Thu, 11 February 2021
“I just can’t see investing in a business where the product is a stick with a cord,” an investor told Pete Holman. Today, that stick with a cord is sold across the globe and is known as the TRX Rip Trainer.
SpartanUp DEKA series host Jarod Cogswell talks with Pete about some of his biggest failures - both athletically and professionally. In this episode, you’ll learn…
-What athletic failure did Pete learn the most from? -How Pete rebounded after the aforementioned investor told Pete that his idea wasn’t worth investing in -How injuries led to Pete’s career as a physical therapist -The three most influential people in Pete’s life
About Pete Holman: Pete’s accreditation as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA, has enabled him to work with professional athletes and strength coaches from the MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, X-Games and SunEnergy1 race car team: most notably Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer Jerome “The Bus” Bettis and 8 time X-Games and Olympic gold medalist, Mike Schultz. Pete presents for IDEA FIT (the largest continuing education provider for personal trainers in the world,) writes for IDEA Fitness Journal, PTontheNet, STACK magazine and IronMan Magazine and has appeared on national tv shows such as the Dr’s and the Steve Harvey show.
Pete’s dedication to advancing the fitness industry and his entrepreneurial spirit has inspired him to create multiple products that impact fitness enthusiasts and athletes worldwide. His first product, The Functional Training Rack, was licensed to Perform Better in 2008 and inspired “hoop” platforms for current stability ball rack designs. His second product, the RIPCORE-FX, was acquired by TRX and is now referred to as the TRX Rip Trainer. The Rip Trainer has grossed over $20 million in worldwide sales and continues to be a leading rotational training modality used by athletes such as Steph Curry, Phil Mickelson and Drew Brees. His latest product, a plate loaded Hip Thrust machine called the Glute Drive, was licensed to Nautilus and is currently their number one selling commercial strength product, selling over 2000 units in its first year.
Pete recently authored his first book, a fictional piece called CRUZ, published by Scriptor publishing. The book is an homage to athletic development, coaching, mentorship and the underdog in us all.
Connect with Pete: -Website: PH1Performance.Com -Twitter: @PeteHolman1 -Instagram: @PeteHolman1
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Better Help. Save 10% on your first month by going to BetterHelp.Com/Spartan.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Tue, 9 February 2021
Imagine: You're not in the shape you should be. You've of lost your direction. You've hit a low. That was Lindsay Dare Shoop. Eight years later, she was taking home gold at the Olympics on the US Rowing Team. Today she tells Joe De Sena, founder & Ceo of Spartan, how she made that transformation and all the things she learned in the process that make up her book, "Better Great Than Never." “I didn't think I was good enough to play a sport after high school. So I quit sports and spent about two and a half years, kind of wandering aimlessly without them. Gaining weight, grades dropping, kind of socially withdrawing, and then through a random kind of chance moment bumped into the head rowing coach when I was in college, and in that day on that moment, the timing was right. And it was like this. The opportunity arose right when I needed it.”
Today's episode of Spartan up is brought to you by BetterHelp. Spartan Up listeners can save 10% on their first month by going to
LINKS: About Lindsay Shoop “Better Great Than Never”
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan |
Fri, 5 February 2021
“It’s okay if they see you as the underdog, but don’t believe that you are the underdog,” says former NFL pro JJ Birden. Birden played in 9 NFL seasons for the Kansas City Chiefs and Atlanta Falcons from 1988 to 1996. Spartan Up DEKA series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp interview JJ Birden to help the listener learn:
-How to sustain success after the ‘highlight’ after your life -Why it’s okay if other people see you as an underdog -How to focus your efforts on making small, incremental improvements -The #1 trait of good leaders: leading from the front and how to implement this methodology in your life -How to make decisions under pressure: Process, Decide and Commit -Why team sports for America’s youth?
About JJ: JJ is a best-selling author, entrepreneur, motivational speaker, husband and father. He has been married to his college sweetheart, Raina, for 30 years and has 8 children (3 biological and 5 adopted nieces and nephews). He and his family reside in the Phoenix area. JJ Birden is an engaging communicator, passionate presenter, and a leading authority on helping individuals seize their opportunities in life.
Connect with JJ Birden: Website: JJBirden.Com Twitter: @jjbirden Instagram: @jjbirden
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Save 30% with the code “HSSpartan2020”.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 4 February 2021
“If you want to be an athlete when you’re 90, you have to keep mixing up your workouts,” says Lisa Smith-Batchen, endurance athlete and guest on this week’s Endurance Series episode.
SpartanUp Endurance Series host Johnny Waite talks with Lisa about how she uses cross-training to stay excited about working out. In this episode you’ll learn:
-Why Lisa ran 100 miles while pulling a tire? -How Lisa uses snow-shoe walking as a form of meditation -Why does Lisa train / run with slower runners? -When to pull out of a race (hint, Lisa uses a motto “make the right choice” vs DNF) -What types of cross-training exercises Lisa uses when she wants to mix-up a workout
About Lisa: Lisa Smith-Batchen – Endurance Athlete & Personal Coach Stories about Lisa’s athletic achievements have appeared on the covers of The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post and Winning Magazine. Additionally, she has appeared in Runner’s World, Sports Illustrated for Women, ESPN Magazine, Outside Magazine, Ultrarunning, Trail Runner, Running Times and numerous other national and international publications. Look for feature stories about Lisa’s 2,500 mile run through America in Runners’s World (Jan. 2011) Women’s Adventure (Nov. 2010) Ultra Runner Magazine (April 2011) Lisa is the first and only person to run 50 miles in all 50 states in the USA in 62 days as part of her Running Hope Through America fundraising project! Lisa was the first American female to win the Marathon des Sables, a 150 mile stage-race through the Sahara desert. Additionally, she has twice won the Badwater Ultramarathon (135 miles through Death Valley). Lisa is the only person to run from Las Vegas, NV to the summit of Mt. Whitney, covering 306 miles and was the first female to complete the “Badwater Quad,” covering 584 miles! Television coverage on Lisa includes segments on ESPN, Discovery Channel, ABC’s Wide World of Sports, NBC’s Nightly News with Tom Brokaw and Good Morning America. In 2010 Lisa was featured on CNN and on newscasts in 47 states. She was a main character in a feature length film on the Badwater Ultramarathon, entitled Running Under the Sun. She has also appeared in two Outdoor Life Network specials on the Marathon des Sables. Lisa has done product testing for The North Face, an outdoor equipment and clothing company, and has appeared in their product catalogs and a national advertising campaign with Dean Karnazes. She is a past member of the Montrail/Patagonia and Smith/Pearl Izumi Ultrarunning Teams and has been also sponsored by Clif Bar, Petzl, Pharmanex, Smartwool, Sharkies, Nathan, Nuu-Muu, Nuun, Smith Optics, Body Glide, Engo, Hammer Nutrition, Kinesys, Salt Stick, Crescent Moon Snowshoes, Freelife, Damascus Bakeries, Nike, Crocs, Coco 5, Coco-Elite, Ceregumil, Styr Labs and Trail Toes. Click here for links to Lisa’s sponsors.
CONNECT WITH LISA Twitter: @dreamchasrs Instagram: @coachlisasmithbatchen Website: DreamChaserEvents.Com
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Save 30% with the code “HSSpartan2020”.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 2 February 2021
Steven Pressfield, author of "Gates of Fire" about the original Spartans, and the classics "The Warrior Ethos" and "The War of Art" joins Joe De Sena on the Spartan Up podcast today. How will you keep driving forward in 2021? And what can we learn from the ancient Spartans about success and drive?
If you've heard the terms "going pro" or "resistance" in the context of athletic, creative, mental performance you've heard the ideas of Stephen Pressfield. What can we learn about motivation from the original Spartans? What is the essential lesson of Pressfield's book "turning pro?" Those are all topics of this motivating conversation.
Get ready to crash into 2021 and keep driving forward, just make sure you're walking, lifting, running, or hustling while you listen.
This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger HONEYSTINGER.COM CODE: HSSPARTAN2020
LINKS: Stephen Pressfield His NEW Book “A Man at Arms”
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan
Sat, 30 January 2021
“I was fired, my car exploded, and closed on a new house in a week’s time”, says Wade Burgess, Chief Revenue Officer at Rev.Com
SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner talks with Burgess about that life-changing week. In this episode you’ll learn:
-How to stay positive during your a job change -3 tips for achieving long-term happiness and satisfaction in your career -Advice for fitness lovers on careers that reward competitiveness -What wrestling taught Wade about discipline
Connect with Wade -Twitter: @wadeburgess
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Gone Rogue Snacks. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
Find out more at
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 28 January 2021
How do you live life with no regrets? Tune into this episode with fitness inventor and export Pete Holman, who joins SpartanUp DEKA series hosts’ Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp, to share tactical advice on how to ‘leave it all on the table.’ In this you’ll learn...
-What question you should ask yourself on your deathbed -About Pete’s inspiration for the TRX Rip Trainer -How you can create something from dust -The turning point in Pete’s life and how you can find yours -To never underestimate the impact you can have one someone else’s life
About Pete Holman Pete’s accreditation as a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist through the NSCA, has enabled him to work with professional athletes and strength coaches from the MLB, NFL, NBA, UFC, X-Games and SunEnergy1 race car team: most notably Pittsburgh Steelers Hall of Famer Jerome “The Bus” Bettis and 8 time X-Games and Olympic gold medalist, Mike Schultz. Pete presents for IDEA FIT (the largest continuing education provider for personal trainers in the world,) writes for IDEA Fitness Journal, PTontheNet, STACK magazine and IronMan Magazine and has appeared on national tv shows such as the Dr’s and the Steve Harvey show.
Pete’s dedication to advancing the fitness industry and his entrepreneurial spirit has inspired him to create multiple products that impact fitness enthusiasts and athletes worldwide. His first product, The Functional Training Rack, was licensed to Perform Better in 2008 and inspired “hoop” platforms for current stability ball rack designs. His second product, the RIPCORE-FX, was acquired by TRX and is now referred to as the TRX Rip Trainer. The Rip Trainer has grossed over $20 million in worldwide sales and continues to be a leading rotational training modality used by athletes such as Steph Curry, Phil Mickelson and Drew Brees. His latest product, a plate loaded Hip Thrust machine called the Glute Drive, was licensed to Nautilus and is currently their number one selling commercial strength product, selling over 2000 units in its first year.
Pete recently authored his first book, a fictional piece called CRUZ, published by Scriptor publishing. The book is an homage to athletic development, coaching, mentorship and the underdog in us all.
Connect with Pete: -Twitter: @PeteHolman1 -Instagram: @PeteHolman1
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Gone Rogue Snacks. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Mon, 25 January 2021
Need some motivation as we walk into 2021? This is the episode for you. Fitness icon Clark Bartram and Joe De Sena share their favorite tactics for getting going and keeping going even when you don't feel like it. Clark says "I'm gonna let the cat out of the bag, I'm a fitness guy, I've made a living off of being in fitness. I don't like to exercise. I don't, I don't get up every morning, go, yay, I get to go work. ... but I enjoy the result from it. "
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount
LINKS: Clark Bartram Spartan Fit App
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan |
Sat, 23 January 2021
“Physically, our bodies are so capable to do what our mind wants to do,” says Lisa Smith-Batchen, endurance athlete and guest on this week’s Endurance Series episode.
SpartanUp Endurance Series host Johnny Waite talks with Lisa about her experiences racing the Badwater and the Badwater Quad. In this episode you’ll learn:
-The extreme environments that runners face during the Badwater Ultramarathon -How to prepare for a race where you traverse multiple climates -How Lisa stays ‘peaceful’ during a race -Why it’s okay to not be competitive -The transformative experience for Lisa that allows her to stay ‘quiet and calm’ during a race -Why she views the elements as obstacles
About Lisa: Lisa Smith-Batchen – Endurance Athlete & Personal Coach Stories about Lisa’s athletic achievements have appeared on the covers of The NY Times, The LA Times, The Washington Post and Winning Magazine. Additionally, she has appeared in Runner’s World, Sports Illustrated for Women, ESPN Magazine, Outside Magazine, Ultrarunning, Trail Runner, Running Times and numerous other national and international publications. Look for feature stories about Lisa’s 2,500 mile run through America in Runners’s World (Jan. 2011) Women’s Adventure (Nov. 2010) Ultra Runner Magazine (April 2011) Lisa is the first and only person to run 50 miles in all 50 states in the USA in 62 days as part of her Running Hope Through America fundraising project! Lisa was the first American female to win the Marathon des Sables, a 150 mile stage-race through the Sahara desert. Additionally, she has twice won the Badwater Ultramarathon (135 miles through Death Valley). Lisa is the only person to run from Las Vegas, NV to the summit of Mt. Whitney, covering 306 miles and was the first female to complete the “Badwater Quad,” covering 584 miles! Television coverage on Lisa includes segments on ESPN, Discovery Channel, ABC’s Wide World of Sports, NBC’s Nightly News with Tom Brokaw and Good Morning America. In 2010 Lisa was featured on CNN and on newscasts in 47 states. She was a main character in a feature length film on the Badwater Ultramarathon, entitled Running Under the Sun. She has also appeared in two Outdoor Life Network specials on the Marathon des Sables. Lisa has done product testing for The North Face, an outdoor equipment and clothing company, and has appeared in their product catalogs and a national advertising campaign with Dean Karnazes. She is a past member of the Montrail/Patagonia and Smith/Pearl Izumi Ultrarunning Teams and has been also sponsored by Clif Bar, Petzl, Pharmanex, Smartwool, Sharkies, Nathan, Nuu-Muu, Nuun, Smith Optics, Body Glide, Engo, Hammer Nutrition, Kinesys, Salt Stick, Crescent Moon Snowshoes, Freelife, Damascus Bakeries, Nike, Crocs, Coco 5, Coco-Elite, Ceregumil, Styr Labs and Trail Toes. Click here for links to Lisa’s sponsors.
CONNECT WITH LISA Twitter: @dreamchasrs Instagram: @coachlisasmithbatchen Website: DreamChaserEvents.Com
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Athletic Brewing. Get free shipping on two six-packs by placing your order online at AthleticBrewing.Com.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 21 January 2021
“The people who are advanced never don’t do the basics,” says Alex Hormozi, CEO of Gym Launch. Alex talks with SpartanUp DEKA series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp about how gym owners can thrive during the pandemic. In this episode you’ll learn:
-How to increase client retention -How to inspire change with a client by using pain, not gain -The #1 principal for gym owners who want to achieve financial longevity -How to differentiate your gym -How to change your clients’ internal dialogue
Connect with Alex: -Gym Launch: @GymLaunch, GymLaunch.Com -Instagram: @hormozi -Get your free copy of Gym Launch Secrets
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Athletic Brewing. Get free shipping on two six-packs by placing your order online at AthleticBrewing.Com.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 19 January 2021
Billionaire Mark Cuban joins Joe De Sena on Spartan Up today. The Shark tank star and owner of the Dallas Mavericks talks to Joe about how he would solve some pressing problems from fitness and childhood obesity to marketing Spartan races, to the idea of mandatory service. How can we solve some of our trickiest problems? Joe asked Mark Cuban how he would handle 8 of the biggest problems our country faces if he were president... 9 if you count getting more of you off the couch and out on the course. Wonder what it's really like to be a billionaire? That's where the interview starts. Next Joe De Sena, the founder of Spartan, asked Mark whether he'd consider running for president of the United States. If Mark Cuban were president: How would Mark Cuban handle COVID and get us back to racing and Mavericks games? How would he handle the gaping political divide between Red & Blue, Left & Right in the US? How would he solve the current health crisis and get people away from crap food and sugar? What would Mark Cuban do about childhood obesity? What does he think about some kind of mandatory service or right of passage in America? What would he do to create Green Energy? Does Mark Cuban support term limits? How would he improve our education system in the US? Presidential aspirations aside, Joe also asked Mark how HE would market Spartan Races and help with the mission to get 100 million people off the couch and what he thought about investing in Tesla stock.
This episode is brought to you by Athletic Brewing. Visit for free shipping on two six-packs or more
LINKS: Mark Cuban Companies Shower Toga Alyssa’s Cookies
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan |
Sat, 16 January 2021
“We will go to the end of the Earth to make sure our team gets what they need,” says Bryan Medlin. SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner talks with Medlin - one of the most respected greco-roman wrestling coaches in the country and current University of Illinois assistant coach - about how coaches can remove the ego. In this episode you’ll learn:
-What 14+ trips to Russia taught Medlin about youth development -Why coaching provides purpose to those who feel the calling -How a house fire in 2017 changed his perspective on gratitude -When you’re in a tough spot, how to focus on doing ‘one thing right’ -Leadership principles from the Marines
Connect with Bryan -Twitter: @MedlinBryan -Illini wrestling
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by HoneyStinger. Use the code ‘HSSpartan2020’ to save 30% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
Find out more at
© 2020 Spartan |
Thu, 14 January 2021
From the border of Afghanistan to the border of China, the Running the Roof the crew traversed the Bartang Valley on foot! This journey took over 20+ months to plan, and is the epitome of delayed gratification.
Spartan Up Endurance Series host Johnny Waite interviews Jody Bragger, Jodie Gauld and Gabriel Ghiglione, who together, ran across Tajikstan as part of a friendly bet. The bet started in the dead of winter, where the crew picked a location on a map (blindfolded) and committed to running wherever their finger landed. The end result was a cross-country adventure that was made into a documentary, Running the Roof. In this episode you’ll learn:
-How to break a massive task into micro-projects -What role visualization played in the Crew’s preparations -Why it’s important to be a yes person -How the Crew used game theory during the planning process -How the film impacted the Crew’s lives
Learn more about Jodie, JB and Gabriel: -Watch the documentary: -Connect on social: @jodieGauld; @intrepid_sole -Connect with Midnight Runners on social (@midnightrunners)
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by HoneyStinger. Use the code ‘HSSpartan2020’ to save 30% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 12 January 2021
Joe De Sena and Nick Shaw review all the most popular diet types. What should you really be eating? How do you simplify your food choices? Nick is the Founder and CEO of Renaissance Periodization - a diet and fitness company founded on evidence-based practices, the author of "Fit for Success," and the host of the RP Strength podcast.
This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Visit and use code: HSSPARTAN2020 to save 30% off.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2021 Spartan |
Sat, 9 January 2021
“I have a sticky-note on my wall that says ‘Ryan Atkins made you look stupid,” says Hunter McIntyre, who lost to Atkins at the inaugural Spartan Games.
SpartanUp DEKA Series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp talk with Hunter about his Spartan Games performance. In this episode you’ll learn:
-That fitness is the one outlet in modern society that provides a constant feedback loop -Why Hunter’s purpose is to be the happiest person in the world -Why Hunter feels it’s the ‘best’ way to determine the ‘fittest athlete’ -What happens when you don’t ‘own’ your wetsuit -What obstacle gave him the most trouble -His thought on competing against Ryan Atkins -What’s next for the Sheriff
Connect with Hunter -Twitter @huntthesheriff -Instagram: @huntthesheriff -Website:
Connect with Jarod and Yancy -Jarod’s Twitter and Instagram: @jarod_cogswell -Yancy’s Twitter and Instagram: @YancyCulp
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25” to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Thu, 7 January 2021
It’s not about the idea, it’s about the people behind the idea who can make it happen. That’s the theme of today’s StartanUp Endurance Series episode, where host Johnny Waite interviews Jody Bragger, Jodie Gauld and Gabriel Ghiglione, who together, ran across Tajikstan as part of a friendly bet. The bet started in the dead of winter, where the crew picked a location on a map (blindfolded) and committed to running wherever their finger landed. The end result was a cross-country adventure that was made into a documentary, Running the Roof. In this episode you’ll learn:
-The importance of the team you surround yourself with -Commitment: how to pick a date, or in this case, a country, and commit to the adventure that lies ahead -Why Tajikstan and what dangers did they encounter along the crew’s trip? -The crew’s running plans for the next 2 years
Learn more about Jodie, JB and Gabriel -Watch the documentary -Connect on social: @jodieGauld; @intrepid_sole
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25” to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 5 January 2021
They were desperate enough to call in an airstrike on themselves. Think about that. WIth that came ultimate clarity. Retired Navy SEAL Thom Shea says war teaches you what's real. He served 23 years with distinguished valor before writing his bestselling book, "Unbreakable: A Navy Seal's Way of Life." Today he talks about his latest book, "Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos." The founder of Unbreakable Leadership's lessons are more valuable than ever today. Thom shares battle-tested advice for leading through chaos with Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena based on the three primary skills you need to master - focus, ego/emotion, and failure. He shares the 6-hour daily program that is the baseline of the successful leaders he trains.
LINKS: Unbreakable Leadership “Three Simple Things: Leading During Chaos”
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 2 January 2021
When a decade of training wrestling, blindfolded, saves your life. That’s what Spartan CEO Joe De Sena and SpartanUp Combat Series host Ryan Warner talk about in today’s episode. The guys also cover Joe’s passion for combat sports, why Spartan Nutrition and Joe’s background in chosen suffering. In this episode you’ll learn…
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
Find out more at
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 31 December 2020
“Keep climbing and stop whining,” says Jarod Cogswell, co-host of the SpartanUp DEKA Series. “Keep climbing and stop whining,” says Jarod Cogswell, co-host of the Spartan Up DEKA Series. Coaches Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp share their best advice for making the most of your 2021 in this episode solo. They recap their biggest learnings from 2020, share strategies on how to get the most out of 2021, and talk about 3 reasons to be grateful during these crazy times.
In this episode you’ll learn -That sometimes you hit a false summit, but you have no choice but to keep climbing -Don’t filter yourself in 2021. If you have something to give, let yourself shine -How to keep climbing and stop whining -What the guys are most grateful for
Connect with Jarod and Yancy -Jarod’s Twitter and Instagram: @jarod_cogswell -Yancy’s Twitter and Instagram: @YancyCulp
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 29 December 2020
Mo Gawdat, today’s guest on Spartan Up, tells Joe De Sena happiness, like fitness, is something you can build. He’s the author of "Solve for Happy'' and former Chief Business Officer of Google [X], and today he’s on a mission to teach the art and practice of happiness.
Mo experienced a uniquely devastating event, the death of his son, it inspired in him a drive to understand the formula of happiness. Happiness, he says, follows a predictable equation.
"You can actually follow an algorithm, similar to the idea of if I eat healthy and work out I'll be fitter. If I make happiness, my priority, and do the work, I'll be happier."
This episode of Spartan Up podcast is brought to you by Headspace You deserve to feel happier, and Headspace is meditation made simple. Visit for a FREE one month trial with access to Headspace’s full library of meditations for every situation. READ:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 26 December 2020
Exercise is like the magic pill. You’ll get better sleep. You’re testosterone will go up. You’re going to look and feel better. All because of exercise, says Olympic wrestler Jake Herbert. Host of the SpartanUp Combat Series Ryan Warner talks with Jake about:
-How to track personal growth in 2021. Jake uses a journaling routine called the 4 B’s to guide his personal growth tracking. -Why exercise is the magic pill -Financial literacy for the new year -Takeaways from the Russian philosophy of wrestling and how Jake uses these lessons for his own personal growth
Follow Jake: Twitter: @Jakeherbert84 Instagram: @Jakeherbert84 Website:JakeHerbert.Com
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
Find out more at
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 24 December 2020
“If you want to identify your running inefficiencies, run naked” says ultra-marathon runner Patrick Sweeney, who talks with SpartanUp Podcast Endurance Series host Johnny Waite about how to become a minimalist runner. In this episode you’ll learn:
-How Patrick developed a love for running in the sandals -Why minimalist running improves your running form -How running with sandals heightens your sense of awareness -Why running naked will identify your running inefficiencies -That running in sandals and running barefoot are tools to improve your running form -The importance of listening to your body to prevent injuries -The genesis story for Pat’s run from Huntington Beach to Boston - a 3,355 mile trek that took 114 days.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 22 December 2020
We've been telling you for YEARS to do hard things. Today Joe De Sena, our show host and the founder and CEO of Spartan, asks neuroscientist, psychologist, and University Distinguished Professor, Dr. Lisa Feldman Barrett if we're right.
The author of "7 1/2 Lessons About the Brain" and "How Emotions are Made," explains how the brain reacts to stress. How to keep your brain snappy into old age. And how it is that doing hard things affects your mind and your body.
This episode of Spartan Up podcast is brought to you by Headspace You deserve to feel happier, and Headspace is meditation made simple. Visit for a FREE one month trial with access to Headspace’s full library of meditations for every situation. READ: Lisa’s latest book
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 19 December 2020
This interview is dedicated to our gracious, enthusiastic, and gone too soon series host Roy Wallack. Rest in peace. “The best social security is to keep on riding.” |
Thu, 17 December 2020
One of the most decorated CrossFit athletes of all time - Sam Briggs - talks with Spartan Up podcast DEKA series hosts Jarog Cogswell and Yancy Culp about:
-Sam’s origin story and what being a firefighter has taught her about team building -Why Sam participated in the Spartan Games -The benefits of functional fitness, regardless of age -When Sam takes on a new challenge, how does the evaluate the opportunity? -How has Sam’s ‘why’ changed over the past decade? -Spartan Games Day 2 recap -Sam’s inspiration at a young age and her favorite CrossFit Games memory
Connect with Sam: -Twitter: @BicepLikeBriggs -Instagram: @BicepLikeBriggs
Sam's Career Highlights: -2013 CrossFit Games Champion -DEKA STRONG world record holder -7x CrossFit Games qualifier
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Headspace. For a free one month trial, go to Headpace.Com/Spartan.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 15 December 2020
Pain is inevitable, right? But how do you distinguish between the pain you should push through and the pain that's a red flag? Dr. Sean Pastuch, founder of Active Life RX, gives Joe De Sena his 4 rules for pain assessment. He also talks about the importance of seeking out and overcoming some kinds of pain in our life. When assessing pain Pastuch says there are four important terms you need to understand - Insult, Irritation, Pain and Injury. Whether you're taking on a Spartan race or planning your workout understanding pain is critical to your growth.
This episode of Spartan Up podcast is brought to you by Headspace You deserve to feel happier, and Headspace is meditation made simple. Visit for a FREE one month trial with access to Headspace’s full library of meditations for every situation.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 12 December 2020
When you leave a high-paying job on Wall Street to fight MMA professionally in Peru. That’s the decision Rollie Peterkin (@rolliepeterkin - Twitter) made - our guest on today’s episode of Combat on the SpartanUp Podcast - that would forever change his life. Host Ryan Warner talks with Rollie about:
-Rollie’s college wrestling career at the University of Pennsylvania -The breaking point that encouragee Rollie to move to Peru, leaving his Wall Street job behind -How to acclimate to a new environment -What routines, tactics and tips helped Rollie embrace a life without the 9-5 routine
To learn more about Rollie,... -Check out his book “The Cage: Escaping the American Dream” -Listen to his podcast, The Divergent Path
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Kettle & Fire. Use the code “Spartan” for 25% off and free shipping.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
Find out more at
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 10 December 2020
Imagine running the Chicago marathon and then running to New York - spanning 22 days - to compete in the NYC Marathon. That’s the kind of runner that Patrick Sweeney is and in this episode, he talks with Spartan Up Endurance Series host Johnny Waite about:
-How he developed a love for running in the early days and what drew Patrick to long-distance running -How Patrick chooses a race. Here’s a sneak peak - he uses the strength of community and the location. -How to have a blast and still perform at a high level -Burro racing and why Patrick is dabbling in this field of endurance -How to prevent burnout -How to develop a sense of community while being injured
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Kettle & Fire Bone Broth. Use the code “Spartan” for 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Direct download: Sweeney_-_Ep_1_-_Endurance_-_Audio_Only.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST |
Tue, 8 December 2020
He went to the DOJ. He testified to congress. He went to the IRS. Instead of a "thank you," they threw him in jail! But that wasn't the end of the story. Next, the US Government awarded Bradley C Birkenfeld with over 100 million dollars. In fact, he holds the Guinness World Record for the largest payout by a government to a single individual! Sounds too crazy to be true? Joe De Sena interviewed Birkenfeld, author of "Lucifer's Banker," back in September of 2019. We just dug up the interview for you.
What do you think? Was he right to do what he did? Is he right about the reason he went to jail?
This episode is brought to you by Kettle & Fire, bone broth for better living. Visit and use the code SPARTAN to save 25%
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan
Direct download: 344_SUP_Bradley_Birkenfeld_AUDIOEP_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Sat, 5 December 2020
Meghan Hicks says “Don’t put on a race or don’t sponsor racers unless you are ready to sponsor women who perform at the same level as their male counterparts.” Hicks tells Spartan Up Podcast Trail Series host Mauri Pagliacci about how gender equality, sustainability and COVID can pose unique challenges trail running.
#1 - Meghan’s race adventures during Covid. Meghan completed the Nolans 14, a run over the 14 summits over 14,000 ft. in Colorado's Sawatch Range.
#2 - Equality in trail racing. Meghan talks about the challenges of ensuring male and female racers receive equal pay for equal performances and what we can do to help the cause.
#3 - Sustainability for the natural lands which bears host to trail races. Meghan shares advice on how trail runners can practice sustainability.
Background on Meghan Hicks: Meghan has ran over 60 trail races and ultras, and is the managing editor for She’s also the author of Where the Road Ends: A Guide to Trail Running and has set records at the Nolan’s 14 and won stages rages across the globe, such as the Marathon des Sables. If you want to learn more about Meghan, check out her work at IRunFar.Com, as well as her social accounts:
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Optimize. Use the code word “spartan” to save 10% on a monthly or annual membership.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Mauri Pagliacci Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 3 December 2020
“I chased the pain,” says mountain biking legend Tinker Juarez (@dtinkerj), who has spent nearly 40 years atop the world of cycling. Spartan Up La Ruta series host Roy M. Wallack (@roywallack) - author of Bike for Life: How to Ride to 100 - talks with Tinker about his career, how Tinker has achieved longevity in the sport and advice on how to grow your own career.
In this episode you’ll learn:
Background: David "Tinker" Juarez is a 2x Olympian, former professional BMX racer and is one of the most decorated mountain bike racers of all time. Juarez got his start in BMX racing when he was just 16. For the next 10 years, built an impressive career in BMX, but then mountain biking pulled him in a different direction. Today, Juarez is still racing for Cannondale, his bike sponsor since 1994, and racing at the elite pro level most weekends of the season. Hear more about La Ruta, the world's hardest mountain-bike race, on Roy's Bike for Life Stories podcast:
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Optimize. Use the code word “spartan” to save 10% on a monthly or annual membership.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Roy Wallack Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Wed, 2 December 2020
What defines you? Is it your origins? What you've overcome? What you've achieved? Who you are becoming? By any measure, Curt Maggitt is a champion. We met Curt, a former NFL Colts player, at the 2020 inaugural Spartan Games presented by Harley Davidson, where he launched out of his comfort zone tackling challenges ranging from Spartan courses and mountain biking to Deka fit and wrestling- all with a smile and an unrelenting drive. Childhood wasn't easy, Curt's mother died when he was two leaving his father raised three children "I've always told myself, nothing I do in life will ever be hard compared to what my dad has done throughout his life." In today's Spartan Up podcast Joe DeSena and Curt Maggitt talk about growing up in rough neighborhoods, about Curt's journey to the NFL, about the inaugural Spartan Games and what Curt thought of his fellow athletes, and about the MBA Curt was earning that very week.
This episode is brought to you by Optimize. Go to for a free trial, or use the code SPARTAN to save 10% on a membership.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Mon, 30 November 2020
Did you listen to the "Spartan Up!" interview with Ivor Cummins? Joe Desena interviewed the biochemical engineer and complex problem-solving specialist about what popular messaging got wrong about COVID-19 and the lockdowns. We asked you for your feedback, and Spartan racer Kyle Enfield MD reached out to us. Kyle runs the Covid ICU at UVA, has a master's in epidemiology, and was willing to come on the show and give us the latest updates, background, and detail about Covid. This is a no politics no B.S. "Spartan Up!" episode where we tell you exactly what you need to know about COVID-19 right now. And stay until the end to hear about some of the heroes in the ICU and the techniques they use to handle the challenges they face.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them! © 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 28 November 2020
Private Equity is about building great teams to evaluate talent and in turn risk. Mike McMullan is a private equity investor, and formerly was a 4x All American for wrestling at Northwestern and a college wrestling coach for the University of Pennsylvania. Spartan Up Combat series host Ryan Warner talks to Mike about the key ingredients for building a successful team.
In this episode you’ll learn -The parallels between building great teams as a college coaching and private equity investor -The role of risk taking in evaluating talent -How to sell people on your idea or business
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Inside Tracker. Go to InsideTracker.Com and save 33% off with the code “SpartanUp.”
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 26 November 2020
Fitness is the fountain of youth! Joe Decker - former Guinness World’s Fittest Man and Death Race legend - talks with Spartan Up Endurance series host Johnny Waite about how to accomplish your fitness goals when you're 50 or older. In this episode you’ll learn:
Background on Joe Decker: Joe Decker is recognized as “The Worlds Fittest Man,” an ultra-endurance power athlete, renowned fitness trainer, and syndicated columnist who has helped thousands of women, men, kids and seniors get into shape and lose weight.
This outdoor workout format that Joe created is the same that he used to break the Guinness World Records® 24-Hour Physical Fitness Challenge in 2000. It works like no other program out there, getting people into the best shape of their lives. Joe believes in leading by example and is a personal testament to overcoming addictions and obstacles. Once overweight and out of shape, Joe transformed his body and his life through an amazing journey from fat to fittest.
Joe has appeared on The Today Show, Discovery Health, The Early Show, The O’Reilly Factor, and Fox News and has been featured in The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Baltimore Sun, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Health, and GQ. To his surprise, People Magazine named him one of America’s 50 Most Eligible Bachelors in 2001.
Learn more about Joe: -Website: GutCheckFitness.Com -Instagram: @gutcheckfitness
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Inside Tracker. Go to InsideTracker.Com and save 33% off with the code “SpartanUp.”
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 24 November 2020
What works to optimize your biology? Alisa Vitti, hormone expert, has made it her life's work to find out. In her conversation with Spartan founder and CEO Joe De Sena, she explains how and why women need to plan differently for intermittent fasting and hit workouts, how men can maximize testosterone and performance using their circadian rhythms, and hormonal power women can unlock by understanding infradian rhythms. New studies are revealing more about our endocrine systems and the unique differences between men's and women's. Alisa's journey began when her doctor acknowledged the diagnosis she had discovered pouring over medical books in the library, but then told her there was nothing she could do to overcome it. Her studies in functional nutrition and hormones helped her discover a treatment protocol that changed her life. That research was the basis for her first book " WomanCode: Perfect Your Cycle, Amplify Your Fertility, Supercharge Your Sex." Her new book "In the FLO: Unlock Your Hormonal Advantage and Revolutionize Your Life," came out in January. This episode is brought to you by InsideTracker, use the code SPARTANUP to save 30% at LINKS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them! © 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 21 November 2020
What does a 4x La Ruta endurance mountain bike race champion eat during a race? Louise "La Ruta Lou" Kobin shares tips on diet for performance with our Spartan Up La Ruta series host Roy Wallack.
In this episode you’ll learn: -What Louise eats and drinks during a race -How often she’s consuming calories while on the bike -What to eat and drink during that all important 30-minute window after a race -Louise’s go-to meal during a multi-day race
For those of you who missed the first episode, Louise is a physical therapist, personal trainer, and former pro mountain bike racer. In addition to practicing Physical Therapy for 25 years, she’s trained and coached clients in their homes for almost 20 years. Today, Louise lives near Los Gatos and uses her background as a physical therapist to design safe and challenging exercise programs for a wide variety of clients and have discovered many creative ways to design home or gym based exercise programs-with or without elaborate equipment.
Learn more about Louise here: LouKobin.Com
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Roy Wallack Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 19 November 2020
If your life was a movie, would you change the channel? That’s the question Hunter McIntyre wants you to ask yourself every day. Hunter McIntyre is a professional athlete and fitness trainer who has established himself as a dominant force in the world of obstacle course racing. He was named one of the top 50 fittest athletes by Sports Illustrated and is the undefeated champion of CMT's reality TV show, Broken Skull Ranch. Hunter was a Defender on CBS's Million Dollar Mile produced by LeBron James and recently broke the Murph Challenge world record and raised over $20,000 for charity along the way. Hunter talks with DEKA hosts Jarog Cogswell and Yancy Culp on how to live your life like a titan. Top takeaways are: -Just work: it all comes down to the work you put forth every day -Hit the reset button each day: screw-ups are not important, but what is important is not taking chances because of past screw-ups. You must take chances and push the boundaries each day -Take advantage of other people’s laziness. Most of society is lazy. By outworking everyone, you are automatically in the top 10% of your field. Connect with Hunter -Twitter @huntthesheriff -Instagram: @huntthesheriff -Website:
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram
Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 17 November 2020
Dr. Gil Blander, the founder of InsideTracker, has created a system to unlock the information hidden in your blood. Today on Spartan Up Podcast he tells Joe De Sena about his process and the surprising patterns he's discovered. For example, many health-conscious people are overdoing it with supplements. For his studies, Blander considers blood "validated calibrated liquid gold."
LINKS: Ultimate Spartan x InsideTracker giveaway - prize package of racing and testing valued at over $1300
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 14 November 2020
“The moment I had the courage to be completely honest with myself”….that’s when things started to change for Sarah Hildebrandt, our guest today on Spartan Combat. Sarah is a 3x member of Team USA and currently the #1 ranked wrestler in the country in her weight class.
Host Ryan Warner and Sarah talk about the all important moment of turning PRO. You don’t have to be a professional athlete to be a PRO. Turning PRO is about the decisions you make, consistently, in all facets of your life, day in and day out. Sarah talks about...
-How an elbow injury forced her to be honest with herself, and face the reality that she was not living a life congruent with her goals. -Making the decisions to change weight classes, her diet, and the people she surrounds herself with -Sarah’s daily life pre and post the life-changing elbow injury
To learn more about Sarah, please visit the links below: Sarah HIldebrandt Twitter: @sarhilde Sarah HIldebrandt Instagram @sarhilde
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code Spartan 25 to get 25% off.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 12 November 2020
At age 27, Joe Decker was out of shape and out of hope. He was an alcoholic and drug addict who had just hit rock bottom. Three years later, Joe broke the Guinness Record for World’s Fittest Man. He got there - from out of hope to Fittest Man - by mastering the goal setting process, and that’s the focus for today’s conversation. Host Johnny Waite talks to Joe about:
-Joe’s starting point. As we said, he was at rock bottom and could barely run a mile. He decided to fill the void with fitness. -Using baby steps as you climb to reach your goal. As Joe says, “you have to be able to run a 5k to run 150 miles.” -Balancing patience with optimism. What we mean here is, often times the optimism when first setting a goal makes you overwork yourself and potentially burnout. Joe is all about patience and setting manageable goals. -Executing: After you’ve set a goal, prepared and are at the event, it’s time to get robotic. Get out of your head and focus on the next task.
Background on Joe Decker: Joe Decker is recognized as “The Worlds Fittest Man,” an ultra-endurance power athlete, renowned fitness trainer, and syndicated columnist who has helped thousands of women, men, kids and seniors get into shape and lose weight.
This outdoor workout format that Joe created is the same that he used to break the Guinness World Records® 24-Hour Physical Fitness Challenge in 2000. It works like no other program out there, getting people into the best shape of their lives. Joe believes in leading by example and is a personal testament to overcoming addictions and obstacles. Once overweight and out of shape, Joe transformed his body and his life through an amazing journey from fat to fittest.
Joe has appeared on The Today Show, Discovery Health, The Early Show, The O’Reilly Factor, and Fox News and has been featured in The Washington Post, The Philadelphia Inquirer, The Baltimore Sun, Men’s Fitness, Muscle and Fitness, Men’s Health, and GQ. To his surprise, People Magazine named him one of America’s 50 Most Eligible Bachelors in 2001.
Learn more about Joe: -Website: GutCheckFitness.Com -Instagram: @gutcheckfitness
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code Spartan 25 to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 10 November 2020
Fit Men Cook founder Kevin Curry joins Joe De Sena (Spartan Race founder & CEO) to talk about how Kevin changed his relationship with food.
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 7 November 2020
If you want to make a change, start with a single person. In an age of more is better - more likes, downloads or views - Todd Durkin talks with hosts Jarog Cogswell and Yancy Culp on how to ‘light up the planet’ by starting with a single person. In case you missed the first episode, Todd Durkin (@ToddDurkin) is an internationally recognized strength, speed, and conditioning coach, as well as an author, and a motivational speaker. He is the founder of Fitness Quest 10, an award-winning health and human performance facility in San Diego, where he works with a high-profile clientele of elite professional athletes. Throughout his career, Durkin has worked with NFL MVPs, Super Bowl champions, Heisman Trophy winners, Olympic and X Games gold medalists, and World Series champions.
Takeaways from today’s episode: -Get out of your bubble. To make an impact, you have to get out of your gym and talk with people. Have real conversations with people you don’t know. -It’s not about the size of your audience, it’s about the mission. -But never forget, it starts with you. Todd is big on this. Identify your purpose, and then pursue it like crazy.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by GoneRogue. Use the promo code ‘Spartan25’ to get 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 5 November 2020
Tue, 3 November 2020
Hooked on Sugar? How about "diet" sodas? Kara Goldin, founder of hint water and author of the new book Undaunted, fell for the advertising. For years she believed that something called "diet" must be good for you. One day she stopped and read the ingredients label and her journey to better health for herself and others began. Kara set the diet sodas aside and drank only water. The benefits to her health were immediate, but she found the taste boring and she invented "hint."
Starting and growing the business was not easy, she chronicles the story, and some of the other challenges life has put in her path, in her new book "Undaunted."
Today she and Spartan Race founder and CEO Joe De Sena talk about the food business and her journey.
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Mon, 2 November 2020
Biochemical Engineer and Complex Problem Solving Specialist Ivor Cummins talks about the conclusions he's come to based on Covid data. At Spartan, we do the hard things. Today that means tackling a difficult conversation. Joe De Sena invited Ivor to share his information with you. Please, listen all the way through, give it some thought, and then let us know what he got right, and what he got wrong. Two things we can ALL agree on - we need to have open discussion and review of the data, and we should all be getting exercise, eating healthy, and getting outside.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 31 October 2020
Ben Friberg, extreme endurance paddler talks with Johnny Waite, of Spartan Up Podcast, about how to prepare for the really big, self-supported, expedition-style adventures where you will be truly on your own. An example is Ben's dream crossing - the Bering Strait from Siberia to Alaska, alone on a stand-up paddleboard. Ben Stresses the importance of preparation - doing your research, knowing your gear and your body, and considering how to handle absolute worst-case scenarios, including injuries. He reminds us that when you have enough moving parts to a plan, you have to know that something is going to go wrong! JOhnny'ss favorite part is when Ben talks about the potential beauty of a Painted Corner (when you get yourself in a situation where you have eliminated all other options) and the spiritual epiphany that led to him composing a song by that title.
#1 - How Ben uncovers every stone (e.g., analyzing weather patterns, talking to locals, reading books on the terrain he’s going to traverse) to prepare for a self-supported paddle expedition
#2 - How navigating class-5 rapids equipped Ben for a career in self-supported adventures
#3 - Why crossing the Bering Strait is Ben’s “white whale” of self-supported paddle expeditions.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Save 10% with the code ‘Spartan 10’ at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 29 October 2020
Pain is easy to forget, says Louise Kobin, 4x La Ruta race winner. In this episode, our first in the La Ruta series, Louise and Spartan Up La Ruta series host Roy Wallach introduce you to the 3-day, cross-country mountain bike race known as La Ruta. In this episode, you’ll learn about Louise’s first La Ruta race, specifically...
-A deep dive of the 3-day race and the challenges presented throughout -Lousie’s mindset after she fell behind by 20 minutes on day two, yet still managed to pull-out a victory -How every rider falls off the bike a few times during the race, and how to persevere across the jungles of Costa Rica -How to view fear in the physical sense (i.e., crashing down a hill) and emotionally (i.e., fear of getting tired)
Please enjoy!
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Save 10% with the code ‘Spartan 10’ at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Host: Roy Wallack Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 27 October 2020
James Nestor, author of the hugely popular book "Breath" explains his deep research. Should you be breathing through your nose? The answer is YES! Today on the Spartan Up podcast, He tells Spartan Founder & CEO Joe De Sena how breathing affects your performance. He also explains the history, the science, and some simple steps you can take to improve your breathing. As Nestor says “If you stick with this, the benefits are profound, you will most likely gain performance, you'll be able to recover more quickly, you'll be able to work out at the same level with the lower heart rate, so you'll be able to push it even more. And they've done this with cyclists, with rowers with ultra marathoners, with so many other people.”
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 24 October 2020
Spartan Combat athlete Gabe Dean (@DabeGean) discusses his comeback to the mat, and how the passing of a family member helped motivate his return.
Gabe Dean is an assistant wrestling coach at Cornell - one of the top wrestling programs in the country - and was a 2x NCAA Champion for the Big Red. Gabe recently returned to competition, and that’s the focus of our conversation today. Please Enjoy!
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FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 22 October 2020
Adapting to drastic life changes Ryan KentRyan Kent (instagram: dr0p_the_hammer) was a full-time, professional athlete until Covid hit. Now, he’s a full time worker with a pro athlete’s training load. Tune-in to learn how Ryan is adapting to the new normal, while still maintaining his fitness.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Save 10% with the code ‘Spartan 10’ at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Yancy Culp, Jarod Cogswell Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 20 October 2020
Evolution has left you with two basic drives - to survive and to procreate, but evolutionary biologist Rebecca Heiss, Ph.D. tells Joe De Sena how understanding those drives can lead us to overcome fears and achieve success. Fear, says Heiss, is an ancient signal meant to keep us alive, but most things we fear today are not life-threatening. In this interview, she shares tactics to replace you A.N.T.s (automatic negative thoughts), to use triggers to heighten consciousness and to think like a Spartan.
As Heiss says - When life gives you lemons, bite down and keep going.
You can pre-order her book "Instinct: Rewire Your Brain with Science-Backed Solutions to Increase Productivity and Achieve Success " coming out in April.
“my entire field of study is based around understanding why we behave the way we behave based on these ancient stories. Basically I'm here to tell you that your brain is literally wired to survive and have sex. That's it. Two Worlds we live it right? Can I eat that or is it gonna kill me?and can I procreate with that? That's what we’re walking around with most of the time. So how can we use that brain to maximize our efficiency in life?” ~ Rebecca Heiss, PhD
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 17 October 2020
How do you find the motivation to start your first trail race? Tune-in to hear professional, ultra-racer Mike Wardian (@mikewardian) tackle this question. Mike has set world records for the fastest time for 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days, and has also completed some of the most difficult races in the world like the Badwater Ultra.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Athlet Brewing. Place your order today to get free shipping on two 6-packs or more.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Mauri Pagliacci Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 15 October 2020
What goes into success in an expedition or adventure race? One huge element is your support crew. Spartan Up endurance host Johnny Waite talks to Ben Friberg, who has paddled from Cuba to the US and completed numerous ultra-paddle events, about what makes a solid crew. The main lessons in this podcast are: 1 - Planning is Everything 2 - Work with optimists 3 - The importance of preparation
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Durolane. Visit to learn more.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 13 October 2020
How many hours a day do you need to use your feet to get to your phone? One? Two? zero? Adam Alter, author of "Irresistible: The Rise of Addictive Technology and the Business of Keeping Us Hooked," has made a study of the outsized influence addictive technology has had on us and some basic steps to counteract it. An associate professor at NYU’s Stern School of Business, his research focuses on judgment, decision-making, and social psychology.
Today on Spartan Up podcast Adam Alter and Joe De Sena, Spartan Race founder, hash out some simple steps to get your relationship with technology back in balance. Joe's involve a phone on a drone you have to chase to use, Alter's are more practical:
“It's almost like a gateway. Once you're in there, it's really hard to stop. It's kind of binary, either you don't use these devices, or you use them more than you would like.” ~Adam Alter
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 10 October 2020
Kat Shai is a 6x Team USA member for women’s wrestling, She’s competing at the national tournament this weekend, aiming to make the 2021 Olympic team. In this episode, Kat talks self-doubt, her experience with it after the 2016 Olympic team trials, and how to overcome it.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 8 October 2020
Welcome to the DEKA series here on the SpartanUp podcast. Professional trainer Todd Durkin talks about that all important moment when you don’t ‘feel’ like doing what needs to be done, and how to persevere. About Todd - Todd Durkin is an internationally recognized strength, speed and conditioning coach, body-worker, author and motivational speaker. He is the founder of Fitness Quest 10 in San Diego, CA, an award-winning health and human performance facility where he works with a high-profile clientele of elite professional athletes including NFL MVPs, Super Bowl Champions and MVPs, Heisman Trophy Winners, Olympic and X-Game Gold Medalists and World Series Champions. Fitness Quest 10 has been named one of “America’s 10 Best Gyms” by Men’s Health 7 times, while Durkin's work there has earned him the industry's highest honors including being named Personal Trainer of the Year by both IDEA and ACE, a four-time Top 100 Most Influential Person in Health & Fitness, the 2017 Jack LaLanne Award winner, and 2018 International Presenter of the Year from Canfitpro representing legacy and impact in the fitness industry.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Lumen. Visit Lumen.Me to order and use the code Spartan 50 for $50 off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Yancy Culp, Jarod Cogswell Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 6 October 2020
Cindy Eckert has seen incredible success in the pharmaceutical industry challenging the boys club with the “little pink pill.” She and Joe De Sena talk about the crossovers between overall health, diet, and good sex, about challenging the status quo, and her advice for female entrepreneurs going against the odds. Cindy says " I think that good sex is the trifecta of wellness. We talk about physical health, mental health, and sexual health is a component of that. I mean, that's my perfect Venn diagram, all of those intersecting to be at your best level of performance."
4% of all research dollars are going to women's health, Cindy saw that as an opportunity rather than an obstacle and she invests in products that make women's lives better.
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon!!
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 3 October 2020
Michael Wardian is the first guest on our new Spartan Up Trail running series, Michael is a professional marathon and ultra-marathon racer. He’s set world records for the fastest time for 7 marathons on 7 continents in 7 days, and has also completed some of the most difficult races in the world like the Badwater Ultra. Michael shares expertise on how to overcome the rough patches in races, particularly when those rough patches are related to nutrition and diet. He tells a few stories of his toughest moments, including one in his Olympic trials, and he shares some of the personal techniques he uses for hydration on the trail.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Lumen. Visit Lumen.Me to order and use the code ‘Spartan 50’ for $50 off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Mauri Pagliacci Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 1 October 2020
Back again, Courtney Dauwalter shares her diet / meal-plan for an ultra-endurance race.
About Courtney: Courtney Dauwalter is an ultra-marathon racing champion. She was named Ultra Runner of the Year in 2018, and has won some of the most prestigious races in the endurance world, such as the Moab 240 and Western States. Follow Courtney at @courtdauwalter.
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Lumen Metabolism Tracker. Visit Lumen.Me to order and use the code Spartan50 for $50 off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Direct download: SpartanEnduranceCourtneyep2audio_only.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST |
Tue, 29 September 2020
Ryan Holiday studies the place where ancient Greek philosophy meets current day high achievers with books like "Lives of the Stoics," "Ego is the Enemy," "The Obstacle is the Way," and "Stillness is the Key." He tells Spartan Race founder the lessons he learned from each of these explorations and how he applies them to his life. From his morning routine, to his thoughts on exercise, and his method and philosophy for writing ten successful books. |
Sat, 26 September 2020
Kevin Ward received a master class in team-building, while working under legendary, Oklahoma State wrestling coach John Smith. Now, Kevin is the head coach at Army and is recognized as one of the premier coaches in the country. In this episode, Kevin shares how-to, tactical advice on how to build teams from the ground-up.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 24 September 2020
Courtney Dauwalter is an ultra-marathon racing champion. She was named Ultra Runner of the Year in 2018, and has won some of the most prestigious races in the endurance world, such as the Moab 240 and the Western States. Follow Courtney at @courtdauwalter.
Courtney shares how-to advice on how to grow your endurance. In this episode, we cover…
-Competitiveness doesn’t know genders -Discovering ultra-running -How to grow your endurance -When your normal distance is 100 miles -How to rest your body and brain, before a bit race -Courtney’s why -Courtney’s battle with the mental wall -Emotional and pain management -What’s next for Courtney
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Lumen Metabolism Tracker. Visit Lumen.Me to order and use the code Spartan50 for $50 off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 22 September 2020
While building the incredibly successful Huffington Post Arianna Huffington suddenly collapsed. The diagnosis - burnout. Yes, burnout is a real, medical condition and it threatens all of our health. Over the next few years Arianna explored the consequences, the cure and the prevention of burnout - today it's her life's work. Spreading the anti-burnout gospel through her books like "Thrive" and "The Sleep Revolution" and her company Thrive Global teaching resilience and behavior change. In this candid discussion, Arianna shares the journey and the pillars of good mental and physical health with Spartan founder Joe De Sena, and asks him to take a look at his own health in a new way. This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Lumen metabolism tracker — the first device to track your metabolism and provide daily personalized nutrition plans for peak performance. Visit to order and use code spartan50 for $50 off.
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :) Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 19 September 2020
Business, fitness and leadership coach Alicia Streger joins Yancy Culp and Jarod Cogswell on the DEKA series of Spartan Up. Fitness pro Alicia Streger drives home the importance of acting as if you were your future self AND shares 3 actionable, revenue-generating tips for gym owners.
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Durolane. Visit Durolane.Com to learn more.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Yancy Culp, Jarod Cogswell Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 15 September 2020
Ultrarunning father & son Travis & Mark Macy were excited about the return of Eco-Challenge Fiji and planned to race - Travis on a younger competitive team, Mark on team "Stray Dogs." Plans changed after learning 66-year-old endurance racer Mark Macy was facing Alzheimer's. He’d won the grueling Iditashoe 100-mile snowshoe race and competed in 9 Eco-challenges - but this race would pose a special challenge, but also unique rewards. Joe De Sena, a veteran endurance racer himself, trades tales with Travis and Mark about eco-challenge and about their last meeting when we interviewed Travis about his book "The Ultra Mindset."
This episode was brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Visit and use the code SPARTAN10 to save 10%
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :) Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 12 September 2020
Mike Amine is the CEO and president of Wealth Strategies Financial Group. He was an NCAA runner-up in 1988 and competed for a spot on the US greco team in 1992. In this conversation, we focus on a 12-month period that was, as Mike called it, the toughest 12 months of his life.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan |
Thu, 10 September 2020
Deanna Blegg is our guest for this week’s Spartan Endurance episode. Deanna breaks-down the Amazon Eco-Challenge, as well as her background in competitive racing. Specifically… 1:08 Deanna’s first race 04:14 Biathlon & aquathlon racing 06:24 How to reignite the competitive flame 11:50 Age is just a number 15:23 How to manage injuries 20:45 Deanna on the “world’s toughest race”, the Amazon Eco-Challenge
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Save 10% on your purchase by going to
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 8 September 2020
As a kid Jim Kwik was the “the kid with the broken brain,” but through curiosity and sheer will he learned to hack his own brain and today is recognized as one of the top brain trainers in the world. “I had three traumatic brain injuries before the age of 12. I had very poor focus. I was put in special classes took me three years longer to learn how to read. My teachers would have been surprised I read a book much less wrote a book.” The author of the best selling book “Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life,” and founder of Kwik Learning tells Spartan founder Joe De Sena the most important things to include in your morning routine, but more importantly - what NOT to do. As always, De Sena wants to knowKwik’s origin story, whether doing hard things now strengthens your brain for later challenges, and how nutrition and exercise affect the brain. Listen in for the answers.
“There's no limit to our determination to our ability to solve problems, no limit to our creativity, our imagination, our ability to persevere.”
This episode was brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Visit and use the code SPARTAN10 to save 10%
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :) Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 5 September 2020
Welcome to the DEKA series here on the SpartanUp podcast. On today’s episode Jarod and Yancy interview Spartan CEO and founder, Joe De Sena. In this episode you’ll hear about
TIME STAMPS 1:30 The origin story of DEKA 3:35 The warpath to impact 100m lives through fitness 5:01 Why DEKA 8:21 The grind to creating DEKA 12:53 DEKA is for the masses 15:19 Joe on going through the DEKA course 22:53 Why the gym is the shrine of the athlete 30:09 The future & impact of DEKA
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Save 10% on your purchase by going to
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Yancy Culp, Jarod Cogswell Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 3 September 2020
Deana Blegg is our guest for this week’s Spartan Endurance episode. Deanna recently competed in the Amazon Eco-Challenge Fiji. She’s a veteran endurance racer and in this episode we talk about why and how to choose a team for your next endurance-event.
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Save 10% on your purchase by going to
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 1 September 2020
A brain surgeon, author, and wrestling coach Dr. McLaughlin knows how obstacles affect your body & mind. He explains the science behind quitting and its effects on the brain, and why it’s critical to overcome obstacles. We get good at what we do, which includes quitting. Through his life experiences, he’s learned to metabolize fear using what he calls “Cognitive Dominance.” It allows you to make quick decisions in stressful situations, something we all need! Don’t be limited by fear and always keep challenging your brain!
This episode was brought to you by TrueForm Runner. Visit and use the code SPARTAN10 to save 10%
TIME STAMPS 0:25 Joe intros this episode 1:20 TRUEFORMRUNNER.COM intro 1:50 Interview begins with wrestling 3:00 His family's history & beginnings of weightlifting 7:15 The psychology of quitting 9:00 Challenging your brain 12:00 Parenting strategies 14:00 Training good habits 15:30 Earn your breakfast 17:10 Camp Spartan on Youtube 18:15 TRUEFORMRUNNER.COM break 19:45 Rites of passage 22:45 Limitations of fear 25:30 Overcoming anxiety of perceived failures 27:00 Cognitive dominance and advanced situational awareness 28:00 A map to metabolize fear 29:00 Alchemy in transformation 30:00 Quadrants of the subjective and objective 32:00 Go towards your fear 33:00 Joe debriefs what he learned
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :)
Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 29 August 2020
Matt McDonough is a 2x NCAA champion for the University of Iowa and a 3x All American. In this episode, we talk about embracing discomfort for the sake of your goals and dreams. Enjoy!
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 27 August 2020
Welcome to the DEKA series here on the SpartanUp podcast. Chris Hinshaw is our guest for episode two. For those of you who missed episode one, Chris is one of the top coaches in the world, a former professional triathlete and the founder of Aerobic Capacity. In this episode we focus on how to win the caring game.
TIME STAMPS 1:14 - How to win the caring game 05:08 - Winning the caring game with different types of athletes 12:42 - Role of the coach during CV19
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Use the code HSSPARTAN2020 at to save 30% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Yancy Culp, Jarod Cogswell Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 25 August 2020
Should you eat before bed? What’s the best time to train hard? What’s the simplest way to improve sleep? Can respiration rate changes identify COVID 19? Three pillars: strain, recovery, and sleep are vital to succeeding peak performance says WHOOP founder Will Ahmed. We are all trying to become the healthiest versions of ourselves - yet there are some physiological indicators that can’t necessarily be felt but can be measured. In fact, groundbreaking data from WHOOP tracking enabled a PGA tour pro golfer to identify COVID before he had any known symptoms. Information is power, and in this interview, Ahmed shares data patterns gleaned from hundreds of thousands of users that you can implement today. Should you eat before bed? What’s the best time to train hard? What’s the simplest way to improve sleep? Will says- measurements can motivate!
This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger HONEYSTINGER.COM CODE: HSSPARTAN2020
TIME STAMPS 0:45 intro 2:15 Continuous health monitoring 3:15 training optimally 4:15 cutting weight properly 5:15 the flintstone model 6:15 what you can measure & may not feel 7:15 research on covid-19 9:15 monitoring as a preventative tool 10:15 improving sleep 12:45 information as power 14:00 break 15:00 what metrics they monitor 16:45 recovery levels 17:45 Whoop Journal 19:15 building a routine 22:15 measuring can motivate 23:15 resting is vital in recovery 25:00 green means go 27:30 Joe’s morning method 29:00 key tips 31:30 close
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :)
Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 22 August 2020
Welcome to the Spartan Endurance series here on the SpartanUp podcast. Our second episode features Patty Alcivar, who is a competitive racer, mountaineer and boxer. She’s training to be the first women to climb 7 summits. In this episode we cover...
TIME STAMPS 2:48 - Balancing workouts with 2 full time jobs 5:50 - Why cross-training to build endurance 9:25 - Keep moving forward no matter what 12:07 - Using sports to train for life
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Thu, 20 August 2020
Welcome to the Spartan DEKAFIT series here on the SpartanUp podcast. Our first guest is Chris Hinshaw, who is one of the top coaches in the world, a former professional triathlete and the founder of Aerobic Capacity. In this episode we cover,
TIME STAMPS 2:39 Taking ownership in your training 5:48 How to survive your first month of training 8:13 Why DEKAFIT serves the fitness generalist 10:33 Adding variety to your training 12:44 How to set attainable challenges in your workouts 16:29 Everyone isn’t ultra competitive and how to set workout challenges appropriately
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by Athletic Brewing. Get free shipping on two six-packs or more.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Yancy Culp, Jarod Cogswell Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 18 August 2020
Ed Mylett is one of the fifty wealthiest individuals under fifty - what has been his strategy? In this episode, Joe De Sena challenges you to find the two essential elements. In Ed’d life he first found his catalyst, what motivates him. Mylett’s mantra became “Bella’s Wedding.” After a doctor gave him advice, he used that as his way to navigate decisions - will this help or hurt my ability to walk my daughter down the aisle? It’s the process and the pursuit of his goals that truly gives him joy. Winning is actually an art form. This episode will reframe how you view success and make you realize you are always able to do one more!
This episode is brought to you by ATHLETICBREWING.COM for free shipping on two six-packs or more
CREDITS: Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty © 2020 Spartan
Sat, 15 August 2020
J Jaggers is the associate head wrestling coach at Ohio State. He’s a former 2x NCAA champion and has coached the Buckeyes since 2010. In this episode, we talk about the moment when visualization becomes ‘to much’. When it becomes all encompassing and is a detriment to performance. Enjoy!
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Direct download: Audio_Only_Jaggers_Final_Spartan_Combat.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST |
Thu, 13 August 2020
Welcome to the Spartan Endurance series here on the SpartanUp podcast. Our first guest is Patty Alcivar, who is a competitive racer, mountaineer and boxer. She’s training to be the first women to climb 7 summits. In this episode we cover...
TIME STAMPS 1:21 What attracted Patty to endurance 2:39 Training for the Breakneck Marathon 4:17 Boxing is all about endurance 6:00 Persistence when you’re at your limit 10:22 Fighting the elements / spending 16 days on a mountain 18:07 Sports psychology practices for the endurance athlete 22:40 Seeing your goal before it happens
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer: Ryan Warner Hosts: Johnny Waite Sr Producer: Marion Abrams |
Tue, 11 August 2020
Mom would send them off to Kindergarten with a uniquely motivating message: Kick Today’s A**! The DeCCio brothers, Jake, Jim, and Jordan credit her two-part strategy - hard-driving competition and a priority on being nice - with the incredible success they are seeing today with the business they started in their dorm room.As you might guess they are also focused on health. Maybe you saw them pitch Supercoffee, a healthier alternative to many of the sugary options out there, on Shark Tank. Joe De Sena invited them to visit his Vermont farm (the birthplace of the Spartan Races,) run up his mountain, and be on the podcast. What did he want to know? How were the three men raised, and how they run their days today to maintain that level of success and fitness?
Today’s question - did your parents throw you out the door every morning? How were you raised?
This episode of Spartan Up! is brought to you by Gone Rogue High Protein Chips. Visit or and enter promo code Spartan 25 for 25% off.
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :)
Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan |
Wed, 5 August 2020
When you run a Spartan Race, do you look around and wonder about everyone else’s story? Why are they racing? What brought them here? Is this their first race our their 2oth? What was their first Spartan like for them? Well Joe De Sena does… and today two amazing women: Lani Woods of the Unrelenting Humans Podcast and Laura Mignot, the CEO of DFLASH tell us about their journey. You can do more than you think you're capable of, embrace your inner child and get out there!
This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger HONEYSTINGER.COM CODE: HSSPARTAN2020
LINKS Lani’s Unrelenting Humans Podcast Laura Mignott Laura’s Reset podcast
TIME STAMPS 1:30 Joe says do hard things & get to the farm! 2:20 Honey Stinger Intro 2:40 Lani Woods tells the story of her first Obstacle Race 4:45 Lighting the fire of passion for Spartan Race 7:00 Going for a Delta 8:00 Training others in the community 8:30 Embracing your inner child on the course 9:00 Honey Stinger Break 10:00 Laura Mignot tells her story 11:35 Intimidated by new arena 13:00 Community helping each other 15:00 Putting one foot in front of the other 16:00 Choosing your reactions 16:55 Joe wants to hear your stories ! 18:10 Honey Stinger close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye send their regards :) Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 1 August 2020
Brian Ferentz is the offensive coordinator for the University of Iowa Football team. His father, Kirk, is one of the most successful college coaches of all time. Before his tenure with the Hawks, Brain wrestled in high school, played in the NFL and worked as an assistant coach under Patriots Head Coach Bill Belichick. In this episode, we cover the one leadership principle that can drastically raise your team's performance.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Wed, 29 July 2020
Every time we ask you "who do you want on the Spartan Up podcast" your answer is Joe Rogan. We finally got him! Here's the story of the 6 year journey AND the questions Joe De Sena asked Joe Rogan, along with insights from some of the guests who have appeared on both The Joe Rogan Experience and with Joe De Sena on Spartan Up: Ben Greenfield, Rich Roll, CT Fletcher, Andrew Huberman, PhD, Jesse Itzler and Gary Vaynerchuk.
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount
Watch Desnea on Rogan
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are impressed Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Direct download: 313-Joe_Desena_on_joe_Rogan_assembly_FIN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |
Wed, 22 July 2020
How much trash do you create? Professor Joshua Spodek tells Joe De Sena he had been eating packaged food with every meal of his life. One day he decided to take responsibility for his own mess. With every meal, everything we buy from stores, everything we order- we throw something away, and every item of waste you have ever “gotten rid of” still exists in some form, somewhere. Spodek calls Joe De Sena out on his own consumption - and Joe responds. Spodek, a leadership professor at NYU, has embarked on a journey to lighten his impact on the planet by creating as minimal garbage as possible. It has meant, among other things, that at the supermarket he is buying whole fruits and vegetables because everything else has packaging. The added benefit - a more healthy diet. Take responsibility for how you are participating and contributing. Are you a steward of the land and of your community? Can you implement simple tactics to improve your impact? Spartan’s, we all need to take ownership and initiative around our actions. What will you do today?!
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Wild Alaskan Company. With wild-caught and sustainable seafood delivered right to your door, it's never been easier to access the best seafood that Alaska and the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Go to and enter promo code SPARTAN on checkout to save $25 off your first order.
LINKS His TEDx page: Joe De Sena on Spodek’s podcast
Book: Initiative :
TIME STAMPS 0:00 intro to unpackaging and new podcasts 2:00 intro 2:30 Living in nature and edible forests 4:00 Being a steward of the land 5:00 Transforming kids 7:00 Challenging students at NYU 8:15 Things we can do to be more efficient 10:00 The need to reduce garbage 12:30 break 14:00 Shop.Spartan.Com Be Unbreakable! (Special offer through July 25th) 16:00 Communities strategies on waste 18:00 Figuring out how to reduce how much trash you make 19:30 What can you buy that has no packaging? 21:00 Foraging in the city 22:00 Changing your taste buds 24:00 Walking your talk 25:30 Empowering people to figure it out for themselves 27:15 The meaning of competition 28:30 The rules of engagement with the environment 29:30 Developing skills of an initiator 31:00 Exhausting passing fancies & ideas of a lifetime 32:30 Starting with the emotion 33:10 Why Joe feels uncomfortable 36:00 Just doing & taking ownership of your life 37:10 close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are farming/ not buying plastic ;) Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan |
Wed, 15 July 2020
Every individual responds differently to what they eat. We all know eating a healthy diet is important, but what is happening on a chemical level inside our bodies? Josh Clemente started out as an engineer and welder at SpaceX to explore the outer atmosphere, but what he realized was most important was monitoring what was going on inside our own bodies. This episode is a great deep dive into what helps and hinders your metabolism, key tips and tricks for stabilizing your glucose response and understanding what it takes to train metabolic flexibility. As Josh says, “you have to put in focus, effort and repetition to develop metabolic health- it doesn't just happen.” Make it happen Spartans!
This episode of Spartan Up! Is brought to you by GONEROGUESNACKS.COM - use code SPARTAN25 for a discount ᐧ
0:00 research highlight 0:30 Joe De Sena introduces Josh Clemente 3:30 Working at SpaceX 5:00 Starting Levels Health 6:15 Continuous glucose monitoring 7:00 Understanding metabolism 8:00 Glucose disfunction 9:15 Individuals response to food 13:00 Real time data to make educated choices 14:00 Exercise after meals for blood sugar response 15:25 Blood sugar responses 16:45 Stored fat 17:30 Metabolic flexibility 19:30 “Bonking” & intermittent fasting 20:30 “fat-adapted” 21:30 Metabolic fitness 22:00 break 24:30 Dietary flexibility 27:00 Glucose excursions 30:00 It's not just what you eat it's how you eat it 31:30 Sleep affects insulin resistance 33:00 Applying control to your decisions 35:00 Listening to your body 37:00 Developing software around glucose monitoring 38:15 Metabolic Fitness Score 40:30 Electrochemical glucose monitoring 42:30 Joe De Sena reviews lessons learned 44:00 close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Spotify:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are out training their metabolism! Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 11 July 2020
This week’s episode features an audio documentary - Assembly Fall - produced by our host Ryan Warner. The audio documentary is about the biggest upset in Illinois High School wrestling history. Enjoy!
ABOUT: Dubbed as the biggest upset in Illinois history, Matt Kucala defied the odds and pinned the previously unbeaten Eric Tannenbaum at the 2001 IHSA state finals. Assembly Fall takes an in-depth look at that match and answers the question: is it the biggest upset in state history?
Really enjoyed this one. Hope you do as well.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Wed, 8 July 2020
What does an Ultra Runner look like? Sometimes it looks like Mirna Valerio! Mirna, “The Mirnavator,” is busting expectations and stereotypes and she’s on a mission to make trail running, fitness and the outdoors accessible to all. She and Joe De Sena talk about some of the challenges and rewards of being an unconventional runner. “I feel my most human out on the trails.” New to trail running? She shares her 6 key tips to getting the most out of the sport.
Mirna says “I’m not out here to win sh*t, I’m out here to be on trails and show people that … if you have a body like mine you can be on trails too!” Nature, fitness, Spartan races and trail running are for everyone. Have you thought about what you can do to help us on our mission to rip 100million people off the couch? Are you welcoming new and different athletes to our sport? Forget the excuses, don’t be afraid to fail and just get out there - and inspire others to join you!
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Wild Alaskan Company. With wild-caught and sustainable seafood delivered right to your door, it's never been easier to access the best seafood that Alaska and the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Go to and enter promo code SPARTAN on checkout to save $25 off your first order.
TIME STAMPS 0:45 Sefra Alexandra introduces the “Mirnavator” 1:30 special offer 2:30 Moving to the great state of Vermont 4:30 “Slow As F*ck” 6:30 The “ZoomPocalypse” 8:00 Growing up in a strong community in Brooklyn 9:30 Starting her running “journey” 11:00 Finding the greatness in yourself 12:00 The joy of being out on the trails 13:00 Food as fuel 14:00 The trails are made for all body types 15:00 Forget your excuses- get out there! 16:00 Inspiring others 18:20 break 20:00 “A Beautiful Work in Progress” 22:00 Starting wherever you are 24:00 Getting injured and pivoting 27:30 Trail Running tips 101 ! 30:00 Adventures in the Copper Canyon 32:00 Tracking her son 35:45 Sefra the Seed Huntress reflects on this awesome episode 37:30 close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena & Sefra Alexandra. Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are out on the trails! Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Sat, 4 July 2020
Mark Schwab is the former wrestling coach for the Big 10 power Minnesota Gopher wrestling team. In this episode, Mark talks about having a ‘healthy mental climate’ and how to achieve that. Enjoy folks!
Really enjoyed this one. Hope you do as well.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Wed, 1 July 2020
![]() Tyler Jack Harris set an insane goal, to sell almost three times the number of policies a great salesperson would in a year. Then he did it, for three years straight. When 7 miles was the longest distance he had ever run, he took on two ultramarathons in one week. He completed both. He sets audacious goals and achieves them. WHY? Because he said he would. In this interview, he shares his ultimate sales technique ( which happens to be a form of respect) and his goal attacking process. He sets a goal, simplifies his target, creates an action plan, and goes forth full speed, trampling over any excuse to accomplish the task. It’s your choice, he says, honor excuses or honor your word. Be in service to others Spartans & get it done!
This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Wild Alaskan Company. With wild-caught and sustainable seafood delivered right to your door, it's never been easier to access the best seafood that Alaska and the Pacific Northwest has to offer. Go to and enter promo code SPARTAN on checkout to save $25 off your first order.
