The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

The Freemans have a family mantra. It reads “I’m smart. I’m strong. I’m beautiful. I can do anything.” Parents David and Mechelle crafted the mantra for their kids, one of the many topics we cover in today’s SpartanUp DEKA Series episode where hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp talk with the Freeman’s about…

-Mechelle’s journey to leaving her job to train full-time for the Olympics

-The moment David realized his purpose and how you can find yours too

-The difference between a motivator and a maximizer

-Mechells’ process for attaching discipline from her athletic career to her role as a parent

-The five pillars for success: mindset, sleep, stress management, nutrition and movement

About the Freeman’s...

David Freeman is a health and fitness professional with 10+ years in the fitness industry. He is the National Program Leader for Alpha Training with Life Time The Healthy Way of Life Company and has been featured on the cover of Experience Life Magazine, and in Men’s Health and Men’s Journal Magazine.

Mechelle Freeman is a 2008 Olympic Sprinter and is a speed and mindset coach helping to optimize mind and body performance. She is the Assistant Relays Coach for USA Track and Field National Teams and is the Founder of TrackGirlz, a nonprofit organization empowering girls through track and field. David and Mechelle are parents to Bayne (7) and Harley (5), and live in Frisco, TX. 

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Producer: Ryan Warner

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan


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Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST