Sat, 2 October 2021
“‘Let's go for a walk, you know, let's go for a run.’ And whatever she could do, if she couldn’t run, she’d walk. If she couldn’t walk, she’d do something else. And she always put an adventure on her calendar so that when she was going through her chemo, she wasn’t just a cancer patient, she was a mountaineer in training, or she was, you know, training for her next adventure race or ultra run,” says Robyn Benincasa regarding her friend, Louise.
This week, we’re continuing our Classics with some conversations that help us understand how to live life in a way that makes us happier. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes, Cornell Happiness Expert asks if Money Can Buy Happiness Episode 032: How Adventure Transforms You - Robyn Benincasa Episode 02:
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at
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CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Living_Through_Experiences_ENDURANCE_Classics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |