The Hard Way With Joe De Sena

Steven Pressfield, author of "Gates of Fire," War of Art," "Warrior Ethos" and many others tells us what we can learn from the original Spartans and how to overcome resistance in everyday life.

One of the first things Steven Pressfield learned in researching his book Warrior Ethos is that the Spartans were serious about their laconic ideals. To his knowledge, they wrote a grand total of twenty four words about themselves so Pressfield had to rely on hearsay and poetic license to flesh out that  portion of his tome. But, fortunately, the actions of the Spartans spoke volumes, imparting valuable lessons on honor, determination, discipline and overcoming adversity. Pressfield harnessed these lessons when faced with the challenges of a blank writing page and the ultimate obstacle, a resistant mind.

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1.  Honor yourself.
2.  Embrace Adversity.  The harder it is the more you get out of it.
3.  When you wake up, expect the negative force of resistance.  Be ready and conquer it.
Panel Notes:
Joe Desena: Before you listen in here you should look Steven Pressfield up and find out who you are listening to. He is an incredible author and writes about things we care about-- how to push through, succeed in the face of adversity, deal with life's daily challenges…oh,  and he is the preeminent expert on Sparta!

Col. Nye: Historically, Spartans got a bad rap. They thought of brutish thugs but they have a lot to offer today’s world.  Current society could learn from Spartan mindset, focus, philosophy, expression of honor, soldierly honor, and grit.  Modern peoples are lost and need an identity. They need honest pursuit and need to face adversity.  The voice of resistance is always there.  Expect the negative force. It’s relentless; it must be defeated.

Sefra Alexandra: "All warrior cultures start with a great man. In ancient Sparta, that man was Lycurgus. He took the city from a normal society and made it into a warrior culture." Warrior Ethos: Ch. 12 “How the Spartans Became the Spartans”

Hmm... Joe Lycurgus DeSena... has a nice ring =]

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