Sun, 7 April 2019
One in three adults in the U.S. don’t get a good night’s sleep. Some reasons might be physical problems (like apnea) or mental distress. But for many, it’s simply bad habits. Here are five easy ways to improve your chances for restful sleep. WHAT WE TALK ABOUT Number 1: You’re Using Electronics Right Before You Fall Asleep Number 2: You’re Drinking Caffeine Within 3 Hours of Sleeping Number 3: You’re Eating Right Before You Go To Bed Number 4: Your Bedtime Is All Over The Place Number 5: Your Bedroom Is Too Warm In short, pick a time to go to sleep, wind down before that time, and don’t let distractions like eating or talking on the phone get in the way of winding down. You’ll likely wake up rested, recharged and ready for the day ahead!
KEY TERMS & IDEAS One in three adults in the U.S. don’t get a good night’s sleep. Some reasons might be physical problems (like apnea) or mental distress. But for many, it’s simply bad habits. These habits are easy to change. In this podcast, we look at six bad habits that many people fall into. Circadian rhythms are physical, mental, and behavioral changes that follow a daily cycle. Deep sleep is a time of nearly complete disengagement from the environment (Psychology Today).
LINKS & RESOURCES: Follow Dr. Nada on: Linkedin
“Is Your Smartphone Ruining Your Sleep,”,, accessed January 2019. Harvard Medical School, “8 Secrets to a Good Night’s Sleep,”, accessed January 2019. Amanda MacMillan, “20 Things You Shouldn’t Do Before Bed,”,, accessed January 2019. John Cline, “The Mysterious Benefits of Deep Sleep,” October 11, 2010,,, accessed January 2019.
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