The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

Advice from 20 EXPERTS in medicine, mindset, food, business and mindfulness. To the Spartan Community, globally we are facing an obstacle like never before and never has it been more important to remember and implement all the resiliency lessons we have learned over the five years of doing this podcast. In this special episode we check back in with experts across the fields of physical, mental and medical wellness to give you the best tools for your toolbox to accept and adapt to this challenge. The overarching message is to stay informed, but still stay productive! Do the projects you have been putting off, celebrate this time with family and loved ones, harness new skills like cooking at home or designing your own home workout routine. 


These experts have excellent advice that will give you great strategies to implement a healthy and productive response to this pandemic. Don’t be scared be prepared! And don’t forget to breathe! 



Dr. Paul Kilgore,(Quantitative-Health) Jonny Waite, Anthony Trucks (Identity Shift), Mike Bledsoe (The Strong Coach), Sarah Lipton (Genuine), Dr. Lara Pence (Chief Mind Doc & Licensed Clinical Psychologist), Katie Jones (Food Heroes Podcast),Joe Polish (Genius Network), Ben Greenfield, Dr Danielle Roberts,MD, Dr. Jen Welter (First female NFL coach), Brian Johnson (Optimize), Sefra Alexandra, Anders Varner (Barbell Shrugged), Zach Even-Esh, Shana Lee (The Soul Frequency), Laura Gassner Otting (limitless), and Charlie Engle. 


Obstacle immunity is a credo of this community and together we will adapt and overcome! Help each other, protect yourself and Wash Those Hands! 


Thank you for listening, to Charlotte Miles for recording a message from Joe desena in Sparta Greece and to Carrie from Yaya podcasting for help with the edit. Thank you also to the experts whose tips we were not able to get into this episode and to all of you for listening and doing your part.  Let us know what you think, should we do more episodes like this? We’re easy to find on twitter @SpartanUpPod and instagram at @SpartanUpPodcast


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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Field Recording - Charlotte Miles

Additional Audio Editing - Carrie from YaYa Podcasting

Host: Joe De Sena, Colonel Nye, Dr. Johnny Waite & Sefra Alexandra are doing immunity burpees & washing their hands :)   

Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress 

Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty


© 2020 Spartan

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Category:general -- posted at: 7:16pm EST