The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

This week’s podcast features two Silicon Valley entrepreneurs, Christian Johnson and Chad Grills, disrupting the world of business. Johnson started Fotition a platform to unite brands people and charities to create a positive social outcome. He arrived at this idea by following  his lifelong mantra, “creativity will save the world,” which lead him to a vocation that will leave a legacy. Grills, a former Army infantryman, took note of better ways to do things during deployments in Egypt and Iraq and channeled them into a sharing and trading service for business assets called He discusses the ways he has used the challenges of the military and life to overcome obstacles.


1, The problem is the solution (permaculture principle).
2, Learn to love the word no. Turn it into an opportunity to overcome challenge.
3. Ask yourself if you are living up to your life’s mantra and serving the greater good.

Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.
Hosts: Joe De Sena with Johnny Waite, Sefra, Col. Tim Nye, Delle & David Deluca
Synopsis – Matt Baatz
© 2016 Spartan

Direct download: 118-SUP_Grills_and_Johnson-LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST