Thu, 9 May 2019
Are you in it for the long game? The long haul? Many Spartans have spoken about the patience and the undaunting work ethic and determination it takes to get a taste of success let alone get to the top. Our fearless leader Joe DeSena recently made an Instagram Story on this. Gary Vaynerchuk says this on the regular, and of course, ask any Spartan Racer if they out of the blue started winning races. NO. You gotta be it in for the long game if you want to get to the top. As they say, Every overnight success story has a 10 year history (at least)!
Did you know Rodney Dangerfield got involved with comedy as a young kid but he did not start building momentum until his late 40s! That’s 30+ years of struggling and never giving up!
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CREDITS: Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc. © 2019 Spartan |