The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

Bruce lives where fighting and business converge. With a background as an executive level headhunter and a youth spent in the boxing gym, he’s translated those tactics into building champions. The renowned boxing coach sits in the podcast ring this week with Joe De Sena and discusses the keys to coaching to glory, rebuilding them after loses, and the importance of vulnerability. What it comes down to is the Law of Outcomes: “ the amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice you make must be equal to the goal you wish to achieve.” Bruce is the guy you want in your corner!

Work hard, pay attention & listen
Be an active observer
Keep notes!
Follow your passions
The key to coaching is connection
Humility and empathy are worthy traits
“Deserves” got nothing to do with it
Be vulnerable in life
“Law of outcomes: the amount of pain, suffering and sacrifice you make must be equal to the goal you wish to achieve”
Have a vision for yourself- success is an exclusionary process
There is no easy path- be willing to suffer for your dream


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1:20 Interview begins with Joe & Bruce
1:50 A passion for boxing & fighting
3:30 A history of coaching
4:30 The warrior spirit
6:30 Working hard & paying attention
7:30 An informal apprenticeship
9:00 Balancing the office & the gym
10:00 Becoming a warrior in business & the ring
11:00 Keeping notes on what you learn
12:00 Boxing as a tool in coaching
13:00 Importance of connection in coaching
14:20 How to keep humility
15:40 Shady Rays Sunglasses break with Zach Even - Esh of the Spartan Way
17:25 Interview continues with tears & temper
19:00 The repercussions of “losing”
22:20 Rebuilding an athlete
25:45 “Deserves” got nothing to do with it
26:55 Going through the grieving process- can you bring an athlete back from the brink?
28:00 Dealing with being in the public arena
31:10 Being vulnerable in life
32:00 Law of Sacrifice
33:00 The exclusionary process of success
34:30 Doing the thing that is “true” to you
36:10 The panel discusses the great Babashanisms
43:45 Shady Rays Sunglasses close

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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.
Hosts: Joe De Sena, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Nye, Johnny Waite & guest host Isaiah Vidal
Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress
Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty

© 2019 Spartan

Direct download: 254_BRUCE_BABASHAN_LIBSYN_01.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST