The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

Will lessons learned behind the desk transfer to physical challenges? This week’s guest says yes! When you stop climbing corporate ladders, what do you climb next? For Vanessa O’Brien the answer is almost everything! The more difficult the better. She applied what she learned in the challenging environment of the Fortune 500 to the natural environment in a dramatic way. The extreme conditions taught her valuable lessons about happiness and success. Growing up, she was thrust into a challenging situation as well. Learn how O’Brien has combined all these life lessons into a satisfying and productive life.


1. Three S’s of success: speed, simplicity and self confidence apply as well on the mountain as behind the desk.

2. Try something new, make a change, you can always go back.

3. You will fail, don’t panic. It just means you’re going to succeed.


Vanessa O'Brien | Mountain Climber, Explorer, Speaker Vanessa O'Brien Breaks Explorer Record 


CREDITS Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, & Dr. Delle Synopsis – Matt Baatz © 2017 Spartan

Direct download: 153_SUP_edit_Vanessa_OBRIEN_LIBSYN.mp3
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