Sat, 6 November 2021
“He said, ‘No, no. Not to my boss.’ I heard him say it. I said, ‘Hassib? Is that you?’ He said, ‘Yes.’ I said, ‘Can you help me?’ He said, ‘What I can do to help you?’ So, I gave him three names, let them look, because nobody knew I was there. Two hours later, they told me that I was lucky they didn’t find anything on me, they have orders to release me,” says Karim Jaude, who escaped Lebanon in 1976 during the Palestinian insurgency, went to Iran until he was forced to leave in 1979 because of the Iranian revolution, and finally to L.A. to continue his success in real estate.
This week’s classic episode shows how much your life can change just because of the people you know and how you get along with them. In this episode you’ll learn…
If you want to watch the full episodes, How Non-Negotiables Can Facilitate Success with Elizabeth Weil -
He was Kidnapped Tortured and Robbed Then Rebuilt Life On $17 ep.051 -
SPONSOR This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by 5.11, the Official Plate Carrier sponsor of the 2021 U.S. Spartan Events,
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CREDITS: Producer: Lake Watters Hosts: Johnny Waite, Joe De Sena Co-Hosts: Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye Sr Producer: Marion Abrams
© 2021 Spartan
Direct download: Elizabeth_Weil__Karim_Jaude_Endurance_Classics.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST |