The Hard Way w/ Joe De Sena

Have a question for Joe or anyone on the Spartan Up team? Here is your opportunity. Voice message or text 1.917.924.3002 and we’ll answer the best questions in another Q&A episode. This is a quick episode with some powerhouse advice from the gritty man himself. As Joe says, any day we get to wake up on this side of the dirt is a good day! Enjoy - smile - move that needle forward in your endeavors and send us your questions! Make them hard ones- Joe’s up for the challenge! 



  1. It takes a village: include others in teaching your children
  2. Spend time with those close to you in the present 
  3. Burpees get rid of anxiety
  4. Stick with the things that matter 
  5. Move the needle forward on a daily basis
  6. Spend your time going after the big “game” 
  7. Cash is king
  8. Investing: wait till there is “blood in the streets” 
  9. Involve customers in funding your product/ service 
  10. In a difficult challenge: dust off & move forward 
  11. Make sure to smile 



Want to ask Joe a question yourself?!

Text or Voice message 1.917.924.3002



Reminiscences of a Stock Operator by Edwin Lefèvre

Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill



0:00 Joe wants your questions! 

1:30 How do you get your kids to listen to you? 

2:10 What would you change from the past? 

2:30 More countries in the Midwest? 

2:50 How do you deal with anxiety? 

3:00 How do you remain focused? 

3:50 Why did you join social media? 

4:30 Best financial advice? 

5:15 Don’t chase the ridiculous bubbles- wait till there is blood in the streets!

5:50 Creative ways of raising money?  

6:15 How to overcome bankruptcy? 

6:30 Send us your questions via voice texts: 1.917.924.3002


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Producer – Marion Abrams, Madmotion, llc.

Host: Joe De Sena 

The Colonel, Dr. Johnny Waite & Sefra Alexandra are there in spirit !  

Synopsis – Sefra Alexandra | Seed Huntress 

Production Assistant - Andrea Hagarty


© 2020 Spartan

Direct download: 291_SUP_JOE_DESENA_Q_AND_A_LIBSYN.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 4:30am EST