The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

A marketing genius, a renowned connector of the elite, carpet cleaning taught Joe Polish everything he needed to know about business. But there’s much more to the story. Joe is best known for his his Genius Network, a meeting of industry transformers. He is known as the master connector. In the interview he also discusses his path from a troubled childhood of addiction and abuse in which connection was hard to come by and what he’s doing now to help addicts of all kinds.

Lessons: 1. Doing things the hard way, selling something as dull as carpet

1. Doing things the hard way, selling something as dull as carpet cleaning, can pay off with expertise and strength.

2. When you take the human mind from one level to another you are being entrepreneurial.

3. Addiction is a connection disorder, what you do when you don’t feel safe in the world.

To learn more about Joe Polish and his passion projects, please visit:

CREDITS Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, & Dr. Delle Synopsis – Matt Baatz © 2017 Spartan

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