The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

Starting Health Warrior, a business borne out of a passion for health and fitness, moved Daniel Gluck away from Wall Street. He seized the opportunity to fill a niche in a food industry dominated by overly processed and high sugar offerings with healthful chia based alternatives. He was inspired by the legendary Tarahumara Indians who, fueled with chia seeds, are the ultra endurance runners described in the book “Born To Run.” Gluck talks about what it takes to build something from scratch and how building this business changed his life for the better.


    1.    Follow your passion even if it means struggling through hardship to find it.

    2.    Celebrate the wins; don’t dwell on the losses. 

    3.    Focus on the big picture of how it’s going to work without getting mired in the day to day problems.

Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.
Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra Alexandra, Col. Tim Nye, Dr. Delle & David Deluca
Synopsis – Matt Baatz
© 2017 Spartan

Direct download: 128_sup_Daniel_Gluck-FULL-LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST