The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

“See, dreams ignite inspiration in your heart. And inspiration is different than motivation. As most of us know, inspiration is inspired. In spirit, inspire means in spirit. So if you could ignite your spirit, and all of a sudden now, it's like you're ignited by a dream to feel a certain way, or get out of pain, physically or mental pain” says Todd Durkin, Motivational Speaker, Personal Trainer, Best Selling Author and Life Transformer.

Yancy is on the road, so Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series host Jarod Cogswell is joined by Todd Durkin to wrap up the final episode of the new 4 part mini-series, Winning the Mind Game.  During this mini-series, the guys will address overall well-being and how to unlock the doors holding us back in our minds. This episode is about how to get your mind right when you’re mentally stuck in a dark place. In this episode you’ll learn about:

  • Mental and emotional conditioning


  • When life works best, what are you doing?


  • The Hall of Fame mindset of the athletes Todd has worked with


  • Developing discipline and getting energy to ignite your spirit


If you enjoyed our conversation, make sure to check out Todd’s book, Get Your Mind Right


Connect with Todd on social:

Instagram - @ToddDurkin

Facebook - @TodddurkinFQ10

Twitter - @ToddDurkin

Website -


Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancy’s Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by DUROLANE, a single injection that may provide up to six months 1 of relief from osteoarthritis knee pain. Risks can include general knee pain and pain at the injection site. You can see full prescribing information at


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Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

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Producer: Lake Watters

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Todd_Durkin_7-29_Release.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST