The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

“If your workouts aren’t enjoyable, it’s time to make a shift because you are so much more likely to stay with a training plan if you enjoy it, '' says Yancy Culp, co-host of the DEKA Series Podcast.  

Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts’ Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp embark on part two of their five-part series titled “A Life Fueled by Fitness.”  During this mini-series, the guys will help you get off the roller coaster of fitness, find your purpose and reframe how you think about training. In this episode you’ll learn:

-How do you find the right fitness for you? 

-What are the most important questions to ask yourself when picking a gym or workout class?

-How to overcome the initial nerves that hit anytime we walk into a new training environment?

-How to increase your training consistency by choosing exercises that mirror activities that you already enjoy?

Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 

-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancys Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT


This episode of Spartan Up is brought to you by Amazfit.  Head to Us.Amazfit.Com/Pages/Spartan to save $40 on a custom bundle . Offer valid May 18-May 31.


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Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast

Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod



Producer: Ryan Warner

Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp

Sr Producer: Marion Abrams


© 2021 Spartan



Direct download: DEKA_LFBF_Ep_2.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 5:30am EST