear it all with AfterShokz open-ear headphones, delivering situational awareness and comfort, unmatched by traditional in-ear or over-the-ear headphones. Visit for $50 off wireless headphone bundles.
Time Stamps: 0:00 Joe, Col. Nye, Johnny Waite & Sefra introduce episode 1:00 Interview begins 2:10 The quick fix 3:45 making healthy oils 5:45 why healing is possible 9:25 living low on the food chain 11:00 health vs. wealth 12:55 SPARTAN.AFTERSHOKZ.COM Break 13:45 31 Healthy Habits - Habit 3 Mindful Eating 15:40 Interview with Udo Erasmus continues 17:45 Voluntary Solitude 19:15 The Magnificence of your Existence 22:45 Happiness as a state of being 24:30 Joe, Col. Nye, Johnny Waite & Sefra discuss episode and how you can apply these lessons to your life 31:20 SPARTAN.AFTERSHOKZ.COM Close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Thank you to our guest videographer: Mark Hemstock Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Colonel Nye, Marion Abrams and guest Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra
© 2018 Spartan
Sun, 13 January 2019
This time honored plant, consumed by Asian cultures for centuries, packs a powerful punch when it comes to naturally pumping up your brain and body. Green tea is packed with healthy nutrients from amino acids and antioxidants to enzymes. These compounds promote brain health, metabolism, immunity, and energy. It’s an easy addition to your daily routine and gives an all natural mind/body boost to get you off the couch and up your next Spartan Rope Climb and over the Seven Foot Wall!
What’s so great about this ancient brew? A lot! It’s not just for your afternoon tea and crumpets. This wonderful plant is chock full of healthy nutrients, antioxidants, and amino acids to help you pre- and post workout. - Green tea contains some caffeine about 40 mg per cup so it can give you nice boost without overloading you on caffeine and giving you the jitters. - Why else don’t you get the jitters with green tea? L- theanine. I know, I know, what on earth is that, right? L-theanine is an amino acid found naturally in only a few sources. One, is tea. L-theanine acts synergistically with caffeine and gives you the natural boost you get from caffeine but without the jitters. - Next up – antioxidants and green tea is full of them. In particular, a group called catechins that help fight free-radicals. This can support your immune system and certainly help during cold and flu season. - Another important feature of green tea is the anti-inflammatory effect. This can help you post workout with muscle recovery and decrease stress on the body which can promote healing. - So many superpowers are hidden in this wonderful tea plant. In fact, green tea can help inhibit cavity forming bacteria in the mouth. So, as an added benefit it can keep your breath fresh during those long workouts. Also remember hot or iced you can reap these health benefits and it will help you stay hydrated.
Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram
"L-theanine—a unique amino acid of green tea and its relaxation effect in humans," Lekh Raj Juneja et al.,Trends in Food Science & Technology 10.6-7 (1999): 199-20 "Green tea extract improves running endurance in mice by stimulating lipid utilization during exercise," Takatoshi Murase, et al., American Journal of Physiology-Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology 290.6 (2006): R1550-R1556. "Green tea catechin consumption enhances exercise-induced abdominal fat loss in overweight and obese adults," Kevin C. Maki, et al., The Journal of nutrition 139.2 (2008): 264-270. Free radicals are “toxic byproducts of oxygen metabolism that can cause significant damage to living cells and tissues in a process called ‘oxidative stress.’ " See William B. Salt II, “How do free radicals affect the body,” in Sharecare.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan
Thu, 10 January 2019
Momentum can build up in the positive or the negative. Here’s how you can make momentum work for you, NOT against you!
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan
Wed, 9 January 2019
Mind reading is when we make assumptions about what others are thinking or feeling. The problem is, these presumptions can put us in a position of believing we know what is true, when in fact we are guessing. We can then attach ourselves to stories that we are creating and see them as reality rather than assumption. Mind reading can essentially get us into trouble so it’s important that we catch ourselves when we are doing it and work to correct course.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 8 January 2019
This may be the most important interview in Spartan Up history. The story Dan Crowley, a 96-year-old WWII POW, survivor of the horrific Bataan Death March, and a delightful man. Faced with unfathomable torture, he is truly one of the most resilient, remarkable and optimistic human beings we have had the privilege to meet. This extended episode tells a dark tale in the world’s history, yet, his smiling jovial face shows the true and utter strength, grit and resolve of our species. It was our honor to be able to capture this important story and share it with all of you.
LESSONS: Persistence of hope is key Whatever has happened, there is still joy to be had Believe in yourself Be a role model Use the way your impacted to positively impact the world Live your life knowing you will survive Humor can be a powerful tool for healing
This episode is brought to you by CHOMPS, the cleanest jerky stick on the market. You can purchase Chomps' grass-fed, non-GMO, no sugar added meat snacks at use the promo code SPARTAN for 20% off and free shipping
TIME STAMPS: 0:00 Hosts Colonel Nye, Johnny Waite, Marion Abrams and guest Dr. Lara Pence introduce this powerful interview 2:34 Col Nye introduces the history behind the Bataan Death March 4:00 Joe DeSena interview with Dan Crowley begins 7:00 making his way to the Philippines 13:00 attack on Nichols Base in Manilla 15:00 sailing to Bataan Peninsula 17:00 defending Bataan against the Japanese 21:00 an untenable position 22:25 the night of April 9th - a long swim 28:00 CHOMPS.COM break 29:00 31 Habits of the Healthiest Spartan 30:48 Joe DeSena interview with Dan Crowley continues - “the need to endure” 33:00 trapped in a 3 acre cesspool - “becoming valuable enough to be given the right to live” 35:00 slave labor work detail 36:45 building an airfield without machinery & beaten with clubs (nicknamed vitamin sticks) 38:00 almost beaten to the point of death 39:30 Jerry the “Executioner” 43:20 being deemed “unfit for labor” & sent to Japan 46:45 sailing from Brooklyn army base 47:00 The lowest point 48:45 Going home - the Readjustment Period 51:00 trying to get a job once home 53:15 Johnny Waite, Colonel Nye, Marion Abrams and guest Dr. Lara Pence discuss this remarkable interview 1:05:00 CHOMPS.COM close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Colonel Nye, Marion Abrams and guest Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan |
Sun, 6 January 2019
Both mental and physical health are critical for athletic performance. Environmental conditions also play a crucial role. What happens to your body when you’re exposed to extremes of cold and heat? Can your body adapt to these conditions? It’s important to know what happens to the body during extremes of temperature, what science has taught us about human environmental limits, and ways we can do to safely take out endurance to the next level.
In a word….yes, but, in moderation. First, two terms to review:
- Hyperthermia – that’s when the body is too hot and in the extreme, can lead to heatstroke. This happens when there’s an uncontrolled increase in body temp and it exceeds the body’s ability to lose heat. Depending on how it’s measured typically hyperthermia begins when your core body temp is above 100.5F (38C) and extreme hyperthermia is at 104F (40C). Why it’s bad is that key enzymes in the body start to break down. And at about 106F cells start to die. Remember our normal body temp is 98.6F (37C) Now with this, I’m talking about internal or core body temperature obviously the external temp can be much higher. The key, your body’s ability to lose the heat, stay hydrated and maintain your core temperature. Everything is about homeostasis or balance. - Now how about Hypothermia – that’s the opposite extreme. It’s when the body loses more heat than it can absorb. This begins once body core temp goes below 95F and starts with shivering because that’s a way for your body to try and increase body temp. Once internal temps reach about 86F (30C) cellular metabolic processes start to shut down and this makes walking almost impossible. Now that’s the extreme but there’s a lot in between. Most humans can’t withstand internal core temps below 70F.
Many of the boundaries that describe what a typical human can survive are relatively well established. You may have heard the reference the “rule of threes” that’s air, water, and food. It equal to 3 min, 3 days, and 3 weeks respectively so that’s …3 min without air, 3 days without water, and 3 weeks without food. Yet, we’ve all heard of some that have exceeded those limits and pushed the boundaries of what we thought humanly possible. Training and exposure to extremes of temperature, when done properly, can unlock a form of environmental conditioning and your tolerance can increase. But, as always know your limits, be in tune with your body, and stay hydrated.
Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram
“Between extremes: health effects of heat and cold” Environ Health Perspect. 2015 Nov; 123(11): A275–A279. “How thermoregulation can give athletes an edge (mission athletecare)” Korey Stringer Institute, Univ of Conn, May 17, 2015. “What doesn’t kill us: how freezing water, extreme altitude, and environmental conditioning will renew our lost evolutionary strength” by Scott Carney Jan 3, 2017.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan
Thu, 3 January 2019
Success leaves clues. When I hear lessons from successful people, there are common themes and 1 of those common themes is getting comfortable being uncomfortable. Growth comes from being uncomfortable.
LINKS: More about Zach Even-Esh Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 2 January 2019
Setbacks are part of the human experience. We all experience them and they often come in different forms - physical, relational, emotional. Setbacks can offer lots of opportunities for growth but you’ve got to be open to seeing them in order to benefit. How we recover from a setback is often determined by our outlook and willingness to shift perspective.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan |
Tue, 1 January 2019
Three-Time Olympic Medalist Kristine Lilly’s Advice on Soccer and Life Kristine was part of the world-renowned American Women’s soccer team that put women’s soccer on the map in the US! On that team, she scored an incredible 130 goals in her 23-year career, played in 3 Olympics winning Gold in tow and Silver in the third, and is the most “capped” player in football history. She and Joe DeSena talk about being fit for life, the struggle and reward of the fight to the top, and her strategy for the tough days! Watch out, Joe may even get a black eye...
LINKS Kristine Lilly
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FitAid. Race dirty, recover clean with FitAid. Visit and sign up to win an amazing Grand Prize package from FitAid and Spartan, monthly Spartan prize packs, and more! FITAID – Recovery for YOUR active lifestyle.
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Hosts Colonel Nye, Dr. L and Johnny Waite introduce the guest 2:30 Interview with Kristine Lilly begins 5:20 Joe calls his wife Courtney DeSena 8:40 Fitaid Break 10:15 31 Habits of Healthy Spartans: #1 eating window - intermittent fasting 11:27 Kristine Lilly Interview continues - being competitive 12:27 Healthy competition 15:00 Sharing goals for success 18:00 Why the women’s game did so well 21:40 Dr. L, Colonel Nye and Johnny Waite discuss the interview and how you can apply the lessons we learned into your daily routine 28:47 Fitaid special offer SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Colonel Nye, Sefra Alexandra and guest Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan
Direct download: 228_SUP_EDIT_Kristine_lilly_FULL_HABIT1_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Sun, 30 December 2018
Chronic inflammation can be caused by many different sources. The key is to know some of the inflammatory triggers and take active steps to manage and prevent it. In this episode, we’ll cover what it is, common causes, and some easy anti-inflammatory tools you can use anytime. Chronic inflammation can be caused by many different sources. The key is to know some of the inflammatory triggers and take active steps to manage and prevent it. In this episode, we’ll cover what it is, common causes, and some easy anti-inflammatory tools you can use anytime. WHAT WE COVERInflammation occurs naturally in the body and can be helpful and needed for an acute situation. It’s your body’s first line of defense But, if left unchecked, chronic inflammation can contribute to some major illnesses such as: heart disease, diabetes, obesity, depression, and Alzheimer’s. So, what are some key steps you can take to decrease or prevent chronic inflammation: A number of lifestyle choices can help reduce inflammation: 1. Stop smoking! 2. Decrease your alcohol consumption 3. Exercise! Our bodies are meant for movement and this helps clear toxins4. Adequate sleep: you rob yourself of much-needed sleep and it triggers inflammation because it puts stress on the body.5. How about some natural remedies or treatments that can help?e. Some powerful anti-inflammatants include: - Turmeric: it’s an ayurvedic spice used to flavor many delicious curries but you can use this in its powdered form on food, in drinks, as a tea or in supplement form- Broccoli: I love food as medicine so eat the real deal when you can but it can also be consumed in powder form that can be added to healthy smoothies or veggie drinks.- Green Tea: I discuss green tea in another one of our podcasts but it’s because it is great, I’m a fan, and I drink a few cups every day. Again, I like using the actual food or beverage but they do make green tea supplements and a particular compound found in green tea called EGCG has strong anti-inflammatory effects. -Quercetin: its an antioxidant found in citrus, olive oil, and dark-berries – like blueberries. Use the natural from in food whenever possible but it does come in a capsule supplement form as well.f. Now you know why you don’t want inflammation and some simple ways to prevent it. Keep inflammation at bay and your body primed and ready to take on whatever comes next! SUBSCRIBE:Apple Podcasts: Play: |
Thu, 27 December 2018
Here are some GREAT lessons I picked up from a book called ‘The Great Work of Your Life’. This book will give you inspiration and clarity on your true calling.
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way” The Great Work of Your Life, Book:
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan
Wed, 26 December 2018
Anxiety can plague many of us. That habitual and pervasive worry can not only become intrusive but also leave us feeling debilitated if not managed well. There are a few ways to reduce your anxiety and practicing them regularly can leave you feeling more in control of your worry and less vulnerable to it’s impact on your day. These various tactics are not only simple in their accessibility but also easy to understand and apply.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan |
Tue, 25 December 2018
Anything is possible when you let no one outwork you. That’s the mantra of Isaiah Kacyvenski. This episode is testament to the power of relentless determination. Growing up with a difficult childhood in poverty and bouts of homelessness - it was his dedication to studies, reading six hours every Sunday, and focusing on the words he taped to his ceiling “let no one outwork you today,” that led Isaiah to eight years in the NFL. 6 years with the Seattle Seahawks, and then the St. Luis Rams and Oakland Raiders. But why stop there, next he won his MBA from Harvard business school and then on to success in venture capital. This is a story worth hearing. Hold yourself accountable for your own destiny !
LINKS This episode is brought to you by AfterShokz. Be open and hear it all with AfterShokz open-ear headphones, delivering situational awareness and comfort, unmatched by traditional in-ear or over-the-ear headphones. Visit for $50 off wireless headphone bundles.
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Our hosts Colonel Nye, Dr. L and Johnny Waite 1:26 SPARTAN.AFTERSHOZ.COM 1:53 Interview begins- how to overcome a rough childhood background 4:00 Controlling your destiny 5:00 Letting no one outwork you! 6:20 Holding yourself accountable 8:00 Working towards your goal- getting to Harvard 11:12 SPARTAN.AFTERSHOKZ.COM break 13:24 Interview continues 14:50 Getting into the NFL 18:30 Becoming a venture capitalist 20:30 Learning how to run businesses 22:50 Three takeaways 23:25 Dr. L, Colonel Nye and Johnny Waite discuss the interview and how you can apply some of the lessons we learned into your daily routine
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Colonel Nye and Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan
Direct download: 227_SUP_EDIT_Isaiah_Kacyvenski_FULL_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Sun, 23 December 2018
Meditation can be a simple but powerful tool to help your brain calm, improve focus, and enhance sleep. What’s the easiest way to incorporate this technique into your daily routine? In this episode we’ll tell you what it is, how to do it, and the short and long-term benefits to enhanced focus.
Direct download: 06_HEALTH_MEDITATION_TO_FOCUS_THE_MIND_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 20 December 2018
Do you ever find yourself saying the all too common phrase, I just don’t have the time to exercise.
We’ve all been there before, so if you find yourself on a time crunch, here are a few powerful SPARTAN exercises that you can do at home, no matter where you live!
NOTE: This episode works best if you can watch the video to see how the exercises should be performed!
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way” SUBSCRIBE:
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 19 December 2018
The data is pretty clear - the way that you think about yourself impacts your performance. Plain and simple. When you are engaging in more positive thinking patterns and see the world through a more positive lens, your performance in various arenas increases. Whether it’s your career, your relationships, or your performance out on the Spartan course, how you come out in the end will depend on the way that you think about yourself and the language you use for yourself. The more positive your thinking, the more improved you can expect your performance.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan |
Tue, 18 December 2018
Have trouble staying happy? When it became a struggle for Chris Ashenden, founder of Athletic Greens he attacked it like any other problem in life. He compiled a list of things that make him happy, then made sure to do them every day. For Chris the list includes dancing, time with dynamic people, sunlight on the face, intense exercise, heat changes. In this episodes of Spartan Up Joe DeSena sits with Chris at Spartan World Championships in Tahoe to learn about the entrepreneurial and personal journey that led to the incredible success of Athletic Greens - both as a product and as a business.
