Wed, 24 October 2018
Shame is a focus on self, whereas guilt is a focus on behavior. When we use language that is self-deprecating and shaming in nature our self-esteem struggles. Shaming language, such as “I’m a failure”, “I’m an idiot”, “I’m a loser”, creates a belief system that our struggles are inherent to who we are and fixed rather than demonstrations of difficult moments in time. It’s important to transition from shaming language that focuses on self to ways of thinking and expressing that is more focused on behavior. In doing so, not only will you be more available to growth but you won’t feel as hopeless about change. LESSONS:
FOLLOW SPARTAN UP AND DR. L: CREDITS: Production Team: Heather Knox, Knox Creative; Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2018 Spartan |