LESSONS Seek discomfort & the world will deliver pleasure A safety net is the most dangerous thing you have You find out what your capable of when there isn't a plan b It’s your choice to honor excuses or honor your word To be unbreakable you have to be broken Your mental capabilities may surpass your physical Pain is a teacher Narrow your focus for success Understand the people you are serving Set audacious goals & complete them Make a plan for recovery after accomplishment Have a team around you It’s all about offense, defense & strategics Have an action list Simplify Define & honor your story Have integrity
LINKS Spartan Resilience Academy - SRA
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Joe De Sena Introduces the episode 1:30 Wild Alaskan Company 2:45 Interview with Tyler Jack Harris begins: Seeking discomfort 4:30 Dangers of a safety net 5:40 Eliminating options of success 6:30 Unbreakable leadership 8:00 Uncomfortable with being comfortable 10:00 Exposing kids to adversity 12:00 Pain as a teacher 13:20 Wild Alaskan Company info 15:25 Narrowing your focus 16:30 Understanding the people you are serving 18:15 Setting audacious goals 20:25 Ramifications of self-talk 25:05 Declaring identity 26:00 Planning for recovery 27:00 Having a team & an action plan 28:00 Simplifying & creating an action list 29:00 Get moving & it gets better 32:40 Joe De Sena tells us what he learned from Tyler Jack Harris 34:15 Joe De Sena introduces you to Spartan Resilience Academy 35:20 Wild Alaskan Company
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena. Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are still social distancing :) Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan
Direct download: 309_SUP__Tyler_jack_harris_ASSEMBLY_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:34am EST |
Sat, 27 June 2020
Phil Davis is the former Bellator Light Heavyweight Champion and is currently fighting out of San Diego. In this episode we talk about Phil’s background in wrestling, where he won an NCAA title for Penn State, as well as his transition to MMA. My favorite part of this episode is when Phil talks about the 10k rule and how he applied it to his MMA training.
Really enjoyed this one. Hope you do as well.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Tue, 23 June 2020
6x Powerlifting champion C.T. Fletcher is the original Iron Addict - invincible - indestructible - unbreakable. The tough-talking, weight lifting inspiration to an entire generation has flatlines not once but five times and come back from death’s door to tell us about it. When a heart attack knocked him to the ground, he thought it was lights out for good. The sheer will mirrored to him by his son and his unfaltering mantra of DON’T BREAK brought him back from the brink. People looked up to him and he would never let them down. Appreciate every day and every breath! LESSONS Going through difficult times can make you resilient The WILL to live is vital Appreciate every second Breathing should not be taken for granted Waking up in the morning is a gift Have an attitude of gratitude Don’t Break It’s not about you Don’t waste one second of life This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at injection site. You can see full prescribing information at LINKS Episode one “Don’t Break” with CT Fletcher and Logan Aldrich CT Fletcher’s Website Q&A with CT Fletcher - GET SPROUTING: To buy a Spartan Up! Sprout Kit go to And use the code SPARTAN10 at check out to save 10%! TIME STAMPS 2:00 DUROLANE intro 3:30 Facing tough obstacles in life 5:00 A difficult childhood 7:30 Dealing with heart disease 10:30 The baddest man alive 11:45 Getting broken down 12:45 Becoming mortal 7:25 The will to live 20:45 GET SPROUTING with the Seed Huntress 21:20 DUROLANE break 22:45 Gratitude for the gift of life 25:20 Waiting for a transplant 28:00 Stickin around for a new heart 31:25 Not BREAKING 36:15 It’s not about me 38:45 Joe’s fired up 40:00 GET YOUR SPROUTS: 41:30 DUROLANE close SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena + Sefra Alexandra. Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are still social distancing. Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty © 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 20 June 2020
Clay Guida is a UFC fighter with wins over Nate Diaz, Anthony Petis and RDA. He’s the former Strikeforce World Champion and is set to fight in his 30th UFC fight this weekend.
What really stood out to me was just how crazy Clay’s path to UFC stardom was. As they say, life only makes sense looking backwards and that’s definitely the case here.
Really enjoyed this one. Hope you do as well.
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Mon, 15 June 2020
Spartans, there are many challenges in this world that don’t have a clear solution, this one does! The importance of food security and good nutrition has never been more obvious than in the last few months. Local access to healthy food can come from a lack of land access or resources. Sprouting seeds solves all of these problems! Seeds are inexpensive and with a simple jar and some water, wherever you live, in less than 4 days you can sprout some of the highest density, bioavailable nutrients there are! Everything that you put into your body is a choice. Raise your standards around what you eat and you will perform at a higher level than you have known. The seeds want to come alive and so do you! It’s time to Sproutin’ Up Sproutans! Doug Evans tells Joe De Sena how took responsibility for his own life, how he got off the fat, sugar, salt addiction, and finally how he became a guru of sprouting and how you can bring this powerful nutrition into your own life! LESSONS
LINKS True Leaf Market offers a huge selection of non-gmo, heirloom and organic seeds since 1974. In addition to vegetable, herb and flower seed, you can find specialty seeds like grains, microgreens seeds, sprouting seeds and growing starter kits of all kinds. *OFFER GOOD THROUGH 6/30/20 To learn more about seed conservation & Sefra Alexandra’s endurance race expeditions as the Seed Huntress: TIME STAMPS
Sat, 13 June 2020
Forrest Molinari is a 2x member of Team USA for our women’s wrestling team. She’s vying for a spot on the 2021 Olympic Team. She was fifth at both the 2018 and 2019 World Championships. She was also the 2019 and 2020 US Open champion. Originally based out of California, Forrest attended King University (Tennessee) and was living in Iowa City Iowa at the time of this recording. Enjoy it folks!
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan
Wed, 10 June 2020
A 3 step framework. In life, there are countless opportunities to have hard conversations. Whether we are confronting a friend who is struggling with unhealthy behaviors, giving a review to someone at work who hasn’t been meeting their benchmarks, or talking to family members about certain high-octane issues, we are never at a loss to engage in a conversation that requires courage. Today our own Dr. Lara Pence talks with Kwame Christan, the Director of the American Negotiation Institute, about his framework for how to have hard conversations. His three-step method will provide you with incredible tools that will equip you with greater courage and confidence in beginning these hard conversations about race, conflict and the importance of getting to the other side of difficult conversations. Right now, racial injustice and the topic of race in general is at the forefront of many discussions. Many are opting in, attempting to navigate their own experience while listening to the community at large. Others are opting out, unsure of what to say, stuck in analysis paralysis, and hesitant to contribute. The truth is, it’s easy to opt out. But we are Spartans. We opt in when it’s difficult. We move towards obstacles. We call in challenges. And this is no different. But it’s helpful to have some tools to get us started. LESSONS This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at injection site. You can see full prescribing information at LINKS
Wed, 3 June 2020
![]() Patrick was 10 when his family fled Iran as refugees, and now owns one of the biggest privately held insurance companies there is. Patrick Bet-David and Joe De Sena talk today about the value of working hard and making your own way. After a stint in the 101 Airborne, he began his search for the right opportunity. He employed the “Blue Ocean” strategy and created PHP one of the fastest-growing companies in the financial marketplace. He has also become a powerful motivational voice with his Valuetainment YouTube channel taking complex leadership, management, and entrepreneurial ideas and converting them into simple life lessons. Toward the end of the interview, Bet-David shares his advice for getting through the current economic turmoil. He gives Joe a preview of the guidance in his upcoming book “Your Next 5 Moves.” --- This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at LESSONS LINKS SUBSCRIBE: FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: CREDITS: © 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 26 May 2020
Andrew Huberman, PhD runs a neurobiology lab at Stanford University and talks today with Joe De Sena about the brain science behind many of our moods and behaviors. How can you trigger the chemical releases, naturally with behaviors, that will help you sleep better, control stress, and achieve more? It turns out napping is great for memory, recovery, and health, that a simple breathing technique can immediately reduce stress, and dopamine can help you achieve your goals. Dive into what your brain chemicals are actually doing and how to control your internal reward mechanisms. This episode is full of invaluable tips!
This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Visit and use code: HSSPARTAN2020 to save 30% off.
LINKS Instagram: @hubermanlab
TIME STAMPS 0:00 Sefra + Joe social distance intro this episode 1:15 HONEYSTINGER.COM intro 2:30 Neuroscience of napping 3:30 changing your brain & 3 types of rest 5:00 Slow wave sleep + deep recovery 6:00 Carwash for the brain 7:20 How to sleep better 8:20 Behvaior diet + supllemnation 9:20 Setting biological timers 11:40 why to avoid bright lights at night 14:30 benefits of evening light 16:20 patterns of 24 hour cycles 17:20 how diet effects sleep 19:20 Is melatonin good? 23:20 Fasting + it effects on sleep 24:45 Yoga nidra + respiration patterns 26:30 HONEYSTINGER.COM break 30:30 Working with military communities 34:00 Neural burn rate + neuro-chemicals 36:30 internal reward mechanisms 38:40 The how. 40:45 Gratitude vs. compliancy 43:30 Dopamine Reward Prediction error 47:15 Stress mitigation + horizon viewing 48:30 Optical flow 50:00 De-stress breaths 51:15 Joe + Sefra debrief about neural lessons learned 56:45 HONEYSTINGER.COM close
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena & Sefra Alexandra. Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye are currently social distancing. Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty
© 2020 Spartan |
Sat, 23 May 2020
Anthony Constantino is the co-founder of Sticker Mule, one of the fastest growing internet companies. They count Microsoft, Netflx and Twitter among their clients. In this episode, Anthony talks about how to use principles to guide decision making. Enjoy it folks!
Find out more at
SUBSCRIBE: Apple Podcasts: YouTube: Google Play:
FOLLOW US: Spartan Combat: Spartan Up on Instagram Spartan Up on Twitter
© 2020 Spartan |
Tue, 19 May 2020
Fitness entrepreneur Hannah Eden, founder of PumpFit, arrived in America with a wild, dark destructive party streak. When she found CrossFit she was able to translate that obsessive behavior into something healthy and positive. Later she created her own program, accessible to all, called PumpFit. Hannah used painful events in her life to fuel her, pushing her limits in challenges like a human-powered 828 mile trip around Iceland. Today she is determined to help people become their best by using their energy effectively to attract attention positively and NEVER QUIT! How do you get started? Find a protocol - make a plan the night before for the day ahead, structure will change your life! Enjoy this episode, forget excuses, and always take time to focus on you!
This episode is brought to you by Honey Stinger. Visit and use code: HSSPARTAN2020 to save 30% off. LINKS TIME STAMPS