LINKS Athletic Greens Athletic Greens on Facebook
This episode is brought to you by CHOMPS, the cleanest jerky stick on the market. You can purchase Chomps' grass-fed, non-GMO, no sugar added meat snacks at use the promo code SPARTAN for 20% off and free shipping
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Our hosts Sefra Alexandra (The Seedhuntress,) Johnny Waite and guest panelists Matt B Davis (Obstacle Racing Media,) and Charlie Brenneman (The Spaniard) introduce Joe DeSena’s Interview with Chris Ashenden. 1:22 CHOMPS.COM save 20% with code SPARTAN 1:40 Interview with Chris Ashenden of Athletic Greens begins 3:00 What you eat vs. what gets absorbed 5:45 Playing rugby in Argentina & meeting Tim Ferriss 7:45 Building a “moat” around the brand 9:20 CHOMPS.COM break 10:25 Back to Joe DeSena’s interview with Chris Ashenden 12:00 Origin story of this entrepreneur 12:50 Bankruptcy & how to overcome it 14:00 How to focus on happiness 17:00 What’s good enough? 18:30 Perfect vs. possible 21:40 Charlie Brenneman (The Spaniard,) Sefra Alexandra (The Seedhuntress,) Matt B Davis (Obstacle Racing Media,) and Johnny Waite put the interview with Chris in perspective and help you apply the lessons to your life.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra & guest hosts Matt B Davis & Charlie Brenneman
Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan |
Sun, 16 December 2018
On Spartan Health we’ve talked about how important your senses can be in terms of your cognitive function and physical health. In this episode, we take a deep dive into how you can tap into your sensory system as a powerful tool for optimal mental and physical performance. SImple techniques that can get you ready and set for you next Spartan Sprint, Super, or Beast! WHAT WE COVER:
We all experience it now and then. You want to focus, get in “the zone” but you’re having a tough time. Here’s 5 easy steps that will help you get centered fast. Each of them is a different tool or technique and each activates a different sensory pathway. What do I mean by that? Let’s say you want your brain to focus or concentrate. An effective way to do that is to send a signal on every one of your sensory pathways (your sense of sight, touch, sound, taste and smell). Your sensory system is your only connection to the outside world and it’s pretty powerful. It works 24/7 sending signals to your brain and you’re deciding (often subconsciously) if it’s a positive or negative stimulus and your body and mind respond accordingly. So, being in tune and mindful of your sensory system can carry you a long way to better focus and getting your “game face on.” What to do:
Ok, lots of stuff covered here let me give a quick review of key points for each sense to be treated: 1.Sight: Tree Pose
Now, get in touch with your sensory system and you’ll be amazed as to how you get in tune and in sync with your body and mind. KEY TERMS & IDEAS:
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram
“View through a window may influence recovery from surgery” Science. 1984 Apr 27;224(4647):420-1. “The potential of positive places: senses, brain, and spaces” Intelligent Building International 2010, 2: 218-228. “Integrative health services in school health clinics” Adolesc Psychiatry 2015 Apr; 5(2): 132–139. “Internal and external imagery on sports performance among swimmers” European Academic Research Feb 2015 Vol. II, Issue 11. SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan
Direct download: 05_HEALTH_MENTAL_FOCUS_IN_STEPS_W_GFX_1_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 13 December 2018
No matter how passionate you are about what you do, there will always be a time where you feel like you’ve hit a wall and need a break. The BIG reason I’ve seen others experience burnout including myself, is often times because we get busy looking at what others are doing and we lose our OWN True North! LESSONS:
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast CREDITS:
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 12 December 2018
Getting curious is the unsung hero of mental toughness. Sometimes our ego likes to play first man and we close ourselves off to the wisdom, expertise, and knowledge of others. But the truth is, when we do this we are actually closing ourselves off to growth, expansion, and enlightenment. The more available we are to learning and taking in what others have to offer the more we can fill our mind with the ‘good stuff’ and rid ourselves of the junk.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 11 December 2018
Kwame Christian, Director of the American Negotiation Institute, says any time two people are in a conversation and one of them wants something it’s a negotiation. The best things in life often lie on the other side of difficult conversations. We are negotiating all the time! In this interview, he shares a series of tools to help you negotiate anything, then puts Joe through a negotiation sparring session to demonstrate. Kwame believes using “compassionate curiosity” and understand the value of relationships, the importance of deep listening and questioning are the true art of negotiating. Stay tuned to the end of the conversation for the tools he recommends to “channel your inner unreasonable person” and win the day.
As an added bonus, if you watch on YouTube you’ll get to see Col. Nye behind the wheel for this on the move interview.
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by FitAid. Race dirty, recover clean with FitAid. Visit and sign up to win an amazing Grand Prize package from FitAid and Spartan, monthly Spartan prize packs, and more! FITAID – Recovery for YOUR active lifestyle.
TIME STAMPS 1:40 FORTHEFITAID.COM 2:17 Interview begins - careful the Col. is behind the wheel ;) 6:00 Tips and tricks for negotiating 7:30 Negotiation practice - Sparring session 9:00 Compassionate curiosity 11:30 The role of ego in winning/ losing 11:48 FITAID Break 14:04 Interview continues :A negotiation step by step 17:32 Brainstorming to solve problems 19:00 Three key skills explained: Pace, direction & framing 24:25 Sefra, Dr.L, Joe & Johnny discuss interview
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra & Dr. L Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan |
Sun, 9 December 2018
What is sleep? Why do we sleep? And what does sleep really do? Even though sleep is a fundamental part of of our daily routine the scientific community still debates many topics about our sleep. But, a few things are clear: we need it and can’t function without it. And, it’s a powerful way to support mental and physical health. Our brains do a lot when we sleep. In this episode, we’ll talk about why you need your Zzzzzz’s!
Low energy, poor memory, irritability, and weight gain…what do these things have in common? Not - enough - sleep!
- most of us require between 7-8 hours but some may need closer to 9. Anything less than that and you’re robbing your body of much needed down time to regenerate, recharge, heal and for the brain to consolidate learning from what you’ve done that day. A lot happens while you sleep from hormone release to learning and storage of information from that day’s activities.
- poor learning and memory - decreased stamina - increased stress hormone cortisol (not good, it can increase inflammation and negatively impact immune function) - Increased blood pressure - weight gain! Your body is more likely to gain weight because your metabolism is less efficient and you have more ghrelin – a hormone that can increase appetite. Bottom line, catch your Zzzz’s so your body and mind are primed and ready for your next race!
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram
“Clues to the functions of mammalian sleep” Nature 2005 Oct 27; 437 (7063), 1264-1271. “Sleep deprivation: Impact on cognitive performance” Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat. 2007 Oct; 3(5): 553–567 “The impact of sleep deprivation on hormones and metabolism” Medscape, Neurology, Insomnia and Sleep Help, Nov 2018.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan
Thu, 6 December 2018
Adversity and obstacles are always going to be there. Once you accept this, your obstacles can no longer control you. You begin to view obstacles as opportunities. You begin to thrive under adversity because adversity builds your Character!
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan
Wed, 5 December 2018
We often wait to get started on projects or activities until we are motivated. But the ‘I’ll start when I’m motivated’ is leaving us stuck and stagnant. That’s because it’s momentum that builds motivation - not being still. Stillness stifles. Momentum motivates. Once you get going on your next project or new activity the motivation that you’ve been looking for will build as you grow the muscle of your work. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2018 Spartan |
Tue, 4 December 2018
Aaron Hinde, Co-Founder & President of LIFEAID, tells us how he has used his Universal ATM: Alignment, Trajectory & Momentum to build a huge brand organically and in the process has gathered a super loyal and positive community. He put everything into the creation of a healthier alternative to sodas and energy drinks, living on a frugal diet of canned tuna until the ATM paid off. The advice this week is as refreshing as the “Performance Beverages.”
LINKS: LIFEAID Aaron on Instagram Fitaid on Instagram This episode is brought to you by AfterShokz. Be open and hear it all with AfterShokz open-ear headphones, delivering situational awareness and comfort, unmatched by traditional in-ear or over-the-ear headphones. Visit for $50 off wireless headphone bundles.
0:00 Introduction 0:50 1:20 Interview begins 1:45 hustler mentality 3:15 paying your own way 4:00 living off the grid 5:00 getting by on $1,000/ month 7:00 slinging cans at golf tournaments 8:30 having alignment 9:30 focus on trajectory 10:20 aftershokz break 13:26 interview continues 14:30 Universal ATM 16:00 repping the brand 18:50 time vs. engagement 29:10 Sefra, Angle, Johnny & Joe discuss the interview
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye and guest host Angel Sanz. Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan |
Sun, 2 December 2018
Caffeine in one form or another is used by about 90% of Americans every single day. How much caffeine you consume can have a direct effect on your health. Know your limits and the signs and symptoms of too much caffeine.
We’ve all been there…you’re dragging and have a busy day ahead…you need a quick boost. Many of us turn to caffeine.
Physically you: -Start to sweat -Get Clammy hands -Feel Heart palpitations -You can become Irritable, agitated, jittery and it’s hard to sit still -In its most severe case, it can cause life threatening atrial fibrillation (irregular heartbeat) which can prompt an MI (myocardial infarct) or heart attack.
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram
“Caffeine content for coffee, tea, soda and more” Mayo Clinic Staff, Healthy Lifestyle/Nutrition and Healthy Eating “Caffeine Toxicity” Drugs & Diseases / Emergency Medicine, Medscape updated: Aug 21, 2018.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan |
Thu, 29 November 2018
We often hear others talking about focusing on one thing. In fact, you might be doing this yourself. You’re focused on work? Focused on family? Instead of just focusing one area of your life, simply apply excellence to ALL areas of your life. A Spartan exercises discipline and excellence to ALL areas of life. LESSONS:
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan
Wed, 28 November 2018
We all have a set of coaches that reside in our head at any given time. Many of these are a compilation of past individuals who have influenced us and their past messages have now become our own internalized voice. Many of these are helpful but some of them may be harmful because their messages are negative in nature or bring us down rather than lift us up. Learning how to differentiate between the helpful coaches and harmful ones is an important step in weeding out what doesn’t serve us.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 27 November 2018
What does it take to become an Olympian and do those things carry over into success in other endeavors? If anyone knows it’s Mike Miller. He’s CEO of the World Olympian Association, which brings together the 120,000 living Olympic alumni. How do these athletes transition into the business world? Will Spartan become an Olympic sport? The Olympic spirit is strong in SPartan’s international competitions! LESSONS
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by Powerful Foods. Fuel your active lifestyle with high-protein, no sugar added products, made with natural ingredients. Visit for a 10% OFF any Powerful product, with code SPARTANPOWER. TIME STAMPS
Sun, 25 November 2018
Adaptogens are a special class of herbs that have been used around the globe for centuries by many different cultures. These herbs support your body’s stress response, immune system, and can help pre- and post-workout for both endurance and exercise recovery. WHAT WE COVER:
LINKS & RESOURCES: “Evidence-based efficacy of adaptogens in fatigue, and molecular mechanisms related to their stress-protective activity” Curr Clin Pharmacol. 2009 Sep;4(3):198-219. SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: |
Thu, 22 November 2018
Are you always thinking about HOW to achieve more, be it in fitness, health, life, business or any other area of interest? Instead of thinking about HOW, you really should be thinking about WHO. LESSONS:
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 21 November 2018
Accepting responsibility and taking ownership of your mistakes is key for not only self-reflection but also behavior change and modification. Because owning our mistakes can be painful and uncomfortable, we tend to offload responsibility onto other things or other people. We can always find a reason for why something is not our fault but engaging in this behavior pattern restricts our capacity for change and growth. When you accept responsibility you are opening yourself up to an opportunity to examine how things went awry in the first place and what might need to change next time.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 20 November 2018
Mind Pump host and fitness/wellness guru Sal Di Stefano sits down with Spartan Race founder Joe DeSena to talk about the state of the fitness industry and what you can do today to be stronger and healthier. You may be fast at something, but are you efficient? Repetitive frequency of proper skills builds effective health and wellness regiments - getting you to your maximum potential. This week we have Sal Di Stefano back on the podcast, discussing the platforms of “new media” and their role in shifting the “big ship” of fitness.
This episode is brought to you by FITAID. Visit and sign up to win an amazing Grand Prize package from FitAid and Spartan, monthly Spartan prize packs, and more! FITAID – Recovery for YOUR active lifestyle.
TIME STAMPS 00:00 intro 00:58 FitAID 1:30 Interview begins 2:00 Spartan Tea: “He of the Iron” 4:30 Mind Pump comes to Spartan 5:30 Podcasts as “new media” 7:20 Why “old media” is dying 8:00 An overlying purpose of fitness 9:00 Wellness as a solution to the health epidemic 9:40 Spartan women 10:45 Chronic disease and the need to change your lifestyle 11:00 Internal “locus” of control 11:25 Empowerment through speech 11:45 shifting the big ship of fitness 12:25 FitAID break 13:50 Interview continues 14:00 Recommendations for getting started in exercise 15:20 Significance of resistance training 16:30 Weights as a modifiable form of resistance training 18:00 Joe’s non-negotiable exercises 19:40 The human body and efficiency 21:00 Pattern interrupt 22:00 Frequency in movement and health 23:30 Problems with training to fatigue 26:22 Sefra, Angel, Johnny & Joe discuss the interview 30:00 FitAID close SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye and guest host Angel Sanz. Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan
Direct download: 222_SUP_SAL_DESTAFANO_WITH_JOE-FULL_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Sun, 18 November 2018
NEW SERIES: Spartan HEALTH with Dr. Nada Milosavljevic every Sunday Your five senses are your body’s most direct connection to the outside world. They take in information 24/7 whether you know it or not. Harnessing any one of your senses can be a powerful way to stimulate the brain to achieve optimal results. WHAT WE COVER:
Three words: Citrus, citrus, citrus. The citrus family includes, grapefruit, orange, lemon and lime and they are central nervous system (CNS) stimulants. They upregulate, activate and energize your brain! The two I’m focusing on today are grapefruit and lime. First up, Grapefruit: While it has grown in the West Indies since at least the 18th century, it wasn’t widely known in the US until the 20th century. Today, there are at least 10 different varieties of grapefruit. Its essence or oil is prepared from its flowers and its powerfully fresh aroma can energize your senses! The other EO I’d like to tell you about is Lime: If you only use it in the kitchen to add some tanginess to your tacos or flavor a margarita, you are really missing out! Lime has important health and energy-boosting properties and can be combined with grapefruit for a wonderful 1 to punch to stimulate your mind and give your work out a boost! How to use them? You can use a towelette, wipe, tissue, gauze add a few drops of the energizing oils and inhale for 1-2 minutes. Repeat as needed and amp up your workout routine…naturally! KEY TERMS & IDEAS:
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Nada on LInkedin Sage Tonic Sage Tonic on Instagram .com/sagetonic/ “Holistic Health for Adolescents” “The potential of positive places: senses, brain, and spaces”
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Writer and Host: Nada Milosavljevic MD, JD
© 2018 Spartan
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Thu, 15 November 2018
Are you always 1 step shy from finishing your “mission”? 1 step short of achieving your goals? Today Zach Even-Esh tells you how you can make it over the finish line. Listen, then start taking pride in the challenges while turning your obstacles into opportunities.
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way” SUBSCRIBE:
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 14 November 2018
Setting goals is an important way to keep us accountable to the dreams and desires that we have for ourselves. Goals are an effective way to keep us on track and give our movement structure. Sometimes, however, we fall into the trap of setting insane goals - goals that are unreasonable for our current position and end up hurting us in the long run. Pushing yourself is important but you have to set goals that are achievable so that you gain confidence and keep moving in the right direction.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan
Tue, 13 November 2018
Watch 2010 Drill Sergeant of the Year puts Joe DeSena in his place. First Sergeant Melissa Solomon has a deep understanding of what it takes to motivate. She should, she’s a top professional.She knows fitness too! 1SG Solomon leads trainings in the Army Master Fitness Course to “create personal trainers in each company of 150 soldiers, to have them perform in optimal health.” Trained in how to master resiliency, she gives you tools for when “things aren't going your way- don’t quit- find another way and problem solve!” In this episode, wasting time and potential are not tolerated!
LINKS This episode of “Spartan Up!” is sponsored by Athletic Greens. Get 20 travel packs free when you order at
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Introduction 1:30 Athletic Greens special offer 1:56 Interview begins (you won’t want to miss this!) 2:40 how to become a drill sergeant 3:15 getting your message across 4:05 how do you tell a good recruit? 4:30 don’t quit 5:15 facing the brink of failure 5:45 pushing beyond limits 6:20 where does core resilience show up ? 7:30 how do you reach your goals 8:25 what are you motivated by ? 9:45 tips and tricks 11:00 ditch the excuses 12:40 drill sergeant burpees 13:00 Athletic Greens break 14:50 interview continues 15:30 Army Master Fitness Course 17:40 go out and get what you want 20:00 the Master Resilience Training Course 22:25 Sefra, Johnny, Joe and Joe Di discuss the interview 26:17 Athletic Greens special offer: SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye and guest host Joe Di Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2018 Spartan |
Thu, 8 November 2018
Today Zach talks about the secret to pushing through when -willpower doesn't seem to be enough. - I came across a great book gifted to me by fellow Spartan Up Friend, Joe Polish of The Genius Network. This book is Willpower Doesn’t Work. It made me rethink how self-discipline can be taken to the next level and beyond by changing your environment! LESSONS:
LINKS: More about Zach Read “The Spartan Way”
Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP & Zach:
Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Follow Zach on Instagram Follow Zach on Twitter Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast CREDITS:
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2018 Spartan |
Wed, 7 November 2018
Fear is one of those emotions that can significantly impact our choices, behaviors, and ways that we engage with the world. We all have our own set of fears and the intensity to which we feel fear about different things varies as well. One trap that we can all fall into though is the misbelief that the intensity of our fear is a measure of our capacity to handle the challenge that is ahead of us. When we connect fear with ability we are more at risk of becoming immobilized and opting out of what it is that we are afraid of instead of moving onward.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter Dr. L on Instagram
Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Dr. Lara Pence Synopsis: Dr. Lara Pence
© 2018 Spartan |