The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

“How many times have we heard, 'Well, back in the day, I mean, I was just running and gunning. I can't do that anymore.' Listen, where you are right now, you're okay where you are right now. We're asking you to set-- just to say, ‘Listen, I'm going to start being selfish. I'm going to say I'm pausing. None of it matters,’” says Yancy Culp, co-host of the DEKA Series Podcast.


Spartan Up Podcast, DEKA Series hosts Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp keep the podcast to themselves today in an episode about being selfish with your time. In this episode you’ll learn about:


  • Finding time for yourself, no matter how busy you are
  • Taking care of yourself in order to take care of others, and how other people will benefit from your individual health and wellness
  • Exercise pushes you to maximize your performance, in every aspect, every day
  • Listing the things that make you feel good, and then creating a road map/schedule that you will complete regularly with no excuses

Connect with Jarod and Yancy on social, and attend a DEKA event: 


-Jarod’s Social: @jarod_cogswell

-Yancys Social: @YancyCulp

-Race a DEKA Event: DEKA-FIT

Also make sure to check out Joe De Sena’s new book “10 Rules for Mental Toughness for Families”



Apple Podcasts: 







Spartan Up on Instagram: @spartanuppodcast


Spartan Up on Twitter: @SpartanUpPod






Producer: Lake Watters


Host: Jarod Cogswell and Yancy Culp


Sr Producer: Marion Abrams

© 2021 Spartan

Direct download: DEKA_Be_Selfish.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST