The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

Guest host Patrick Sweeney, the Fear Guru, is back for week 4. Now it's time to use neuroscience for peak performance. It doesn't matter if your career is on the line, or you're playing for the club tennis championship - choking is part of competition. It's your body's biological response to stress that can all too often derail you from your ultimate goal. Patrick explains the neuroscience behind why this happens and gives you several proven strategies you can put to work today to help use fear as fuel for your peak performance. #FearIsFuel

Learn More:
Patrick’s latest book at
Patrick on Instagram @TheFearGuru
Spartan Up Podcast on Instagram @SpartanUpPodcast

Take Patrick Sweeney’s “Fear as Fuel” course on the Spartan Edge educational platform FREE because you listen to the Spartan Up podcast! Go to then click REDEEM in the top menu, enter the code PODCAST and create a new account.

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Producer – Marion Abrams
Host: Patrick Sweeney

© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: FEAR_4_REVISED_1.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST