Why do we catch ourselves falling into negative talk or self-doubt at times? How do we fix this? In this episode, Zach Even-Esh talks with four-time NCAA All American Wrestler and Cornell Coach Gabe Dean about how to conquer self-doubt and negative head chatter.
- Why are you falling into the trap of self-doubt or negative self-talk?
- Failure is actually a POSITIVE thing. Failure will speak change!
- Don’t be afraid to put yourself in new situations that challenge you and perhaps cause “failure” in a positive way!
- Don’t expect success to happen overnight. It will take time, trial and error and consistency.
- Hold yourself to a higher standard so you will push through the tough times.
- Sign up for something that scares you. Now you have a deadline and something to work for and work towards!
More about Zach https://zacheven-esh.com
Read “The Spartan Way” https://www.spartan.com/en/race/learn-more/race-types-overview?article=the-spartan-way-book
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Zach’s STRONG Life Podcast https://apple.co/2vFaCv1
Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.
Host & Show Notes: Zach Even - Esh
© 2019 Spartan