The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena
Dina Kaytser, "Babushka," survived the holocaust by a twist of fate.  Her family was sent to Stalin's camps in Siberia during World War II and it saved her life. How was it, she says not that bad.  Today she offers two essential pieces of advice - Never Complain, and believe in LOVE.  


She and her granddaughter, Jessie Kanzer, join Joe De Sena, founder, and CEO of Spartan, on the podcast today to talk about Putin, Ukraine, Siberia, and most important - resilience.


Dina Kanzer is the grandmother (Babushka) of author Jessie Kanzer, more about Jessie:

Her website

Her book

Joe De Sena’s Parenting book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”


The Tough Bible - the best information from Spartan Up all in one place 

Be ready for ANYTHING - download the free book


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Producer – Marion Abrams,

Host: Joe De Sena


© 2022 Spartan


Direct download: 410_Babushka_LEV.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST