Tue, 17 August 2021
Sports teams have been using data to select new team members for decades behind. Today Mike Zani talks about how you can use personality based data to hire, manage and maybe even parent better. MIKE ZANI is the CEO of The Predictive Index, a talent optimization platform designed to help businesses create high-performing teams and culture and make more objective hiring decisions. Zani is also an avid sailor and coached the 1996 US Olympic Team. His new book is called “The Science of Dream Teams.” “The Science of Dream Teams.” https://dreamteams.io/ This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Nutrafol. You can grow thicker, healthier hair without a prescriptionNutrafol is physician formulated to be ONE HUNDRED PERCENT drug-free. They use natural, medical-grade botanicals in consistently effective dosages so you get the most reliable results. Save fifteen dollars off your first month’s subscription by visiting https://nutrafol.com/ and using the code SPARTAN
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CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Host: Joe De Sena Sefra Alexandra, Johnny Waite & Colonel Nye will be back soon, we miss them!
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